
Alone With My Thoughts

It's been a few weeks since the Fall Formal and Sunset Shimmer can't help but wonder why the girls are being so nice to her.

Henri_Cochran · TV
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Alone With My Thoughts

Sunset was lying and staring up at the ceiling in her bed. The room she was in, her bedroom, was surprisingly tidy unlike how it had been looking a few weeks beforehand. Before the Fall Formal, the room had been decorated with various belongings. Old crowns from past school events and her list of blackmails for the different students of CHS. Some days after the Formal, however, Sunset had sought each and every one of them out, ripped them from their stands and threw them into the closest bin she could find.

She had felt destroyed, weak and pathetic. All those months, years even spent plotting and planning to steal the crown and become an alicorn, the ruler of Equestria, all went down the drain in a single night. Of course the Princess had to follow her across dimensions and to the human world, and of course she had to have gathered up those irritating girls to stop her. She had had everything set out from start to finish and still she had failed.

That rage never left her, instead, it followed her around. In the back of her mind there it sat, politely waiting for her to burst and snap at the next person that spoke to her and yet… It never came.

That rage festered and eventually burned out until it wasn't a burning ball of fire in the back of her mind but a river of water slowly drowning her with painful thoughts.

" Was there any point in all that I did?" She would ask herself constantly. Endless thoughts as to why she had done it. Why she had to ditch her perfect life in Equestria and dedicate herself to the desire for more?

She had everything she wanted. Knowledge, power, books, a home and even Princess Celestia, her family. Yet here she was, lying in a dingy run-down apartment after chasing a hopeless fantasy.

She should have never gone to the forbidden room! Never should have asked Celestia about that STUPID MIRROR! Maybe, just maybe if she hadn't witnessed herself looking like an alicorn in the reflection and hadn't been so greedy then she wouldn't be feeling this loss.

She wonders if she had listened and just made one friend would she have changed her ways? Was that how it worked? If so Sunset swore she would build a Time Machine and go back to when Celestia first mentioned making friends. She'd go around to every young filly she could find and ask them to be her friend. She'd show interest in their games and teach them some of her magic as well. Anthing for her old life back.

She doubted that that would have done anything. She was pretty sure that would have made it all worse. Nothing, there was nothing that would change what path she would push herself down.

She had dug herself into this hole and she had no idea how to pull herself back out.

Well, saying that wasn't all that true. She did have a small idea as to how she could get out of this mess but like all her other plans she was sure this would blow up in her face.

The girls, Twilight's friends, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Apple Jack had all been acting slightly differently with her.

Sunset had expected backlash, insults dripping from their mouths, oozing like venom every time she made simple eye contact with them. She thought that Rainbow Dash would shove her into a locker when she moved by her in the hall. Rarity would pour itching powder onto her clothes during a P.E. lesson. Everything she had done to those girls she thought they would do back. It seemed that that wasn't the case though.

These girls were… Being nice (?) to her. They would give her a small smile passing by in the halls and sometimes one of them would jump in before one of the other students could cause a messy scene while trying to anger Sunset. They'd offer her a seat in the canteen when all the other students had done was stare at her and move their bags onto the empty seats.

She didn't know why they were being nice to her when all she had done was bully them all consistently. She had not once been kind to them. Never shown them compassion or even cared for their general well-being and here they were taking time out of their day to help their old bully.

She used to slam the door of the locker shut on Fluttershy. Hide her bag all around the school to the point she was staying behind afterwards to find it. Making fun of her quietness and love for animals. Ruining her confidence even more by spreading rumours about her and making Rainbow dash hate her.

She had made tormented Apple Jack for being a farmer and once even ruined her new batch of crops. She'd bullied her all for having an accent and called her poor and disgusting. Claimed that she would wash in a pig pen.

When it came to Rarity she'd taken her place as Queen of the Spring Fling. Broke her new necklaces and bracelets. Laughed at her in the hallways for her dresses and extremely pointy heels (Sunset had to admit she had felt slightly jealous of those outfits).

Pinkie Pies's baking had been either stolen or sabotaged too many times to count. Even little things like swapping out the cake mix, switching salt for sugar and cracking all the eggs before the container was even open still managed to eventually get Pinkie banned from the kitchen. Sunset remembered watching her smile slowly fall and her expression starts to waver all while she eagerly grinned from around the corner. Now when she thinks back to that she can only sigh at how she had acted.

About a year after she came to this world Sunset had found a way to kick Rainbow Dash off the track team for that year. She only had to plant a few test cheats in her locker and let the rest play out from there.

Thinking back on all of this Sunset is horrified. How could she have been this mean to everyone all because she wanted to feel special? It was truly and utterly evil. The girls had no real reason to help her.

Did they want to help her? Did Twilight put them up to this? Sunset didn't know.

But then again. What harm would it do to play along with them? She had already lost everything even if they were only doing this for Twilight, can't Sunset just pretend? Only for a while. Just until they decide to drop her. Or just possibly, they really do want to see her change.

I posted this on AO3 and Fimfiction so I thought I’d upload it here aswell.

Constructive critisicm is allowed! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Henri_Cochrancreators' thoughts