
Alpha King's Dark Love

Her simple lonely life turns upside down when she is pulled into another world only to be met with a fate that is much more cruel than the one she faced before. She is forced to marry the Alpha King of the werewolf kingdom in the place of the human Princess and unknowingly breaks the curse of Alpha King and becomes his mate. Frederick Quinn, The Alpha king, is ruthless and powerful and rules the werewolves's world. He has everything he needs and trusts only a few people. The only thing he doesn't have is a mate. The Alpha King's generation is cursed with no mate. What happens when a human that he looks down on becomes his mate? What happens when he learns her real identity? Let's get into the world of Alpha King falling in love with a human from the other world.  ---------------------------- "My mate? are you fucking kidding me?! This useless human is my mate out of all the she-wolves in this kingdom!" His dark voice echoes in the room as he argues with his wolf. I flinched and stepped back in fear, not daring to look at him. My whole body is shaking at his Alpha voice, which is stronger and scarier than anything I have heard. He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. I shot open my eyes in fear and saw his ferocious dark green eyes for the first time. It was so gorgeous and at the same time so scary, and before I could react, his words shocked my entire body. "Do you really think I need a mate?! What if she disappeared into thin air?!". Wh... What....He... He wants to kill me...? I tried to take my arm back and run from him, but his hold on my arm was painfully strong, that I stopped trying. I don't know what his wolf is telling him but his eyes shined and his lips curled into an evil smirk as he brought his face closer to mine and closed his eyes, inhaling my scent. I flinched at this action and didn't understand his intention. Then he opened his eyes and looked at me, from top to bottom, roaming his eyes around my body, making me feel naked, and replied in his seductive calm voice, "Not bad! I will accept your offer". Then said, looking at me, "If you follow my order, then you don't have to worry about getting killed. You and your people won't get a painful death. Remember this".

hannaswethaAuthor · Ciudad
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19 Chs


Frederick Quinn's POV

"Here" Alandra served me Artin with a smile on her beautiful face and it brings me back all the memories that I had with her from my childhood. She placed the crystal decanter on the table and walked back to her seat.

I took a sip, ready to feel the bitterness of the Artin, but to my surprise, it was sweet, just like the way I had before. My eyes widened as lots of thoughts crushed each other.

"Did she really make it?"

"That's not possible! She doesn't know how to make an Artin perfectly even though she belongs to Artines's race"

I raised my head to look at Alandra's beautiful brown honey-like eyes filled with excitement. She held both of her palms together in nervousness.

"Did you get this from your home?" I finally asked the one question that had been bothering me since I saw the Artin on the table. 

Her eyes widened with my question, but then suddenly, she started to laugh like she heard one of the funniest jock. I stared at her for a few minutes in confusion, but then smiled, seeing her laugh like this after a long back. 

She trained and focused a lot to be a perfect queen to stand by my side, and from then on, I had not seen her laugh like this for a long time. I don't know when was the last time that I sat down with her like this and saw her laugh freely like she was not the queen. 

She looks so bright, just like her white wolf in the night behind her as a background. Even though we are in her beautiful garden filled with beautiful flowers, she still looks so much more beautiful than any of them. She must have been happy and smiling like this all the time if only she hadn't married me and taken over the huge position of a queen. 

Slowly, she regained her composure and replied with a smile, "Why? You don't believe in my skills?". 

"You know better about yourself than hearing it from me," I said with a smile, taking another sip, as it was really better than the one that I had last time. 

"I did it after practicing for a long time. You suffered last time drinking the bitter Artin just so no one could tell that I can't make Artin like my sister and I am not a good choice for a queen," she replied with a huge smile on her beautiful face. 

Alandra's older sister, Alice Reil was given to me as a queen by her family, but I never had interacted with her and I don't want to live my life with a person that I can't trust so I asked Alandra as my queen, who doesn't even know to prepare Artin, which is the basic quality to be a queen. 

She always tried make Artin but for an unknown reason, it always turns out to be a bitter and I was forced to make a good expression while trying this so no one could talk bad about Alandra. 

"You already sacrificed a lot of things for me. I don't want you to put in extra effects for me, Alandra. I don't want you to suffer," I gave her a smile, saying this. She did a lot just to support me. 

Her smile falls, her body stiffens, and her voice deepens while saying, "I didn't sacrifice a thing here, Frederick. You know it and I know it!". 

I let out a sigh, driving the whole glass of Artin in one go. Then I turned to look at her sad face, even though I didn't love her in that way. She is still the most important person to me and it really hurts to see her sad like this. 

"Let's start the dinner," I said with a smile, trying to change the topic. I don't wanna go back to the same topic that we used to talk about over and over again for the last 100 years. 

"I told them to prepare everything that you love, Your Highness," Alandra said with a bright smile, getting up from her seat and showing everything that was prepared for me. 

My lips twisted with a smile, "Thanks a lot,".

"And sit down," I said, looking at her still standing figure. 

She sat down and we continued to have our dinner while talking about our old times and every happy memory that we have together. 

"Frederick, can you do the twilight like you used to do?" She asked, placing her spoon down and looking at me with her excited eyes.

I nodded my head, saying, "I can do better than before," snapping my finger and creating the light using my magic of dark energy. 

The flickers of light flow around us, making the entire place brighter than before by creating beautiful flashes of light like stars that are almost within our reach, but not. 

Then I created a beautiful darkness hidden behind the light that added beauty to the already beautiful flickers of stars. I let out the fires in between to give them beautiful effects.

"It's..... it's so beautiful." Alandra stood up from her seat and whispered with a smile on her face, admiring my creation. 

Only the Alpha king can use light energy with dark energy, and I learned that a lot faster than anyone in history. Alandra was my safe place, and I showed her my power before I could show it to my mom and the King. 

I paused for a second, remembering an important person, along with my parents. 

The twilight shakes a little when my concentration moves a little towards that person. Alandra ran to me in fear of the failed magic that could destroy this place. I got back to the magic and moved it to the right form while holding her in my arms to comfort her. 

"Don't be scared, trust me," I whispered as I took control of the magic and did my art in the sky for Alandra. 

"I trust you more than me, so I am in your arms then running from here," she replied with a smile, looking at my face.