
Alpha’ s Pride

A trigger is all that’s needed for the darkness to take over the pure soul of Carolina. A thousand years curse thrown by The Mother of Witches on the Moon Goddess herself, falls on her most beloved children. Failing at each reincarnation to excape the curse, Carolina and Victor are the ones to break the circle and defeat evil. ….. “Carolina, my child, I’m the Moon Goddess but I guess you can call me mother .” a chuckle made her face sparkle like a million stars. “ You are home now, where everything get’s life.” She said smilling softly at me and pointing towards a small group of pups. “Here is where all of the little wolfs take life and get ready to be brought into your realm.” I looked around and everything brought me a sense of belonging, the small barks and the ruffling of the small pups made me smile and relax back into the soft grass. “ Am I dead?” I asked the moon goddess interrupting her from talking. “No my child, you are not, but I called you here because it’s time you learn who you are and make a decision for your future.” she said now frowning. Her smile dissapeared and a storm was happening in my stomach. “I don’t like the sound of that.” “ Child, you carry another wolf besides Nova in you. “ she said touching my hand slowly and placing it on her chest. Images on a white wolf with black eyes appeared in my mind, memories that didn’t belong to me were clouding my vision like a cloak and I frowned confused. “ That’s the essence of all the resentments you’ ve had along your reincarnations, you feel the pain and see the lives you’ ve lived. I’ ve been cursed, thousands of years ago by The Queen of Witches , for my daughter to never find her mate. “ … What is the faith that awaits Carolina and Victor?

strangephenomenon · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Chapter IX

Juan's pov

"Where is that kid?" I said while knowing very well she much be with that Alpha that was throwing daggers at us a while ago or better said she was running from him.

"Do you have the present ready? " Camillo said while searching in his own pockets for something. He loved Carolina very much but hardly admits it, she was making us all feel over-protective of her since she was the youngest of us and a girl to top that off. He always feared the moment she was to find her mate and I was about to break it to him, just for my own enjoyement.

" Humm, probably outside with the big and angry alpha."  His face was showing full anxiety, oh how much I love this.

"Which one Juan? Don't play with me, everyone here is angry for some reason."

Carolina came through the ceiling tall doors followed by a huge man. He was giving off power and dominance making most of the ball guests bow their heads in respect and shivers to go down their spine.

Besides the gorgeous royal blue suit he was wearing, a suit like tattoo was filling his body from his chin to his fingers, his well groomed beard was reaching his collarbones making him look like a viking and totally out of place.

"Victor!" Carmillo gasps while covering his mouth with his hand. "He's bad news Juan, very, very bad news. You know who he is? The future werevolf king of Italy, Juan. He's a cunning, cold blooded, savage alpha, he rulles almost all parts of Italy already and he's just 25 years old, that's not normal." Beads of sweat formed instantly on his forehead and it looked like he really need to drink some water.

Looking at Carolina she had a blank expression, she was in thoughts. I cannot wait to murder her with questions. I saw a waiter passing by me and I grab a glass of water for Carmillo, he was still in shock and didn't heard me while I was trying to give him the glass.

Carolina's face widened with surprise when she saw us waiting for her, me extending my arms for her to grab. A huge grin showed on her face signaling me to go towards the back of the room which I did.

I knew she followed after the growl that announced her departure from the sight of mate and in a matter of seconds I was pushed to a wall. Everyone around gasped and froze in spot, Victor was fumming and looked like his calm demeanor mask fell when he smelled me.

"Why you smell like her?" he said while sniffing me like a mad dog.

"She's my sister Alpha." I said now getting scared of him. The air was struggling to get into my lungs from the way he was holding me up on the wall from the collar of my shirt.

His golden eyes got changed in a sky blue color meaning he was back in control of his wolf. He slowly released me and arranged my shirt slapping me on my shoulders two times with a smirk on his face.

" Coglione."

What the fuck does he mean? Carolina was watching everything from behing snickering.

" Scary, isn't he?" she chuckled.

"Better keep him on a leash girl, he might murder one of us and why are you so cheery? I thought you are not interested in mate things. "

She signed and looked at me with mixed feelings on her little face. Her descriptive dimples showed up when she grinned at me childishly. " It's interesting, isn't it? I never thought I would meet my mate on my 18th birthday leave alone liking him. He's cute, I give you that but I feel there's more to it that what meets the eye." I was baffled, she's finding him cute?

"Earth to Carolina, he's anything but cute. What the hell is wrong with your eyes? "

" Oh shut up, you don't know anything." she rolled her eyes and left me stand there alone wipping the seeat beads from my forehead.


Carolina' s pov

I could feel his eyes drilling holes into my back and piercing my body when I was facing him, he didn't moved at all from his table and actually refused when a couple of she-wolfs came wiggling their tail for some attention. All he did all night was sip from his whiskey and growl at the people that were surrounding him. I knew his wolf nature wouldn't allow him to get drunk but I could swear he must've ingested a large quantity of alcohol and for sure he was drunk about now.

" Sweet little sister, let's go outside." Juan grabbed my arm and placed some material on my eyes blindind me to my surroundings. "Watch your step, we can't have you falling can we?" I hears snickers and laughter following me.

"Is this supposed to be a joke?"

"Just listen to him and walk slowly." Carmillo said obviously not being himself.

Reaching the parking lot of the palace after they took the blindfold off I was faced with a wonderful matte white Jeep Wrangler extremely tunned and converted.

" Nice car Juan, now what's the point? "

"That's yours baby sister, Happy Birthday!" Carmello and Juan both huged me and handed me the keys with a pink pom-pom as a key chain.

"I love it! "