
Chapter 31 : In Danger


I was extremely sensitive to his situation, and to what had happened to him. I wouldn’t be blinded to his pain any longer.

But just because I could see how much Jason had suffered, didn’t take away from the fact that we had all suffered. And that he had caused some of those issues.

And there were so many more things that we had to still sort through.

“Jason,” I told him softly. “I am sorry for everything that you’ve been through.”

He was close to me, so my voice barely went above a whisper. And it was the truth that I spoke. I was really sorry for every single thing that he had been through. I couldn’t imagine what it must be like, to have everything you wanted for yourself, and then have it taken away from you and given to someone else.

Jason had chosen his mate, and that had been taken from him without anything else given to replace it.