
What are they really fighting for

Jin looks up and there he sees the location of the sniper. ``So, 6th floor 6th room, so dead`` Jin said through his head. And then looked at Han Zian, saying "Han Zian and Zia Tengfei head to the location of Cai Dinxiang and check his vitals check if he is still alive. After we moved forward, got it?."

Han Zian nodded and Zia Tengfei replied with "Yes, Sir". With that, Jin and the others moved in towards the entrance of the building.

Li Xiaosheng then slashed the glass door and then it shatters the 2 rebel cell minion that was inside dropped on the ground as it scarred them because of how strong Li Xiaosheng is. "What the heck? He can destroy that glass entrance in a single strike." The rebel cell minion shouted as he raised his hand.