
1: A Day Before Mating Ritual

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Ugh! "Shut it!"

"Rozella!" That's my mom screaming at the top of her lungs telling me I better wake up or she will come and throw her shoe at me. I mean come on who does that to their children? Well my mom does. Ugh! My life sucks.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" The door opened and my brother came in telling me what I should do. "Roze, you should wake up early and help mom with breakfast, also we have to pack and remember what is tomorrow."

"Ugh! Do I have to? Why can't a girl get her beauty sleep? I don't give a damn about that mating ritual! I will rather be a lone wolf."

"You don't have a choice. Now go take a shower and come down the stairs. Mom make your favorite Pancake."

"Fine! Now leave!" I slowly got out of bed as my brother left the room. I know most of you are thinking why am I talking to my brother like that? Well that is how we work. I may seem disrespectful, but that's just how we talk. I love my brother and respect him.

I got to the bathroom and did my business. Then open the hot water and let it rise. I usually like my bath with rose petals but today I am feeling something different so instead of rose petals it will be a bubble bath.

After what seemed like 30 minutes I got out of the bathtub and wore a crop top with shorts. I also curl my hair. Once I'm ready I got my shoe and went downstairs.

As I enter the dining room, the smell of pancakes fills the room. "Morning everyone" I greeted them, trust me if I don't my mom will give me this whole lecture about greeting family members when you wake up.

"Morning sunshine." My dad greeted me followed by my mom and brother. "Are you ready for the day?" My brother Lucien questioned me. "Of course it couldn't be any better." I answer sarcastically rolling my eyes at him. "I know this is a lot to take in, but it's your responsibility to follow the rule." "Does following the rule mean ignoring your own wish?" I question my brother. I don't know how he is all calm about me having to leave the house soon, and when I mean soon it's tomorrow. "I know you don't like the idea of mate, but who knows you might find someone who will cherish you." My brother counters. I was going to argue back when there was a knock on the door.

I went and opened the door. There she is standing right infront of me. My only best friend Lydia Snyder Castillo. "Hi girl." She greeted me. I greeted her back. "Come in, you're right on time for pancakes!" I cheerfully tell her. "Yes! Food." She yelled.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" She questioned me. I give her the you already know look, and that stops her from questioning me more. "Have you already packed Liv?" That's what I called her. She nodded. "Ugh! I haven't even started yet." I whined. "I will help you after breakfast." "Thanks Liv." "No need, that's what friends are for."

After breakfast, we went to my room and started packing my clothes and any necessity I will need. It takes me about a few hours to pack everything. I was sweating by the time I finished. I don't really have a lot to pack, but my room is a mess. I was cleaning while packing so I was tired by the time we finished. "Thank you for helping me Liv." I thanked her then went downstairs and grabbed 2 cups of orange juice for me and Liv.

"Um.. Jae?" As I entered Liv called me, more like a question. "Yes Liv is something wrong?" I asked her worriedly. I know about my best friend and usually she isn't like this. If she needs something she just asked for it without thinking twice. Now she is giving me an unsure look.

"You can tell me anything Liv." I reassured her.

"Um...you know how tomorrow is the mating ritual?" I nodded for her to continue. "I am nervous that Chris will pick someone else rather than me. I mean I know we've been dating for a long time but I am afraid that he will change his mind when he sees someone better than me."

"Oh Liv! You gotta be kidding me. You are a wonderful girl. You are kind. You are perfect just the way you are. If he chooses someone else then it's his loss. Don't be afraid, if he doesn't choose you, someone else will and I am sure he will be better than him."

"Now forget about that and let's go to starbucks and have a girls day." She gave me a weak smile and nodded. We went downstairs and I grabbed my car key and went to the garage. I am not a big fan of cars, but I keep up with the trend.

We got in my galaxy Lamborghini and drove to starbuck. After starbuck we went to the mall. We went to Victoria Secret, Forever 21, Louis Vuitton,Supreme, ect. By the time we finished we had like 20 bags of clothing and accessories. Great! More Packing that needs to be done. Lastly, we went to a food court and bought Pizza.

We went back to my house and we watched comedy shows that were airing to let go of all the upsetting shi*t that has happened so far.

By the time we finished it was already 5 in the evening. We decided to pack up the last piece of clothing we bought today. Once we finished my room was pretty empty.

We went down for dinner after packing everything else that was left. I asked Liv to stay over tonight since it might be the last time we saw each other again. For dinner we had lasagna. Which was tasty.

After that it was just me, Liv and my brother talking with each other. "Are you feeling about tomorrow?" My brother asked me and Liv for the hundredth time. It's like he could never get tired of asking the same question.

"I am pretty nervous." Liv answered. "You will be fine, don't worry." My brother assured her. "Could we talk about something else, I had enough of this talk." I argue. I swear if Liv's was older I would ship her and my brother. I don't really care about age but her being my best friend just makes things complicated.

After what seemed like hours of talks, we all went to bed. "Yeah! Can't wait for tomorrow." I sarcastically yelled.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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