
All-Star System

Youth has passed away... As a business tycoon on Wall Street, serving as the vice president of a publicly traded company, Arjun Singh's life seemed to have it all: mansions, luxury cars, stocks, and even a beautiful and charming female secretary. But despite the material abundance of Arjun's surface life, he faced daily power struggles among executives, various conspiracies and schemes that left him physically and mentally exhausted. He even discovered secrets of securities fraud and insider trading within the company, putting his life in danger. One day, an NBA Finals game reminded him of his days playing basketball in Senior Secondary School, as if he was the one making the decisive shot on the court. After watching the Milwaukee Bucks win their first NBA championship from a luxury box, he silently left. His fighting spirit reignited, he wanted to expose the mastermind behind the scenes at his company. Late at night, Arjun walked alone in a dark alley. Bang! Bang! Bang! Three gunshots rang out, and Arjun lay powerless in a pool of blood, silently closing his eyes. When he opened his eyes again. He was reborn... Back on the basketball court of his Senior Secondary School days, he awakened the All-Star player System...

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34 Chs

The beauties' invitation

A high schooler facing off against the entire Doon School team and scoring 90 points in three quarters is indeed insane.

But let's be real, this isn't the pros. Even our national ISBL league barely gets any attention, so you can't expect one game to make waves in the basketball world.

Thinking one game can skyrocket you to fame and get you noticed by INBL teams isn't exactly realistic.

These days, it's not just high school students who struggle,even players in the EPBL and INBL find it tough to become key players.

But today, Arjun managed to catch the eye of scouts from both the EPBL and INBL.

And yet, Arjun didn't just turn down the EPBL scouts smoothly,he rejected the INBL scouts' offers just as cleanly, without any hesitation.

"Arjun actually didn't agree on the spot?"

"Yeah, even if he doesn't go to the INBL second team, he could still go to the EPBL."

"What's Arjun thinking?"

Watching Arjun politely decline each offer, his classmates started to get anxious.

Coach Vikram was also surprised that Arjun didn't accept any offers.

Right now, these scouts are pumped because of his performance in the game. If that excitement fades, those offers might not stand. Arjun needs to seize the opportunity.

"Hey Arjun, I'm Sunita from Class XII-3. Here, this bottle of water is for you." A girl with big eyes approached and handed Arjun a bottle of mineral water.

Sunita looked up slightly at Arjun, holding the water bottle with both hands. As soon as Arjun looked her way, she got nervous, her palms sweaty.

Sunita was about 5'9", her long legs clad in tight blue jeans showing off her slender figure, wearing a cheerleader's outfit that highlighted her curves, her long hair tied back in a ponytail.

With an oval face, a prominent nose, and especially large eyes framed by long eyelashes, her features were harmoniously cute.

Arjun racked his brain,he felt like he knew the name, perhaps a familiar classmate from before?

But why was she introducing herself to him?

Without overthinking, Arjun took the water, drank it, and then smiled at Sunita, saying, "Thanks, classmate."

"No, no problem." Sunita quickly turned and hurried away after seeing Arjun finish the water.

Soon, some chatter could be heard from afar.

"Sunita, you did great."

"Arjun smiled."

"Arjun actually drank the water you gave him."

"Did Arjun sound friendly when he spoke?"

At that moment, Arjun realized that this pretty girl must be one of his fans.

Coach Vikram approached Arjun and asked, "Arjun, why aren't you accepting these offers? They're pretty good opportunities."

Arjun replied, "Coach, I want to play in the NCAA. I've already got an acceptance letter from UCLA."

"Did you get in on your own? It wasn't a basketball scholarship, was it?"

"Yeah, I got in based on my exams."

"It's tough to make their team without a basketball scholarship."

"Coach, don't worry about it. Maybe in a year, you'll see me getting picked in the NBA draft. Just wait and see!" Arjun said with a laugh, patting Coach Vikram on the shoulder.

Other high schoolers might be intimidated by their coach, feeling a certain distance, but Arjun wasn't.

Arjun had a maturity beyond his years.

Coach Vikram, who was quite easygoing off the court, didn't mind Arjun's friendly gesture.

"It's good to have dreams, young man, but you need to keep your feet on the ground. I'll talk to these scouts later, see how we can arrange things for you," Vikram said.

Currently, only Satnam Singh has made a stable place for himself in the NBA.

The NBA dream still seems too far-fetched for most young players.

Arjun has talent, and with the right training, he could make a splash in the INBL and become a key player.

As Arjun's coach, Vikram felt a responsibility to guide this young adult's future.

He didn't think Arjun's plan to play in the NCAA was the right move.

Arjun didn't say anything more.

After all, in the coach's eyes, he's just a high school student who doesn't understand the harsh realities of professional basketball, and he's not even in a position to make decisions about his own future.

Most high school players who are doing well usually enter some INBL youth training squads and take the professional route.

Going to the U.S. to play in the NCAA is really rare.

Arjun knows that many things require time and the results of actions to change.

His mind and goals are set,all he needs to do is follow through.


As Arjun was about to leave the gym.

"Arjun, Sunita and I want to take you out for dinner tonight, and you can't say no."

A crisp voice rang out next to Arjun's ear.

Arjun looked over and saw his classmate Priya walking side by side with Sunita, who had brought him water earlier. Priya was the one speaking.

Priya, about 5'6", was slightly shorter than Sunita, with proportionate long legs and a delicate complexion. She was stunning, with long hair cascading over her shoulders, definitely a head-turner.

Priya sat in front of Arjun in class and was one of the well-known beauties at school. Arjun was quite handsome, and she occasionally flirted with him.

Of course, it was just a little interaction between male and female classmates,they weren't heading in the direction of becoming a couple yet.

"Sure, see you tonight." Arjun agreed without a second thought.

He had no reason to turn down a dinner with two vibrant 18-year-old beauties.

After saying this, Arjun turned and walked towards the dormitory.

Watching Arjun's retreating figure, Priya mused, "Arjun seems different now."

"How so?" Sunita asked curiously.

"He agreed too quickly. Before, many girls tried to invite him out using various excuses, and he always turned them down," Priya explained.

"Is it because it was your invitation? You two are so close," Sunita suggested.

Sunita was well aware of her friend's charm,walking down the street, she was the kind that turned heads.

Priya and Sunita had been desk mates since primary school and had always been close.

"Hehe, don't flatter me. I'm not that close to him, just a regular classmate. Maybe he agreed because he saw you, the great beauty," Priya teased.

"If that's the case, then great," Sunita laughed.

"You better go get ready. I really went out on a limb for you today. Usually, it's others asking me out, not the other way around," Priya said.

Priya wanted to play matchmaker for Sunita and Arjun.

"Alright, alright, I'll get ready," Sunita laughed.


Back in the dormitory.

Arjun didn't waste any time and started preparing his documents.

Unlike other American five-star high school athletes who were recruited by UCLA with full sports scholarships, Arjun got in through his own academic prowess.

Therefore, once he got to UCLA, he would be starting from scratch with basketball.

He even had to compete for a spot on the team.

Of course, Arjun was confident in his abilities.

Now, Arjun also needed to do a lot of preparation for his move to the U.S.

Handling his passport and visa wouldn't be too complicated,he just needed to follow the normal procedures.

In this era, the internet wasn't as convenient, and mobile operations were quite basic.

Arjun could only keep going back and forth between his dorm and the local print shop to print those paper documents, then finally pack and mail them.

After getting all this done and taking a shower, it was already 7 p.m.

It was the weekend, and there were no classes. Arjun, Sunita, and Priya, all boarding students, finally had time for their date.