
Alpha Culinary Love

In a world where omegas are at the top of the social hierarchy, Lee Jiyeon, a female chef from the 21st century, finds herself transmigrated into the body of a poor Alpha girl in a world ruled by omegaverse dynamics. Upon awakening, Jiyeon discovers she has not only inherited the Alpha body but also a marriage contract with the tyrant Yura, making matters more complicated. In this new world, Jiyeon's culinary skills are not just a passion but a valuable asset. She gains a Culinary System that helps her rise from rags to riches.

popo9074 · LGBT+
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162 Chs

Completed the mission

Jiyeon's Perspective

The next morning, I woke up with a sense of purpose. Today was the final day to complete the mission given by the system, and I was determined to achieve it. As I prepared to head to the restaurant, I felt a renewed sense of energy and optimism. Yura had already left for work, her sweet note of encouragement left on the kitchen counter, as always.

When I arrived at the restaurant, Chef Kang and the staff were already bustling about, preparing for the busy day ahead.

"Good morning, everyone," I greeted them, my voice full of determination.

"Good morning, Jiyeon," Chef Kang replied, a hint of a smile on his usually stern face. "Ready to make this day count?"

"Absolutely," I said, rolling up my sleeves. "Let's do this."

We launched into the day with energy and enthusiasm. The special breakfast menu we had introduced continued to draw in the early morning crowd, and the new lunch special—a savory beef bulgogi wrap with a side of kimchi fries—was an instant hit. Customers streamed in, eager to try our latest offerings.

By the end of the day, the restaurant was buzzing with activity, and the cash register was ringing non-stop. When the final tally came in, I could hardly believe my eyes.

"We did it," I said, my voice trembling with emotion. "We reached 200,000 won."

The staff erupted in cheers, and I felt a wave of pride and gratitude wash over me. We had achieved our goal, and I knew it was thanks to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved.

Later that evening, as I was closing up the restaurant, the familiar chime of the system echoed in my mind.

[Congratulations, Host. You have successfully completed your mission.]

I felt a surge of excitement. "What are the rewards?" I asked, my heart pounding.

[You have earned several rewards. First, a set of high-quality kitchen tools to enhance your culinary creations. Second, a new recipe: 'Seafood Paella,' a dish that will surely attract more customers with its rich flavors and vibrant presentation.]

I could hardly contain my excitement. These rewards would be invaluable for the restaurant, and I couldn't wait to share the news with Yura. As I headed home, I felt a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for the future.

Two Weeks Later

I woke up to the sweet, intoxicating scent of strawberries filling the room. My eyes fluttered open, and I immediately felt a rush of warmth spread across my cheeks. The scent was unmistakable—Yura's pheromones. As an alpha, I was highly sensitive to it, and the realization made my heart race.

At that moment, the system screen appeared before my eyes.

[The oestrus period of Yura has arrived. Take care and ensure her well-being.]

I took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anxiety and determination. Yura's oestrus period was intense, and I knew it would require my full attention. I glanced over at her, sleeping peacefully beside me, her cheeks flushed with a faint pink hue.

Carefully, I slipped out of bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. The scent of strawberries lingered in the air, making it difficult to concentrate. I knew I had to find an inhibitor to help ease her symptoms.

Returning to the bedroom, I found Yura stirring, her eyes half-open and filled with a mixture of confusion and discomfort. "Good morning," I said softly, sitting down beside her and brushing a strand of hair from her face.

"Good morning," she replied, her voice hoarse. "I don't feel so good, Jiyeon."

"I know, love," I said, my heart aching for her. "It's your oestrus period. I'm going to take care of you today. I'll get the inhibitor from your room to help you feel better."

She nodded weakly, her eyes closing again as she tried to get comfortable. I quickly headed to her room, searching through the drawer where she kept her medical supplies. Finding the inhibitor, I grabbed it and hurried back to her side.

"Here it is," I said, holding up the small vial. "This should help."

With gentle hands, I prepared the injection, making sure everything was ready. "This might sting a bit," I warned, pressing the needle against her skin.

Yura winced slightly but remained still. "Thank you, Jiyeon," she murmured, her eyes fluttering closed as the medication took effect.

"Always," I replied, feeling a deep sense of protectiveness. "I'll be right here with you."

For the rest of the day, I stayed by Yura's side, making sure she was comfortable and attended to. She clung to me, her need for closeness and reassurance stronger than ever. It was both adorable and heart-wrenching to see her so vulnerable.

At one point, she managed a weak smile. "I'm sorry for being so needy," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Don't be silly," I replied, kissing her forehead. "I'm here for you, always. Besides, I like taking care of you."

She chuckled softly, nestling closer to me. "You're the best, Jiyeon."

We spent the day in a cocoon of warmth and affection, with me making sure she was well-fed and hydrated. I prepared her favorite comfort foods—soft rice porridge with a hint of ginger and honey tea. Each bite seemed to bring her a bit more strength and comfort.

In the afternoon, Yura managed to sit up, her cheeks still flushed but looking a bit better. "Thank you for everything," she said, her eyes full of gratitude.

"Anything for you," I replied, my heart swelling with love. "How are you feeling now?"

"Better," she said, leaning into my touch. "I think the inhibitor is working."

"Good," I said, feeling relieved. "Let's take it easy for the rest of the day. The restaurant can manage without me for one day."

She nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. "I'm so lucky to have you, Jiyeon."

"And I'm lucky to have you," I replied, kissing her gently. "Now, let's get you some more rest."

As the evening approached, Yura's fever finally began to subside. The scent of strawberries lingered faintly in the air, but it was no longer overwhelming. She was still weak, but her strength was gradually returning.

We spent the evening cuddled together on the couch, watching light-hearted movies and talking about our future plans. Yura's head rested on my shoulder, and I held her close, feeling a profound sense of peace and contentment.

"Jiyeon," she said softly, her voice filled with emotion. "Thank you for today. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'll never have to find out," I replied, my heart full of love. "We're in this together, always."

She smiled, her eyes shining with tears of gratitude. "I love you, Jiyeon."

"I love you too, Yura," I said, kissing her softly. "Now and forever."

As the night grew darker, we eventually made our way back to bed. I held Yura close, her body warm and soft against mine. The scent of strawberries had faded, replaced by the comforting smell of her skin and the subtle hint of the lavender lotion she always used.

Before drifting off to sleep, I whispered, "Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight, Jiyeon," she murmured, already half-asleep. "Thank you for taking care of me."

"It's my pleasure," I replied, feeling a deep sense of fulfillment. "Sweet dreams."