
Aloof Enchantress and Runaway Prince Roams the Kingdom Together

In her previous life, Laija suffered all kinds of hardships. So much that she hated her life and kept wishing to die, never to be born again. This was the only wish of her heart. But after dying, she woke up in a new body which even possesses magical powers. So, Laija had been travelling the strange kingdom alone. Without any intention of befriending anyone, she quietly enjoys the solitary journey, discovering the new world at her pace. But then, along came a meddling blond haired man who claimed to be a runaway prince. Because of him, Laija got unwittingly acquainted with many people as well as lots of places. They roamed the kingdom together helping people here and there. Laija even had to make use of her wit and cooking skills. But everything did not stay simple, because of her exceptional appearance and power, which could not be kept hidden, she ended up catching the attention of the ambitious royal family in the capital. She also learns the truth of her body's identity. Despite everything, past, present and future, Laija rediscovers what it means to love and care for others and receive back the same. This new life, she had a different wish, the wish to live.

stardust_lily · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

The First Encounters

In the bustling market square of Yonvre, the townspeople were gathered around an open stage, watching the talented actors act out the scene of a popular play.

'Oh, you impressed me to no end with your fiery bravery! Your handsome visage have also tugged at my heart strings. I promise to pledge myself and my magic to you, if you will only allow me by your side.' The lady with long golden tresses and bright blue eyes said. Her lashes quivered and her cheeks reddened. The very picture of shy, irresistible feminine beauty. The crowd easily fell for her charms.

The very handsome man who was standing tall and regal, immediately sank to his knees at her words.

'I'm the one in awe of you! Your peerless beauty and your divinity, your pure love for this land and the people! You are the only one for me. I shall have no other to be my queen!'

Then, the man held out his hand to her and said, 'Make me the happiest of men, O Goddess! Let's us rule this kingdom together as King and Queen!'

'Oh, Regrandi! Of course, I will marry you this very moment!' She cooed.

'My darling Umeria, I will love you forever!'

The lovely couple shared a deep kiss.

The crowd whistled and cheered in unison. The actors turned to the audience who were all clapping thunderously. The rest of the actors also came up from the backstage and all of them bowed together. The play they had successfully performed was called 'The ballad of Umerdi. It was a celebration of the famous love story of Regrandi and Umeria, the founders of their kingdom.

All of a sudden, a voice shouted aloud.

'This is the most laughable play in the land! So corny! Those two never loved each other, you morons!'

Everyone abruptly stopped their merrymaking and looked at the person who had interrupted the joyous atmosphere.

A tall man with dirty blond hair came staggering in. He was clearly inebriated for he could barely stand still. He reached out one of his hands to the nearest wall and leaned his body against it. His face was half-covered with his long bangs, so his features were hard to see. He was dressed casually in brown pants and loose white shirt.

'Seriously, w-who i-is spreading this nonsense across the country?' He muttered incoherently.

'And you drunkard know any better? Did your wife tell you?' One of the men in the crowd jeered at him. Obviously, he was irked by the man's intervention.

'Get outta here, you useless day drinker!' Another shouted.

'That's right. You ruining the good mood here!'

'Shut up you lot! I have seen Umeria with my own eyes, she is no goddess!' The man exclaimed.

But the crowd looked at him like he had told them the funniest joke. They all burst out laughing.

'That's enough drinking for the day, bastard! Go home!' One of old men roared and threw a half-eaten apple at him hitting him right on his head.

The man was obviously being made fun of but he did not get angry. He sat down on the concrete ground unable to withstand his own body weight.

While this jesting was going, a woman shrieked all of a sudden, 'Give me back my apples, you little thief!'

A boy around the age of nine or ten was being chased around the square by the vendor who had her goods stolen.

'I caught the rascal!' One of the passersby said as he subdued the poor boy. The woman snatched the two loaves of bread from his hands then smacked him on the head.

'This is the third time you stole from me! I will teach you lessons, you thief!'

Laija had been watching the series of event unfold one after other. This place was surely the most lively town she had visited far.

She got up from her seat and walked towards the vendor and the boy. The middle aged woman raised her hand about to hit the boy again. But Laija quickly reached out and caught her hand in the air.

'I think that is enough, madam.' She said in a calm voice.

The woman turned her head and cried, 'This is none of your business! This child needs to be punished!'

Laija said looked at the poor boy who was already closed to tears. He doesn't looked a common thief. He must have had a good reason if he was stealing only food and not valuables.

Laija fished inside the pocket of her dress, underneath her grey cloak and took a shiny silver coin. She handed it to the woman saying, 'I will pay for him.'

The vendor appeared surprise at first but eventually she took the coin. She threw the breads at the boy and cried,

'This is too much, Missus!'

'Ah, just take it. Think of it as payment for all those stealing.' Laija said while helping the boy up to his feet.

'Thank you, kind Missus! Little rascal, you are quite lucky!' She yelled and then left for her station.

