
Alpha For Human Mate

Mate - Theo declared once more. His glee budding over into my chest. But within that same moment, the scent clears itself to reveal that the sweet aroma was coming off of a human. Once again, a human.   You have to be fucking kidding me. Before my dread can fully form, my mate begins to scream at the top of her lungs making me jump back in surprise. My eyes shoot up in alert as she screams bloody fucking murder for the world to hear, then barking begins and I release she has a dog with her. A dog which wasn't my biggest fan apparently, both of them working together to make the greatest amount of noise they possibly could.  "Woah, Woah. Hey, it's okay. Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you." I say lifting my hands in a gesture of surrender but the screaming continues. "I'm not going to hurt you," I repeat taking a step forward but that seems to only make it worse. I take several steps back, heart thumping in my chest, every cell in my body fighting against the distance I'd put between us. But it seems to help, her screaming stops suddenly when I was back to the roadside while she pants breathlessly in her place. Her pants make room for sobs, small sobs that were hidden just behind the fucking barking that wouldn't stop. I take a hesitant step forward but she just pulls into herself with a harder sob, so I quickly stop. My heart clawing at itself to stop scaring her, but I didn't know what I was doing that was making her so frightened. "N-No." She begs through her sobs. "Don't come any closer."

ris_wandi · Fantasía
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62 Chs


Damon's P.O.V

I glance down at the dog in question just in time to find her looking up at me with a look that said she thought she was fucking amazing and knew it.

I don't give the animal any attention or praise and redirect my attention to my dazzling mate who was basically skipping.

Can we get any than this?

"Then Blue gave me a ton of old records he had in his house that he claims make his ears bleed now." Will continues as we come to a crossing, an easy laugh escaping her as she looked up at me while I checked the street before tugging her forward. "I think he's just awkward with gifts and didn't know how to say he wanted me to have them."

"This Blue seems to really like you," I say slowly as I look at her, eyes narrowing as Theo whines.

Will talked about Blue a lot, talked about her boss like he was the greatest thing on the planet which, yeah, was nice, but it also made me feel uneasy.

Her adoration for the guy was a horrible reminder that Will could do a lot better than me, literally anyone else would be a step up from the fucked up shit that was engrained in me. Not to mention, he could move on without a problem, he was a human after all.

I swear every day I hate the species a little more.

Will glances up at me, his eyes narrowing as well as he studies me with intimidating focus. His lips quirk from side to side before they stretch into a doubtful smile as he pulls me to face him, stopping us from walking any further. He wraps his arms around my waist and places his chin on my chest, looking up at me with a deep frown.

"Damon Calderon," He begins quizzically, "Are you jealous?"

Was I jealous?

Jealousy was when you wanted something some else had right?

It did suck to hear her so happy about another man, made me angry and sad in a mixture I'd never felt before.

It wasn't like the one that sent me mad with the urge to rip someone's throat out, no this one was different.

This one was directed to Will, it made me want to keep her with me at all times, well, more than I already wanted to. It made my skin feel tight and my nerves skyrocket with fear.

It was horrible.

Damon, is this the first time you've ever felt jealous? - Theo questions hesitantly, as if not sure himself.

I couldn't recall a single moment in the pack where I was jealous of anyone else. Wait no, that's a lie, I have. Just never cared about it this much, never let myself think about it but this one was unavoidable.

I think so - I admit making my frown deepen as I look at a patiently waiting Wilona. I don't like it, make it stop.

I can't make it stop, I'm jealous too - Theo whines with a huff that he always made whenever we agreed on something. This sucks

So how do we answer? - I ask trying not to look too awkward as Will waits.

With the truth, lying always bites you in the ass later - Theo grumbles sounding ashamed.

"I am," I admit.

Will doesn't react in the manner I expected. No frowns, no yelling, no scolding. None of that. Will only offers me a smile that quickly turns into a wicked grin, one that is accompanied by amused laughter.

It bubbles up to the point that I wonder if I said something different than the words I intended to, that happened sometimes.

