
Alone to family

its a story about an orphan girl dreamed of having a family but till now it didnt happen now she joined college let's see if her dreams come true or not.

Vini_Ashok · Ciudad
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20 Chs

Chapter -10

Dwani pov

These days, I've been feeling really happy. After so many days, I'm finally enjoying my life. I wake up in the morning, cook some food, go to college, and then work. This has become my routine, and I don't have any major worries. Vedant sir has been checking up on me often. He asks if I need anything and sometimes accompanies me because I live alone. But I haven't seen any of his friends with him. Usually, he comes alone whenever he visits me. He also helps me clear my doubts in studies. I secretly stalk Vedant sir because I kind of like him, mainly because of his nature.

Even now, when I go to the park, I make sure Vedant sir's group doesn't see me. I know that my love for him will be one-sided because Vedant sir is hot and handsome. I don't think someone like him would like someone like me. It hurts, but anyway, this is my life, and I can't expect anything more. It's never going to come true.

Today, I had a free hour, so I went to the library. I was searching for books in one of the racks when suddenly, I overheard Vedant sir's name. I listened closely to what the two girls were saying. I think they were from the second year. One of the girls mentioned that her parents were planning to visit Vedant sir's house to discuss their marriage. I couldn't bear to listen to anything after that. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I quietly left the library and went to the park, where I burst into tears.

Suddenly, I saw Vedant sir coming towards me. I tried to run away before he reached me, but he caught me and asked why I was crying. I didn't say anything. He asked again why I was avoiding him. I was shocked because I wasn't intentionally avoiding him; I had just stopped going in front of them. Then I mustered the courage to ask him if he was getting married, the most important question on my mind. He looked at me like I was some kind of alien and then burst into laughter. I just stood there, feeling like a fool. He asked me if that was why I was crying, and I just smiled sheepishly.

He told me that he wasn't getting married but that he had recently developed feelings for a girl, and he was planning to propose to her soon. My heart shattered into pieces. Anyways, I congratulated him and quickly left. I could hear him calling me, but I didn't stop.

As I entered the restaurant after college, my mind was burdened with sadness. Thoughts of Vedant, my college professor, being in love with someone were weighing heavily on me. Swathi and Niroop, my close friends, noticed the sadness etched on my face and immediately inquired about what was wrong.

Feeling the need to confide in them, I shared my troubled state and told them that I wasn't feeling well. After finishing work, I returned home without eating anything and simply slept, hoping to find solace in slumber.

Vedant pov

Lately, I've been consumed by thoughts of Dwani. She's such an innocent and selfless person, and I find myself drawn to her. I've been visiting her often, keeping her company because she lives alone. Not to mention, she cooks delicious food. But I've been keeping all of this a secret from my friends. I've made up excuses for not spending time with them, like saying my grandparents miss me, so I've been spending time with them instead. However, I know I'll have to tell my friends about Dwani soon. But before that, I need to sort out my own feelings for her.

I've noticed that Dwani has been constantly smiling and in a happy mood lately, and it warms my heart. I truly wish for her to always stay happy. I find myself going to the restaurant where she works, waiting outside for her. Once she finishes her shift, I quietly follow her back home, with her friends accompanying her. I stay hidden, following them from a distance.

But today, something was different. Dwani didn't come to the park in college like she usually does. I couldn't find her there, but just as I was about to give up, I caught a glimpse of her leaving the park. I hurried over and followed her silently. She went to the other side of the park and started crying. I approached her and asked why she was crying, but she didn't say anything at first. Then, out of the blue, she asked if I was going to get married.

I was taken aback by her question and burst into laughter. I haven't even proposed to anyone, so how could I be getting married? Who gets married at this age, especially in this century? I thought to myself. I assured Dwani that I wasn't getting married, but I did admit that I liked a girl and that I planned to propose to her soon. However, before I could explain further, Dwani abruptly rushed away. I called out to her, but she didn't stop and ran away quickly.

I felt a mix of emotions. There was something about her that intrigued me, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that she is hiding something. I had other responsibilities to attend to, so I walked towards my friend who was waiting for me. As the evening approached, I bid farewell to my friend and made my way home.

Arriving home, I greeted my parents and sat down to eat dinner with them. We engaged in our usual conversations, discussing our day and sharing stories. Despite the pleasant atmosphere, my mind kept wandering back to Dwani. I couldn't shake off the image of her looking sad earlier.

As I reached the restaurant where she had been with her friends, I saw them leaving together but she is looking very sad  I hesitated to approach her, realizing that it wasn't the right moment with her friends around. After she reached home safely i went back.

Back at home, I finished my nightly routine and went to sleep, but thoughts of Dwani and her sadness still lingered in my mind.

I realized that I needed to talk to Dwani and share my true feelings with her. I must find a way to explain everything and make her understand that she's the one I want to be with. I want to tell her how she brightens up my days and how much she means to me.

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