
Five minutes of Sao

So hi my name is kirito and i just bought a cool game. Oh no the creator Heathcliff made us not able to log out Noooooo. Ahhh their gonna kill me no pena I will save you oh thank wanna date no.Hey welcome to my shop how may i help you i need a sword the best sword you got okay this is the best sword i got ok can i test it sure ahh you broke it i love you i don't love you. What are you doing sleeping on the ground this is the best season in ironclad ok lets by a house. Sure lets have a kid ok. Aww look theres a kid can we keep it no but i want to no please no i wont have sex with you for a month fine we will keep it. Turns your the creator I'm gonna kill you i won but Asunna died I'm depressed now.