
Alpha's Abandoned Omega

blood is thicker than water, But family doesn't mean you have to share blood

Purple_Acacia · Fantasía
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9 Chs


Third person's POV..

Laura wakes up right after she hears the noises outside of her room. She slightly pushes the thick quilt away from her body. She frowns when the daylight hit her eyelids. She blocks the light to prevent it hitting directly into her eyes and trying to get up. But she already groans in pain when she can't even touch her body. Her smooth and delicate body is covered with red and purple bruises. The bite marks and the hickeys are all over her body. She can't help but feeling nauseated as her body is really in bad state. .

She wouldn't have been like this if she wasn't lost her wolf. Werewolf's half soul belongs to their another self which is their Wolf form. It consumes the most of the power and strength of a person's body. So Wolf balances the strength of the person. But after losing it, she is more weak than normal person. That's why, her body is unable to take the pure Blood Alpha's normal pheromones pressure. Last night was intense for her.

" I need to talk bath!" Saying, she gets up somehow, she clenches her eyelids together as she feels the pain in her back. She can't move. Slowly, getting support from the bed then the couch, she walks inside the washroom. But on way to enter, she notices the bedsheet. It is covered with blood. Surely enough, this is proof that she lost her Virginity to the man who hates her but she wanted to give. After entering the washroom, She looks at the reflection of her body. She touches all the marks. She scoffs when she notices her beautiful slender figure is now looking like a canvas with cruel art.

"Hahh!! What a great fate I have! " She knows, all she can do is seeing herself being like this every day. When she is lost in thoughts, she hears a female voice from outside.

" Madam! Elder Masters want you to join the breakfast with them." The voice belongs to a beta who works for her in laws. However, attending the breakfast with everyone wasn't something she actually expected since she has no title in this family..

" OK!" She responds plainly, decides to stop being so pathetic and complete the task and leaves the house as soon as possible. She is literally fed up with her life now. After taking a long warm shower, she comes out. A set of clothes is placed on the bed, she touches it narrowing her eyebrows.

" Elder Luna chose it for you! Madam. She wants you to have this fruit juice as well" Laura steps little back startling seeing three female betas are standing behind her with smile. She is with the bathrobe but yet it's really uncomfortable with someone when she isn't properly dressed up.

" Why are you here?" She asks softly. She thought might be the servants work for their master there would be no one for her.

" We are newly appointed by Elder Luna for you. The previous servants from last night got caught for trying to mix something in your drink in order to make you unable to get pregnant. So Elder Luna appointed us replacing them!" One of them calmly replies.

Laura doesn't know that. So she looks shocked.

" Please drink it. It's good for health. There has no poison here. We will take care of you!"

Laura clenches her fist. Why are they so eager to keep her safe now? Just because she can give birth. Eight years ago, when she begged for ten minutes to save her inner wolf, no body cared. They don't even know that her Wolf disappeared because of their cruelty.

" Thank you! " She responds with half-hearted smile. She doesn't feel good about her own life now. So she doesn't care if someone wants to hurt her.

After a while.

Everyone is sitting in the dining room, Alpha Alexander and Luna Karina are sitting side by side. They look at the analog clock on the wall, It's time for breakfast but the elder Alpha and Luna have no movement to have breakfast.

" Are we expecting any guests? Father!" Alexander asks out of curiosity. His father has been looking at the door Along with his Mom.

" No. " The father replies. But everyone's attention along with the Servants who are serving the foods go on the door..

Laura is entering the room. She looks way too much beautiful today, her gracefully walking style, the dress she wears in blue, the lips are slightly pink, the proud sharp nose , long neck, the light makeup and the curly hair all of them highlights her as the unworldly gorgeous. She looks so stunning that even Beta males and Omega males can't keep their eyes away. She doesn't have any odor around since she doesn't have her wolf, yet her presence make the environment refresh..

" I apologize for being late, Mom!" She speaks softly, giving the Elder Luna a genuine smile. The Elder Luna immediately stands up and holds her hands.

" We were waiting for you! Sit down!" .

Laura knows the sweet voice is for her ability to get pregnant. Yet she doesn't mind to get this treatment until she stays here. At least this woman can save her in future if the Luna who has been staring at her with cold gaze..

" Father! Mother! What are you doing? Why is she here?" Alexander asks coldly. Obviously he nor his Luna want to see her presence here.

" What do you mean by that? Even if she is going to be the breeder, But you vowed and married her yesterday. Until your divorce, she has same right as your first wife has. " The mother replies strictly. Karina grits her teeth. She is Luna, how she could compare her with this no title concubines..

" It's okay. Alex! She is now our family. We can't ignore it. Laura! Here.. Eat some meat. You must be tired" Karina smiles fake. But her pheromones is definitely hitting different..

" Laura! Calm down. I am here and you are only my wife. Even if my parents said that" He declares without Caring their minds. Laura smiles bitterly, biting the meat. But she sits properly directly looking at Alexander's direction..

" You two don't have to worry about it. I am here because I was threatened to be here. So only one thing I want to do is giving birth and leave as soon as possible. You have rejected me and I am not that much shameless to chase the person who didn't want me. Also I have more things to do with. I don't want to involve myself with some mess!" She says advertently. Knowing that offending this family can be remarkable dangerous but she can't stop herself and being looked down by others..

Alexander's eyes sharpens with a rage. Her words aren't friendly and he hates when someone talks back to him. But he is rather calm. After all, all she said is true. She is threatened to be here to give birth of his child.. Laura then looks at the elder couple who have the same reaction as Alexander but it is little softer than his..

" I'm sorry for my words but, Mom and Dad. I am cleared by everyone about my position in this house. I am here only for one year.. So I don't want to be the homewrecker for anyone. Since Alpha and Luna think my presence as threat, I would love to have my meal in my room. Also I am an Omega so their pheromones work on me more than anyone in this house. It's suffocating." She exclaims..

Laura's words sound appealing even though she is taking seriously. The elder couple understand what she wants to mean. They sigh and sips the coffee. " Since you want that, we will provide you the best. Even if you are here for one year. You will be treated as same as us. Do whatever you want to do. We won't stop you from but don't disappoint us at the end!" The elder Alpha says calmly yet sounds strict .

Laura smiles slightly.. " Thank you. I won't.."