
Chapter 9

With his right arm overwrought with intense, debilitating pain; the highly enraged Alpha is unable to move it for the time being … so, he vehemently wavers them off with his left arm; snapping …

“Get away from me; you two, useless pieces of shit! … Where were you when that wolf-bitch was attacking me; huh?! … Why didn’t you try to get her off of me sooner?! … Just get out of my sight!”

There wasn’t nothing they would have been able to do; they’re no match for ‘Amazon Amanda’ … even Gamma Darius – the former Chief of Security of the Moonbeam Pack – and, three of Alpha Jacob’s bodyguards had a difficult time removing her from their Alpha. And, truth be told, they are just as scared by her, as they are of Alpha Michael. So; they back away from their leader, and, huddle in the corner of the room; trying not to get in Alpha Michael’s way.

Alpha Jacob orders his bodyguards, “Take this wild thing out of here, and bring her to the detention building; then, throw her in a cage, where she belongs. Keep her there until we figure out what a suitable punishment will be.” He turns to the Gamma. “I take it, you don’t have a problem with this; Darius?”

Gamma Darius disappointingly looks at Amanda, shaking his head in shame; then, turns to Alpha Jacob. “No. I don’t have a problem at all with that.”

“Well; I do.” Alpha Michael finally gets up off the floor … where he’s been sitting this entire time; trying to ease the pain, and restore some mobility back in his arm … and, walks over towards, but, keeping enough distance to make sure he’s out of reach, Amanda; and, he scornfully leers at her, uttering a low, growl, “Wolf-bitch.”

Alpha Michael cups his hands in the small of his back, and, starts pacing about the room; getting ready to tell them what he has in mind to be carried out. A nefarious smirk emerges on his face.

“Jacob … correct me if I’m wrong … but; it’s my understanding that Amanda was the one who first found and brought that little, ungrateful rogue into your pack in the first place?”

“That’s right.”

“Interesting.” He continues pacing about. “Well, then; I’ll tell you what. Here’s what we’re going to do.” He glances back over at the still restrained Amanda, and, shoots her a malevolent sneer. “Since she seems to have the ability to find that troublesome rogue … I want her to be the one responsible for finding her again this time; and, bring her back here.”

Alpha Jacob readily accepts these terms. “Of course. We’ll put her in charge of this task; just like you wish.” Then, he offers to make further concessions. “And, if you like, to make it more convenient for you; we can have Amanda bring her directly to you at your place. This way, you wouldn’t have to trouble yourself with another trip out here.”

“No, no, no … I’m afraid that won’t do. … You see; I want her brought back here. … And … once she’s brought back here … she’ll have a choice to make.” He looks over to Amada and sinisterly sneers. “She’ll either marry me … like it was arranged for … or; she’ll be executed for treason.”

Amanda lashes out, “You, bastard! I’ll … “

Alpha Michael curtly cuts her off; using his Alpha tone, “… You’ll shut your mouth; wolf-bitch!” He walks in towards her, still keeping a safe distance though; and again, sinisterly sneers at her. “Because … if you don’t shut up … I’ll add the stipulation that if she doesn’t marry me; you’ll also be the one who has to execute her.”

He turns away from a suddenly speechless Amanda; and, walks up to Alpha Jacob. “I’ll take it these terms are agreeable with you?”

Alpha Jacob quickly looks to the Gamma. “Darius?”

The Gamma looks to his daughter; who is beseechingly looking at him to put an end to this madness. He averts his eyes down to floor, keeping momentarily silent; then, looks back to Alpha Jacob. “They’re agreeable.”

Amanda cries out, “Father; no!”

His response being, “Can the three of you get her out of here, now? Take her away.”

He stoically watches the bodyguards remove a despondent Amanda from the room; then, looks to Alpha Jacob. “Sorry about that, Jacob. Please; continue.”

Alpha Jacob nods; then, turns back to Alpha Michael. “Yes; the terms are agreeable.”

“Very well, then; I’ll be off.” He starts to leave; but, stops at the door. “Oh; by the way … in the meantime; until that mutt is brought back … I’ll be taking that maid of yours with me.”

The maid happens to be one of Beta Carlyle’s nieces. He inquires, “As … collateral?”

With a deadpan expression etched upon his countenance; he caddishly replies, “No … as a plaything.”

The valets mischievously snicker; but, are quickly silenced by their Alpha’s sudden growling. “She’s only for me. … And; don’t think I forgot about last night, either. You two will still be paying dearly for that.”

They quickly draw their heads down into their shoulders … like a turtle retracts into a shell … and, keep their mouths shut while the silently cower.

“Pardon me; Alpha Michael?”

“What is it; Jacob?”

“What about the alliance?”

“Oh, yes; the alliance. … Tell you what; what do you say we put that on the back burner until we get this matter settled.”

“Of course. … And; if we’re unable to locate Snow and bring her back here … I take it the alliance would be called off; then?”

“Called off?” He nefariously sneers. “Jacob … if that mutt doesn’t marry me … the Lightning Bolt Pack will have no choice but to officially declare war on the Moonbeam Pack.”

While Jack, Ed, and Chuck keep Rose’s attention drawn on them; Will had inconspicuously slipped off to the side, and, is now sneaking up behind her … armed with a high-grade, police, Taser in hand. And; by the time Rose realizes that Will’s coming in from behind, it’s too late. Before she can even spin around; Will fires the Taser … and, six, high-velocity, speeding electrical leads pulling fine conduit wires reach their mark within a split second; and, embed themselves within her hindquarters. Within the next split second; a high-voltage, electrical current is delivered through the wires into her body … and, Will continues delivering that current until the unyielding shock jolts Rose out of her wolf-form.