
Chapter 216

Chapter 216 Divine Domain Chaos!!

"You damn ants, I'm going to devour you all."

"No one saw me… You can still live in this state. "

"You all go and die!!!"

The Shadow Saint King is crazy!!

With his bare hands, he crushed the power of many pillar-level skills that flew towards him.

Violent winds swayed.

Tears the space.

The Shadow God King walked out unscathed.

"You are also proud to have seen this kind of power of my clan."

The Shadow Saint King snorted coldly!

Immediately after that, a large number of mysterious gray runes appeared on the surface of his body.

Even him.

In the face of this situation, the bottom of the pressure box was also used.

At the same time, it is on the other side.

The other Saint Kings who were frantically rushing toward him, we revealed that the pupils were shrinking sharply.

"Why would Bader use the power of his bloodline?"

"What exactly did he find?" After using the power of the bloodline, it will cause irreversible sequelae to his body. "

"Is there anything that could be worth his use of bloodline power, and has he reached a critical point of life and death?"

"Even if this world has pillars and there are many of them, to be reasonable, Bader should be able to escape unharmed with his strength, why would he be forced to use blood power?"


"Hurry up and see what happened to him, and if there is really some irresistible force, we have to help him get out of it."

The other nine Shadow Saint Kings suddenly increased their speed and sped away in the direction of the Blue Star Sea.

The surrounding shattered God Domain fragments, but whenever they passed, casually extended their fingers, a large number of shadow creatures would appear to devour all the island biological matter in these fragments.

The entire Sea of The Divine Realm was plunged into hell.

No one can escape.

When everyone knew that the Shadow World had torn and surrounded the Sea of God Kings, all the island owners were blinded.

If the Sea of The Divine Realm had been surrounded, there would have been no place for them to escape.

Can you only wait to die?

"Quickly follow in the footsteps of the pillars to find the more than 10 pillars who have mysteriously ascended…"

I don't know who sent the message in the Sea of God Chat Channel.

In the silent Divine Domain Channel, which was very different from the past, some vitality was suddenly restored.

"What are you doing with those pillars?"

"Aren't they fighting the other Shadow Saint Kings?" Aren't we going to die if we keep up? "

Apparently there are many more, everywhere without understanding the situation, not knowing why they are following in the footsteps of the pillars.

In their opinion, if you are facing the Shadow Creature level below the Main God Realm, at least there is still a little way to live, you follow the pillars of their walk, the enemies you face are all Saint Kings!!

If you, a little Sacred Fire Mirror God Hidden Island Lord, meet the Shadow Clan Saint King, isn't that no different from sending you to death?

Is it really the old birthday star hanging impatiently?

"… The Shadow Pillars have all started to flee, where do you think they will run? The direction they need to run is just to get the newly promoted dozen or so pillars there. "

"That is to say, as long as we follow the pillars, we can find those newly promoted pillars and use them to resist the Shadow Saint King III?"

"Yes, plus the original 7 pillars, the strength of more than 20 pillars, is enough to resist the Shadow Clan for a while, and we are looking for an opportunity to escape from here."