
Chapter 860-one day tour of Orgrimmar

Chen Mo wasn't walking very fast, and the players behind him were able to keep up without any pressure.

These people followed Chen Zhao to the sky and looked down at Orgrimmar. The entire city was in full view.

Just then, Chen Zhao spoke. He introduced the Grand city of Orgrimmar in the same low and slightly hoarse voice.

Orgrimmar is one of the main cities of Azeroth, located North of Kalimdor."

"To commemorate the legendary hero Orgrim Doomhammer, after Saar escaped from the eastern kingdom, with Raksa's help, he led the orcs to establish Orgrimmar and settled down here."

"Orgrimmar is located in a Windy Valley North of Durotar, which is dry and hot. It is the largest city of Warriors in Azeroth. It has strong walls, huge gates, and many guard towers. It was built with the mountains north of Durotar, and the mountains and the city were integrated into one, becoming a natural barrier."