

How many times do you need to have an encounter with someone to realize they are the one? For Matt James Frank and Cameron Queen, it has to have happened thrice, for the extra added charm. With secrets spilling, emotions getting involved, feelings intertwining, misunderstanding rising and fallouts would they find their way together or they would give up? One mistake is all it took for them to go their separate ways, would that same mistake bring them together or they would forever stay separated? Get involved in the exciting, thrilling, and scandalous adventure of their lifetime, with a love triangle. 

tanzeel_zafar · Ciudad
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13 Chs

The day is saved by Steve

Lights flashing, music blaring, my eardrums giving up, earlier signs of migraine starting to show, with a tray full of god-awful drinks in my hand a bright smile on my face, and a microphone on me, I trudged carefully among the guests, trying every time to not just stab the pervert in the heart, who tries to smack my butt, grope it inappropriately, the shiver of disgust was too much to bear but I endured with a heavy heart, pretending I didn't notice their hands, skimming up my leg towards forbidden places.

"You wouldn't want to go there," clutching their hand between my thighs, exerting all my force so I get to hear that crunch, I waved my finger in front of his face, who by the way thought I was joking, sick fools.

"I might just want to," I underestimated his strength, in one move he was able to set free his hand, and I had to do something, until an idea popped up in my mind, smiling shyly I bent and whispered in his ear, his eyes flashed like a hungry greedy pig.

Motioning with my finger for him to follow me, I disappeared in the crowd and straight to the bouncer, Steve, big, muscled, and a sweety at heart, my friend Harmony's husband, it's a story for another but just knows he was the one who was able to get me this gig as a waitress here, he would know what to do with that drunken specimen known as male.

"Steve," my breath was hitched and voice panic-y, it wasn't until I found him that the fear kicked in and the mask dropped.

"What's the matter? You found him?" his eyebrows raised, he flexed his muscles ready to drag him away, him who? He has no idea and I didn't really tell him the real truth, all he knows is that I am after a man who had done me a great deal of wrong. Reasonably speaking that man has done, more than just wrong but that is something he would pay once I get my hands on him.

I can only imagine, how I would torture him for the information, the satisfaction each of his cries for help would bring me would be like music to my ears, now don't get me wrong I am not some sadistic chick but you all got to agree this bastard deserves it, he deserves a life worse than death and I would make sure he meets his fate.

"Not yet but there is someone else you need to take care of," understanding donned on his features and he closed his hands in a tight punch.

"Who is he?" one thing you need to know about Steve is that his family and friends come before anything else, and no one and I repeat no one can harm them on his watch.

"I have asked him to meet me out in the alleyway, portly man, clean shaved, more hair on his head than brain cells, dressed in a grey pantsuit, make sure he doesn't come back in again,"

"I'll deal with him," standing on my tippy toes I planted a big kiss on his cheek, which he instantly wiped with the back of his hand, pretending to be annoyed but I know he didn't really mind it.

"Thank you," once I was sure that Steve would be able to deal with that man, I once again straightened myself, and plastered another dazzling smile, my best friend and soul sister, Kara, used to tell me I just need to smile at men and they would all come crawling and panting after me and now I think she wasn't wrong, the smile has done me wonders in this mission than by any other asset, which was next to non-existing.

I just wonder what she would have to say to me working here like this, risking my life, one thing I know for sure is that she would be one step ahead of me with a machete in her hand ready to behead the man who was behind it, being a mother herself, she now is a force to reckon, once I am done here I would have to visit her, my visit is long overdue and I miss my niece and nephew dearly.

"Wendy!! WENDYYYYY, WEND, NEW GIRLLL," I abruptly turned around, smacking straight into a wall, a wall of muscles, and what a nice smell, strong hands held my arms at the bicep.

"Oh shit," the drinks on the tray had spilled on me, smashing the glasses down on the ground.

"YOU!" I looked to my left, my manager's eyes blazing red, mouth spitting fire, hands up in the air.

