
Alodii: lost legends

Evil shall rise again and even greater, the world is torn apart, legends have fallen and heroes are no longer born. The world rely on three heroes of separate parts to help fight evil or evil will dominate once again. They will fight evil created for good, after the heroes and legends are now lost. the mages which have abandoned the people on earth, the elementalist dead and no one to protect the elemental lands. Three warriors from each of the clans.A mage, an elemental and a titan. from the zogans, elementals and the titan clan, the fate of the world depends on the three heroes from each of the clans. It is the beginning of the end, fight from the beginning to the end. An adventure and a fight

Mone_Styles · Fantasía
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33 Chs


Stories of the great legends which have died, faded in dust but their stories remain in the memories of men, there was a time when the world, one world one clan but now three clans one world.

It was a world of unending war between these Three clans. The elementals, the clan with a large population of the earth, having the ability to control natural elements around them. Their leader and protector was called the elementalist

The zogans, covering small population of the earth but still very powerful, their are called the homo superiors. They posses advance mind powers and very unique bodies. Their leader and protector were the instinct mages

while the very last. They are not inhabitants of the earth, they had come from a different planet, they were sent down to earth to take over the planet and make it their own as they did to other planets in the Galaxy. They were called the Titans.

The world was been ruled by supreme and dragons lords and other protectors but the strongest was the elementalist.

The titans fought for years to conquer the planet but couldn't. After the loy( The overall god of the elementals) corrupted the titans to fight between themselves bringing other titans clans among them. The original titans still manage to fight through to attain their purpose as it gave rise to the most powerful titan called Centro.

The elementalist and the zogans mages couldn't defeat Centro the original titan, this time were called the raw ages, the time when great lord's and would rise fight. The elementals and the zogans joined forces against the titans.

Still the elementalist was defeated by Centro and the titans were left to rule, the elementalist searched for the sacred spirits of the four Phoenixes.

The elementalist went on breaking nature laws just to defeat Centro and restoring supremacy back to the elementals. With the spirits of the phoenixes, the elementalist went to battle the great titan, Centro.

Centro defeated elementalist again and this time the elementals were doomed, they had to surrender to the titans and the zogans too, but it wasn't the end, two warriors from the future( Mazami and viece ) came to the present with the idea that would kill the fate of the elementalist spirit forever.

They brought about the combination of the spirit scepter of the elementalist, the zogans and the titans. it was an unthinkable thing but only possible with the help of the zogans mages.

After the spirit scepter of the titans was stolen, all they had to do was to combine it with the elementalist and the zogans. The power combination of the three spirits cursed one of the mage to die, the mages were immortals but the spirit they were creating was too powerful.

And now they were left with five zogans mages. After the spirit was been created, the mages feared that what they had formed would be corrupted and it had the potential energy to quench immortality and destroy the world. But it was the only way in defeating Centro.

The mages called the spirit the Alodii. The Alodii's spirit was put into the elementalist body, the elementalist didn't know the risk. Another war raged again as the elementalist and the zogans fought against the titans.

The elementalist with the Alodii's spirit fought against Centro the titan, this time the elementalist defeated Centro and the titans had to surrender.

Once again supremacy returned to the elementals, but the elementalist would die soon as the elementalist body was too weak to carry the Alodii's spirit for long, the elementalist died and there was no more going to be another elementalist anymore.

No protector of the elementals, after the spirits were combined it can't be reversed.

The mages won't the that risk again. As time would go on evil shall rise again and even greater, this is the story of three heroes, from the Three clans and three different stories and very unique powers. They would fight or evil will build its way to the top.