
Chapter 20 : Leaving Him


Leaving the pack lands was harder than I thought it would be.

Marcus accompanied me right to the edge. And even when we reached there, he seemed to linger. This was hard for him, too. But I had been prepared for that. I hadn’t been prepared for how hard it would be for me.

I felt a pull to the lands that I was walking away from. I felt a pull to the wolves that I was leaving. Marcus explained to me that I wouldn’t go mental like the Luna he told me about, because he hadn’t sealed our bond yet, he hadn’t marked me nor did I mark him. This gave me some peace of mind.

A part of me felt like even the moon would be different once I left here.

The Moon Goddess was strange. I could feel her influence over me. I could feel the need to transform greater under the full moon, but it was just a gentle whispering. A suggestion that was near a temptation. But it was nothing overpowering, like in all the stories.