
Deaths Scythe above

[Radio: T1, this is T3. We have cleared the enemy's location. We are now heading to out of our location over]

[Radio: Alright T3, regroup back to the alley and remove the bodies from the road. Make sure no one will see the bodies. It can blow our cover. Over and out]

Jin turned around and looked at the 2 support gunners that were behind him. And signal them to wait as he raised his two fingers and then tapped his comms that were around his neck.

[Radio: T2, you are clear to use lethal arrows on my command]

[Radio: Copy that T1 ready as always, over and out]

"Alright, you two, once their machine gunner is dead, you may open fire on the enemy position with a suppressive fire at the enemy checkpoint direction. Make sure they will be pinned down to their position as heavily as you guys can," Jin ordered with a serious tone of voice. The two support gunners, Red Blood Armored Knight, nodded.