
Alone in the Dark : A Gentleman's Walk.

Is being a gentleman really a boon or crime? If you are a person who values every Sorry and Thanks, If you are a person who admires your own soft heart... Read this novel about one such similar soul, his life experiences bundled together as a whole.

devchathu · Real
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8 Chs

First Leap

One fine morning, waking early from his bed, Sid looked excited about his first appearance in college. He was really nervous altogether with clumsiness, wondering how he would shine bright in his career.

A short gist of Sid would make this more interesting, for you would realise how his past is gonna influence his present.

A bright introvert from, the so called popular school in his locality, Sid never really did things what other people call crazy. Reserved as a solid, he barely talked to others, Thinking only books were his true soulful treasures. Barely he spilled words, excluding sorry and thanks, which none of his teachers noticed, making him a silent choir. Benevolent as a student, he passed his exams with flying colours, awaiting to reach million dreams, here is our Sid, standing alone in the bus stop, hoping to unveil his wisdom to impart an impact onto this world....

Being a Gentleman in this world of non sense, is something I would admit is the most horrible thing. Have you ever wondered why soft souls have the deepest scars? Have you ever thought why being nice is considered idiotic? Have you ever asked yourselves why caring for someone demands being vulnerable to get hurt? Questions fumbled in my little brain, as my ink spilled venturing through this dream...

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