"You okay?" and then I looked at the man in front of me, eyes soft, concern etched on his features looking cute with wind-ruffled hair, my talking ability for a minute wasn't working but then it kicked in full force, I know this man all too well.

"I apologize on behalf of my incompetent staff sir, please be seated your drinks will be served shortly, Wendy follow me," I was about to walk away, when his eyebrows twitched and he looked me up and down, oh no, not him spilling my secret right here.

"Wendy?" the question in his voice was very clear, I was ready to ask Steve to drag him out too but one, my manager was standing right over my head, and two, he really hadn't done anything, not yet anyway.

"Right after you sir," and without waiting for my manager to move I took the lead, these men could be a little shallow at times, I was just ready to make my way towards the staff room when I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Nice smelling flowers," and then the owner of the voice laughed, he laughed like a sweet little boy ready to get his hands full of his favorite candy, my head whipped towards the culprit, and me to say I was shocked would be an understatement.

The man standing to my right, laughing and making small talk looked nothing that I have imagined a human trafficker would look like, he doesn't have long nails, filthy skin, clothes, or a disgusting face, nor does he have long teeth, covered with blood, no, no he didn't look like anything I just described, he looked someone straight out of a Hollywood movie, tall, stylish hair, clean-shaven, lean body and designer clothes that fit him perfectly. He smiled and I looked at his teeth carefully, they were neat perfect, and white.

His eyes clashed with mine and his brows furrowed before he gave a little shake of his head and smiled, I think he was used to this reaction especially from women, mesmerized, unable to take their eyes off of him but I wasn't staring at him because I found him irresistible, I was looking at the signs, how his eyes weren't soft and inviting, they were like that of a predator, how he was roaming his eyes around, taking everyone and everything in sight, how he maintained eye contact with his fellow man, who on close inspection doesn't even look like his friends, they were his bodyguards.

The little wires connecting to their earpieces, their hard eyes, and that scary expression. My mouth went dry and all for the right reasons, they might not look scary but they are more dangerous than those goons I escaped a long time ago.

"Get a move on Wendy, inside now," the manager stood in front of me blocking my view of that man, I just wanted to shove him away and note everything he was doing and taking, I need to go near him, I need to record whatever comes out of his mouth, I just need to.

"Inside, don't make me fire you right on the spot," irritated, my eyes went towards his face, I need to keep this job for today at least I need to get the next lead.

"What?" I wasn't able to keep my temper in check.

"I would have to cut your wages short for today, how could you smash those glasses, do you have any idea how much they cost,"

"Cut the cost from my wages, cut all my wages, I need to be outside, I can't be wasting time standing here," I picked the tray from the server, passed her a smile, and looked at the table no. on it, table 2, my hands gripped it tightly, I wait I am coming.

"Where do you think you are going, you need to serve the guest you dropped the drinks on," the drinks dropped on me, he was safe.

"Ask her, I don't think he would appreciate me coming towards him again with a tray filled with drinks," and before he could argue further I was out and walking confidently towards table 2, right next to where he was standing.

"All fresh, plucked straight on your demand," my hands lost their grip, I know what they mean, all I have noticed is how they refer to the children as flowers, and this was the biggest of the lot they were going to transfer. The blade inside my sleeve was digging deeper and I want nothing more than to turn around and kill him but that would get me nowhere, I need to get to the man behind all this.

"To my country home," and with one nod he was out the back door, no, you can't go like that, I put the tray on the table, and ignoring the protests from the guests on that table I ran outside.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT," he was nowhere to be seen, the road was empty I ran as fast as I can towards the main road and nothing there, "Ahhhhhh," I kicked the wall, was ready to pull out my hair when I felt arms around my waist from behind.

Loud scream ensued from my mouth but a hand quickly wrapped around it, silencing me. My eyes were wide, my heart beating fast.

"Where do you think you are going," that voice, sweat dripped down my forehead.