
Chapter 2

"Jayden..." I growled warningly when Kayden and others stepped closer to us. All of them remained at the same position, not daring to get any closer.

"Cassie... Cassie..." I held tightly onto her, rocking her to and fro.

"It's ok. You are safe. I'm here with you. You don't have to be scare. I'm here. I'm here." I cooed into her ears. After a while, police and paramedics came and surrounded us.

"Sir, we need to take a look at her." The person flinched the moment I growled lowly at him. Although humans do not know about werewolves, they could still sense the strong alpha aura emitting out from me.

"Jayden, you got to let go of Cassidy." Kayden went up to us.

"No. NEVER. I'm not letting her go! She's not going anywhere! She's not leaving me!" I can't accept it. She is still by my side. I'm still holding onto her. She is not going anywhere. She wouldn't bear to leave me alone. She couldn't just leave me like that.

"Jayden, she's gone."