
All Might In Marvel

A dude got reincarnated with abilities of All Might at its full potential. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Yeah, that's it.

usernameicantuse · Cómic
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5 Chs

Arrival and The Fateful Meeting

The onlookers cast bewildered gazes my way. It struck me immediately – perhaps, this was the first time they'd encountered someone as tall, buffed, and with such a peculiar hairdo.

"DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME, EVERYONE! I'M JUST PASSING BY!" I hastily reassured, preventing any potential panic from erupting. A spark of panic lingered, prompting a quick inspection of my body. The hero suit, worn and torn from the battle with All For One, seemed destined for the scrap heap.

However, that concern vanished as I felt the fabric against my skin. 'What a nice tuxedo.' The cosmic being was undoubtedly responsible for this transformation. I silently expressed my gratitude for their considerate touch.

"Woah! How do you have those muscles?!" The amazed voice of a teen beside me interrupted my thoughts. I swiftly turned around to face a 15-year-old.

"IT'S BECAUSE I TRAINED VERY HARD! WHAT'S YOUR NAME, SHOUNEN?!" I answered loudly, caught in the illusion of his sparkling eyes, full of childlike curiosity.

"Shounen? What's that? You sure that's not steroids?" The teen fired back, drawing attention to my mixed Japanese habits. Old habits die hard, I thought, realizing the need to tone down my voice.

"It means 'boy' in English. My bad if my voice is too loud. And no, it's not. My name's Toshinori Yagi. What's yours?" I explained quickly, receiving the teen's response.

"My name's Peter Parker, sir." It dawned on me that I stood before one of Marvel's most, if not the most, tragic heroes – Spider-Man. The kid didn't deserve the hardships written in those comics.

Unable to alter his destiny, I contemplated offering advice, just as I had with Izuku in my world. Despite not passing One For All to Izuku, he found his way to heroics, utilizing his intellect to become a hero. I met izuku through the sludge villain incident, I guess the world's trying ti fix itself back then. The past Izuku asked me back then if he could become a hero, even without a quirk. I said the words that I want to express truthfully, and the words he needs to hear the most. 'Anyone can become a hero, quirkless or not, even you.' Bakugo and the rest of Class 1-A flourished under my and the other mentor's guidance at U.A.

Turning my attention back to Peter, I scanned his scrawny physique. He hadn't been bitten by the spider yet.

"Peter, have you ever thought of working out? You're probably a target of bullying with that scrawny physique." I recommended, aiming to boost his confidence.

"Working out? N-no, I have little time for such a strenuous activity. I have a lot to do," Peter responded, prompting my quick reply. "Peter, taking care of your body is as important as saving the day. It's about being strong, not just looking strong. Trust me; I've been through it all," I said, hoping to provide guidance.

"But, sir, I have responsibilities. I need to take care of Aunt May," Peter confessed, his gaze shifting to the ground.

"I understand, Peter. Responsibility is a heavy burden, but taking care of yourself is part of it. It'll make you a better person in the long run," I advised, drawing from my own experiences and subtly alluding to the responsibilities of a hero.

As we continued our conversation, I couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu, realizing that the words I once shared with Izuku were now being echoed to another upcoming hero.

Any suggestions or criticisms everyone? Im a newbie author, I strive to improve.


Guys help me for the cover photo, can't find a suitable one...

usernameicantusecreators' thoughts