
Chapter Three

C H A P T E R 3


Connor: Zoe Ex pov

I tried talking to her in class but all she did was flick me off.. I know I messed up by kissing rebecca back after she kissed me, but I pushed her away after I realized what was happening. The fact that she was acting like it was the end of the world is just pathetic, I forgave zoe after what happened at that damn camp.


I kept throwing paperballs at her before she raised her hand and snitching on me. I drew a elephant and put Mrs.tanner by it before standing up and showing what she drew well..what I drew, "Mrs.Tanner look what zoe drew of you" I said smirking at zoe. She was so mad which made me smile. "connor please sit and stay quiet " Mrs.Tanner said in a rather loud voice, "b-but she started it" I protsted.

"I did not you were throwing paperballs at my back idiot" she said looking at me with the "i'm gonna kill you face."

"DETENTION! Both of you go wait outside by the door until class is over." she practically yelled at us. We both got up and walked out the class and sat against the door. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR DAMN PROBLEM?!" she intensely said pushing me against the locker.

"What's wrong with me? Seriously zoe? You've been fucking ignoring me since that damn night then come to class wearing that short ass skirt and shirt so don't what the fuck me" I said a bit tensed.

"You cheated on me remember ass hole? You kissed that bitch right in front of everyone with no damn problem! i'm surprised you two didn't fuck right then and there in front of the whole school. Did you forget you had a girlfriend?? Were you not even thinking about me?" she pushed me again before breaking down.

"Look at me" I told her lifting her chin up, I didn't mean to kiss her. She kissed me first and before i could process what was going on i kissed back, I never wanted to hurt you i love you"

"Love? You don't love me Connor, that's not love..and yes I remember the camp but that was months ago and we had just met damn it...what is your excuse of kissing her back?" she said pushing past me and walking away.

She was right I had no good excuse of kissing rebecca so I just get her walk away.






☆✰☆✰ Zoe Pov ☆✰☆✰

After leaving school I went straight home. I was pretty passed at Connor, how does he think he could kisser someone else then keep it a secret and expect me to be alright with it.

Unlocking the door walking inside I see the babysitter I hired changing his diaper.

I paid her and she smiled leaving.

"I went over picking him up and walking outside to get the mail, I grabbed the letters and closed the mailbox back up going back into the house closing and locking the door.

Going into the kitchen I lay zayn back down and open up the letters seeing one in particular that caught my eye.

I opened it up and it read:

"Dear Zoe Lane Hayes we here by the state of wales u.k grant you the responsibilities of becoming the full on parent of 1 month old Zayn Lee Hayes if you have any questions please call *********"

I closed the note not knowing what to do..I was now the legal guardian of a baby...how was I supposed to take care of him myself.

I paced around the kitchen sighing as I sat back down hands through my hair as I looked over at zayn peacefully sleeping.

At that very moment all I wanted to was scream and beat the living shite out of my parents how could they do this to my brother..to me. I know they didn't love me but they had a kid to take care of..and now here I am 17 and taking care if a baby.

I could feel my anxiety coming back and the angry issues, indent into the bathroom and looked in the cabinet getting my pills out and taking 2 drinking it with some water.

I came back down and got zayn bringing him upstairs into my room locking the door.

Placing him down I take my sketch book and begin to sketch a dress that came to the floor and that was a dark red color.

I spent about 45 minutes on it making sure it was perfectly drawn out so I could make that dress.

Just as I was about to get up my phone went off, looking at the caller ID it had James name on it.

Me: Hello

James: Hey

Me: what's up?

James: nothing, which is why I'm calling.

Me: oh...Well wanna come over and hang it for a bit?

James: your parents won't mind?..

Me: uh nah their not here right now

James: well alright see you in 5 minutes

Me: k bye

James: bye

I hung the phone up and saw zayn was still fast asleep so took him in his room making sure the baby monitor was on and visible; I walked over to the windows and made sure each in was closed and locked before closing his door half way.

Walking down hall way heading back to my room I head a few knocks at the room, I jogged downstairs and looked out of the curtain before opening the door letting him in.

"Hey" he said smiling and nodding his head to follow him to the kitchen.

"Hey" I replied back walking and standing against the counter watching his every movie as he looked in the fridge grabbing a beer and throwing it back before coming closer to me tucking a strand of my brown locks behind my ear.

"What happened to your leg" he asked looking down squatting and take off the bandage and looking at the few cuts and bruises I had there.

{Dirty Scence coming up..also WARNING: There may be some TRIGGERS for some people so if you read it will be at your own risk}

"I fell yesterday, nothing big" I shrugged sending him a smile as his hand moved further up my leg passing my knee, then my thigh, coming up back my area to my navel as he slowly started standing up and kissing my tummy lifting the hem of my tee up and tossing it it the side leaving me in my bra and knickers only.

"I fell yesterday, nothing big" I shrugged sending him a smile as his hand moved further up my leg passing my knee, then my thigh, coming up back my area to my navel as he slowly started standing up and kissing my tummy lifting the hem of my tee up and tossing it it the side leaving me in my bra and knickers only.

He begin to kiss the top of my breast and up my neck to my lips kissing me deeply. Grabbing my waist and hulking me closer I could feel his big member down below poking at me thigh as I move my hands down slowly unbuckling his belt and sliding it out of the hoops letting it froyo to the floor.

He picked my up as I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me upstairs to my room and backing me up to the wall lowering his head to kiss my neck again, he begin to nip at Mt skin and suck on it which I knew would probably leave a mark afterwards but didn't care. I starting lifting his shirt and he took his shirt taking it off and tossing it on the floor.

He unsnapped my bra letting it drop from my shoulders exposing my perky big breast, he took a nipple in biting and sucking on one then switching to the other as I moaned out into his ear keeping my arms around his shoulders as he begin to move down more unbuttoning my shorts shrugging them off me. I stepped out of them kicking them aside before he lifted me back up bringing his hand down past my navel reaching my hot mound before pulling my knickers to the side making circular motions on my clït making me bite my lip.

He moved his middle finger faster in the circular motion moaning louder.

I reached down and unbuttoned his jeans zipping them down letting him do the rest since I couldn't reach them. He used his feet to step out of each hole leaving him in his boxers.

Moving his hands down slower he slipped one finger in slowly moving it in and out adding in another one rocking them faster in and out as I moaned for him to put his cock inside of me.

Wasting no time he slipped his fingers out sucking on them as he pulling his boxers down and i handed him a condom as he slipped it on lining his cock up to the entrance he thrusted in me making me yeep in pain, he pulled out repeating the same action wrapping my arm around his neck.

"FUCK!, you're tight zoe" he moaned out in a husky tone fucking me deeper and harder, skin slapping against skin as he grabbed my neck slamming into my harder squeezing my neck tight as he told me to beg him to go deeper.






"GET OFF HER PRICK" I opened my eyes tears filling my eyes as I feel James being pulled off me.

I look behind him and see my brother throwing punches at James left and right. I quickly covered myself up going over to nic pulling him away from James so he wouldn't actually kill him.

"NIC STOP!" I screamed stepping in the way and to my disgrace Jame had swung to hit nic but instead punched me.

I heard more rustling as I felt my back hit against hard my mind slowly drifting away seeing all black...