




Chapter 1

I take my suitcase with me and bring it straight into my new room, my eyebrows lower on the inside and create a typical crease between my eyes every time my gaze falls on her. Having to change cabins every moment exhausts me.

She made me abandon dad...

Anna too...

Did I do the right thing by following her?

I miss my friends.

I want to hate her.

—honey can you give me my phone please?

She points at her phone on the shelf in front of me with her chin.

- okay, I replied coldly, here.

I hand him the object in question while gritting my teeth, my nostrils quiver with anger, and my gaze wanders vaguely over his blue eyes with undisguised irritation.

— darling...I'm sorry.

— I'm going for a walk, I said without waiting for his response.

I activate my legs rather than giving him time to think. while walking I nonchalantly put one of my hands in the back pocket of my jeans and then take out my Airports. I connect them to my iPhone then play Chris Brown's music.

I wander through the neighborhoods of New York humming the lyrics of the songs that pass through my eardrums every moment. my eyelids close as a metallic taste invades my mouth, I reopen them immediately by blinking. the mention of angels was marked by a wooden sign placed on a stone at the entrance to the city. Large villas lined up along my path and littered a good part of the city, each of the houses was larger than the other, and my gaze wandered over the few adults who had surely just returned from work. When I stop moving forward and crouch on the ground, a few things catch my eye. I look up, observing the deserted streets, then tie the laces of my white sneakers correctly as I stand up. The sun has barely set but there is no one outside. I will miss Colombia.

I don't like calm or darkness, but yet I wander through its streets that I barely know without ever being afraid. Very quickly the sky turns black, only the street lamps and the light of the moon illuminate the streets, I stop my nonchalant walk and then accelerate my pace, but I stop in my movement when a shadow passes quickly under the weak light of the At one of the streetlights, an unpleasant shiver runs down my spine as I take a hesitant step forward, my hands inside the back pocket of my jeans, extracting my pepper spray.

When I move forward my steps become more and more uncertain and slow, and my heart never stops racing in my chest. My breath catches when the shadow reappears again, this time, it remains planted under the lamppost, and I freeze when I hear a man's voice.

— Jace has already warned you several times, and you still crossed his territory.

Realizing that it's not me he's talking to and that he still hasn't noticed me yet, I hasten to hide behind a tree, and stick my head out slightly to observe him. I can't see it clearly...because of the poor lighting.

Another came to join him, and unlike the first man, he is much smaller and less imposing.

— I know, and I did it anyway, replied his provocative interlocutor.

Without answering him, the first man nonchalantly swallows the small distance that separated him from the second, then tilts his head back slightly and lets out a shrill laugh. a cry of fear escaped from my lips when, with a fairly rapid movement, he tore out the heart of his interlocutor. The man who spoke to him barely a second ago was now lying on the ground, lifeless.

Having spotted him, I don't linger on him and simultaneously activates my legs, starting to run, my lungs swell and my breathing jerks, I feel him on my heels which pushes me to accelerate even more. When the headlights flash 'a car suddenly starts to light me, I sigh with relief thinking I'm out of the woods, but all my hopes are dashed when the man inside this Mercedes pulls over and gets out of the vehicle casually. his dangerous aura and his imposing build made me immediately take a step backwards.

Every time he advances I step back, until I collide with the chest of the first man, trapped between the two, I blurt out in a strangled whisper:

— am I going to die?

- Do you want to die, the man who had just extricated himself from the vehicle asked me, in a smooth voice.

Under the weak light of the street lamps, I observe his very nuances, and his wild gaze which does not let me breathe properly, his green eyes with two ruby ​​pearls which shine menacingly in the darkness. His aura of dominance completely captivates me. naked, and when I think I'm about to faint I hear him whisper:

—you are mine.

Hi, I'm new to this platform, so I hope you like my story. don't forget to tell me what you think of the first chapter in the comments.

Rebecca_Gonkanou28creators' thoughts