"First of all Mr.Calderon, I only indulge jealousy if it's with someone I'm dating," Will says looking at me with eyes that seemed to beg for me to make that the case, despite the carefree way she flung the words at me. "And secondly, you're jealous of an old man with a wife and kid."

With that, Will untangles herself from me, walking away with her slight skip and stupid dog at her side.

I slap my cheeks angrily to make them stop heating up as I swallow my embarrassment and rush after my mate, cursing Theo for picking the truth over lying.

I'm seriously unequipped for dealing with these penis carriers called human men.


I pull out one of the store's trolleys, pushing it for only a few inches before Will hopped in and made herself comfortable. Flipping her head back she gleams at me forcing a smile from me within moments, I hand her her bag and begin pushing.

There were a few carts we passed by in a similar state, except the ones who mirrored Will's position were under the age of nine, not nineteen.

Will didn't give a damn, smiling like if she were in paradise while I pushed her through the isles, picking things both of us needed for many future meals together.

"Can you get me some different seasonings?" Will asks as I stop in front of the section full of packaged powders and spices. "I can't usually get it cause I can't see them."

The last part she whispers as if ashamed of her condition. It made Theo howl painfully as we conjure up images of Will trying to shop alone, getting the things she could make out and not asking for the one she wanted.

"You call the name and I'll get it," I say quickly, hoping she didn't hear the way my voice faltered with pain. "Not only for spices and shit, literally anything else you just tell me."

"Okay." She obliges, her smile growing back only slightly.

"If it's easier, we can always shop together like this." I offer, knowing it may make her close off but needing to put it out there. I didn't, couldn't, leave her like that knowing I could help even if it was a little hard for her to accept.

Will doesn't answer immediately. Sitting quietly as she battles with her mind and her oppressive walls, I give her time and space, waiting patiently and quietly.

"If you don't mind doing that," She begins with a deep breathe, "then I'd really appreciate that Damon."

Hurray! - Theo cheers before breaking off into his appealing dancing.

Theo, I love the energy but the moves need to be stopped. You need to be stopped - I clarify and can't help but smile when he ignores me and keeps dancing.

Will and I continue shopping, learning one another's favorite foods and guilty pleasure. Will's being frosting in a tub, she ate that shit like it was fucking water and actually tried to fight me when I wouldn't let her get it.

I didn't give a fuck what anyone else ate, especially werewolves, our bodies pretty much combated anything. But Will was a human and they were susceptible to simple shit like mosquito bites. There was no fucking way I was letting my mate get herself caught up in that sugar one, diabetes it's called.

It wasn't her fault she was made of such a shit bred, I just had to help her live with it.

"Tell me if it gets too heavy and I'll get out," Will says as she looks around the trolley that was beginning to fill up with all our various items.

Too heavy? Please. I once won a tug of war match against all my pack warriors, me being the only one against a team of twelve. I think I can push a trolley with a pretty human and some grapes.

But you still flopped against Jayson. Pfft! - Theo snickers making me immediately shove him to the darkest corner I could find.

"I will," I say instead to Will because that was the human response, but then a laugh escapes me. "Ha, will. I will, and your name is will. I will, do you see it? The will part, the one after the I... in the I will."

"Yes Damon, I see it," Will replies with a few giggles escaping her, little giggles which build with my snorts until she was laughing hard and taking her with me. Both of us practically wheezing from two innocent words, portraying ourselves as children to all viewing parties.

My mate is the best.

I lean down when our laughter dies down, my arms resting on the bar as I push us forward, my face close enough to Will's to press a kiss to her cheek. She hums, a smile pulling at her lips as I let my lips linger there between soft kisses to the same spot.

A spot that seemed to be the center of her sweetness, my brain pulsing from the scent of honeysuckle which spread from behind her ear.

"I hate us," Will grumbles as she leans into my kisses. "I've always hated those people who are all affectionate in public and now I'm one of them. You've ruined me, Damon."

"You're the one who's ruining me," I whisper, hesitating for only a moment before outlining the rim of her ear with my tongue.