Laija bent down slightly to meet the boy's tear stained face. In a soft voice, she asked, 'Tell me, what is your name?'

'Domi.' The boy replied with a sniff.

'What is the matter? Why did you steal?' She asked again in a gentle tone.

Domi rubbed the tears from his cheeks and answered stuttering, 'No money... no food. My sister sick. That's why...'

Laija patted the boy's head tenderly. 'Alright, take me to your house. I will take a look at your sister.'

Domi's brown eyes widened. 'Really?'

'Yes.' Laija smiled at him and nodded.

Domi led the way and Laija followed behind. Soon, they arrived downtown and to a bleak alley. They walked through the dark, dirty pathway made up with poorly build buildings on either sides.

'We are here!' Domi cried and open the door to a small wooden house. Laija entered the room with a very low ceiling and even more narrow space. Domi went right towards the corner where a tiny bed was, a person was sleeping on it.

'Aniya, someone here to help you!' Domi cried.

A girl who looked to be in her teenage years sat up with some difficulty. 'Who?' She asked weakly.

Laija approached the bed and noticed the flushed face and chapped lips if the girl. Her body was also very thin, much thinner than her brother. When Laija reached out her gloved hand to examine her the girl pulled away, immediately shielded away her brother and taking a guarded stance, she yelled out weakly, Stay away...'

It was then that Laija realised how suspicious she might have looked covered from head to toe in her grey robe. She took a step back and uncovered the hood from her head to reveal her face properly.

'Don't worry. I mean no harm.' She said gently.

The siblings stared at her with awe, their mouth agape.

'Are you a goddess?' Domi blurted out suddenly.

Laija did not answered but chuckled at his cute reaction. She then turned to face the older sibling and said, 'Your brother was very worried about you. Let me examine your body.'

The older sibling finally gave her consent with a nod of her head. Laija sat on the bed and checked her body.

A while later, she said, 'It appears you got sick from overwork. But not to worry, I will heal you.'

Then, Laija took out the glove from her right hand. Slender, pale fingers spread out to reveal a misty white light dancing in the palm of her hand. The light brightened and steadily grew up to the size of an apple. Laija carefully brought the light and pushed it over her chest where it seems to dispersed like white smoke.

'How do you feel?'

'I, I feel completely better!' The young girl cried in surprise.

'You are really a goddess!' Domi cried again, admiration evident in his wide eyes.

'Who are you really?' Aniya asked. Her dull brown finally took to shine, amazed.

Laija smiled. 'Just someone who can do magic.'

Laija put back the grey glove into her hand. She looked at the two siblings who were hugging each out of relief and joy.

'You both are in need of a nutritional meal right away. I will make you something.' She told them.

Aniya turned to face their savior. Her eyes were wide in disbelief and tears streamed down her ashen cheeks. She questioned, 'Why are so kind to us?'

Laija gave a little smile. 'It is only fair for me to help because I can. But the main reason is that I you two reminds me of my own little brothers and sisters, that's all.'

Laija then got up from her seat and said, 'Well then, I will go buy the ingredients now. Domi, take care of your sister.'

Domi nodded in an enthusiastic manner. 'I will!'

Laija covered her head back with the grey hood and went out the door. As soon as she was out, she said in an serious tone,

'I don't know why you are following us. You better have a good excuse or else.'

'Ah, how harsh. I was only curious, I do not mean any harm.' Said a charming voice. Standing besides her, leaning on the wall next to the door, was the drunkard blond from earlier. He appeared completely sober now.

Laija ignored the tall man and steadily walked ahead. He followed behind her heels.

'I have never met a benevolent person like you! I'm very interested!' He said loudly.

Laija ignored him. But the man went on talking noisily all the way to the market square.

While she was searching for ingredients, a pretty woman appeared and caught the man's attention. He started flirting shamelessly. Laija seized this chance, she quickly paid for the groceries and walked away. She breathed a sigh of relief when she finally manage to arrived back to the place without the noisy man bothering her.

She entered the tiny room to see that both of the siblings had fallen asleep, probably out of exhaustion and maybe hunger.

She looked around and approached a corner of the room. There was a furnace and some firewoods, this was supposedly their kitchen, it seems.

Laija removed her cloak and her gloves. She tied up her hair in a bun so that it won't get in the way. Then, washing her hands in the pitcher nearby, she started prepping the vegetables on cracked wooden table.

All of a sudden, loud bangings on the door startled the siblings. Laija snapped her head to see the annoying man had returned. And now he was making wild gestures on the back of the window screen.

She left her station and walked to the door. Swinging it open, she raised her voice and demanded, 'What is the matter with you?'

For a moment, the man looked stunned. Then, he broke into a smirk and said sauvely, 'Forgive me, I was speechless at your beauty.' Then, making a cool pose, he added, 'Allow me to make your acquaintance-'

Laija immediately closed the door on his face.

This is my first work!

If you are fan of those Isekai manga with female leads taking a new chance at life, give the story a try!

stardust_lilycreators' thoughts