

"It's a nice day to die." While you lie down staring at the sky, it appears that all eyes on the planet are just on you. I closed my eyes and awaited death... "Huh?" A new life has begun. The 42-year-long black society has come to an end. In this life, I shall undoubtedly live the most magnificent existence with the greatest power in the deepest depths of the night. this is a translation of a famous novel

Arnnok · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Mr. Giyeon Dolby (8)

We arrived at Cheonsangru as the sun cast the shortest shadows. Cheonsangru was as calm as daybreak in the midst of the day.

Only the occasional broom stroke produced by a hard worker could be heard.

'Did I arrive too early?


It was impolite for an unwanted guest to disturb the owner's slumber. Dotong Dal took out his sword and spun it around while sitting on a rock in the yard. You must become used to the knife as if it were an extension of your body.

Do Tong-dal was playing with a knife in the yard, while Yeon Ja-yeon stood on the third story, looking down.

The full moon attracted my attention when I was drinking tea and attempting to recover from the night before.

The hangover was forgotten, and sleep fled.

I was about to get out of the chair when I realised, 'I need to wash up and put on makeup soon!'

', but Do Tong Dal took a seat on a rock.

"What are you up to?"

Do Tong-dal merely toyed with the knife on the spot, without considering moving. I finally comprehended why Do Tongdal was doing it after half an angle had elapsed.

"Do you really want to wake me up?" A proper knave. cute."

Yeon Jayeon, chin down, stared down at Dotongdal, waited a bit longer, and sought to summon the moon.

But now that I'm watching it, I've always wanted to see it this way; it seems like I could spend the entire day just watching the Dotongdal and doing nothing else.

Dotongdal, like her, spent a lot of time sitting on a rock, and there had been rumours of strife between the Baekdong branch and the Gwanghwa-ro marine office.

He'll be so busy as the Do Tong Dal in the middle that even three bodies won't suffice.

Do Tong-dal was passing the time to safeguard Yeon Ja-sleep yeon's despite his busy schedule.

Her vision got increasingly fuzzy as she looked down at the full moon.

"ha-! Why are you growing fonder of him? "

She is 30 years old, and the full moon is 18 years old. She is only 12 years old. Even if she didn't fail in her first love, the joke about having a child as tall as the moon doesn't sound funny.

So why does that fluffy, fluffy boy get so caught up in the eyes, ignoring everything and making my heart skip a beat?

Dotongdal inserted the knife and stood up. Yeon-jayeon checked the sundial in the backyard, surprised by the sluggish movement.

'Has it really been half an hour?


I contacted a worker who happened to be passing near the full moon. It appears to be her message that it has finally reached her.

She, too, was preoccupied. The moon appeared when she was shampooing her hair and doing her makeup.

Yeon Ja-yeon, who had asked me to accompany her to the guest room, paused in front of the closet for a moment. Because of the nature of his business, he had hundreds of bright and attractive outfits hanging in his wardrobe.

Yet none of them liked Yeon Ja-yeon. The nightgown she was wearing was the most beautiful.

"I should go shopping."

'To the potter's taste,' I reasoned, my nape of the neck turning slightly crimson. She put on a blue palace and made her way to the reception room.

"I arrived early since I was in a rush."

I held Yeon Ja-sleep yeon's for half an hour since it was so crucial.

"no, I was going to get up as well, and because you arrived early, it appears that you are not here as a guest?"

"I'd want to make a request."

Few individuals dare to announce they have a favour to offer.

'I'll listen to anything,' I thought, but it's not that simple, since she may get her heart out.

"It's a request from the potter, so pay attention first."

"Could you please lend me some money?"



It was unexpected, but it was also surprising that it was unexpected. Eight out of every ten requests in the world concern money.

Asking for money is so common that you can ask 'how much is it?' when someone approaches you with 'I have a favour,' but I had no idea Do Tong-dal would say such a thing.

"I'm assuming it's money you need due to the conflict with the Baekdong branch?"


"That's correct."

"Is it because the Baekdong branch indicated they wouldn't send gisaengs to Cheonsangru?"

"You know that, yet you don't seem too bothered."

"You go through a lot of large and minor things when you run Juru." It doesn't bother me that the Baekdong branch doesn't send gisaengs. Hangzhou is a large city with numerous prostitutes. It is, however, a major event for the opposition group. If I relocate, the Jeokhohoe will no longer be able to invite courtesans to our Cheonsangru."

Even though it costs money and requires the creation of a contract, it is a transaction in which confidence is essential. When the Red Tiger Association shattered the trust first, Cheon Sang-ru has nothing to say no matter what action he takes.

"But, bringing a courtesan oneself is inconvenient." In addition to controlling it."

Do Tong-dal hurriedly stuck his hand through the door as Yeon Ja-yeon opened it slightly.

"I will unquestionably save your time, Mr. Ruju." I guarantee you won't be sad because of her courtesan."

"I have trust since the potter made a promise, but... Why don't we perform one favour for each other?"


"I'm open to everything."

For the first time, Yeon Ja-yeon wanted to say anything to Do Tong-dal.

"Are you aware that he is a con artist?"


My mouth started watering when I heard the name. I only had one taste of it when I was at the pinnacle of my prior existence.

That wasn't a bottle or even a glass; it was simply a speck on the bottom. It was so uncommon that it couldn't be sold since each bottle cost two hermits.

"I know. I've had a taste of it before."

"If that was a long time ago for an eighteen-year-old..."

"oh... ha ha ha! I learnt to drink a bit early."

Do Tong-dal swiftly shifted the subject.

"So why the con artist?"


"I wish I could have that drink delivered, but it's not feasible." I'll do you a favour if you can have the sagiju delivered, Potter-sama."

From Dotongdal's perspective, it was a bit of a last-minute request. Did you believe that Do Tong-dal, a simple evil society, could do anything that Yeon-ja-yeon could not?

Yeon-ja-yeon would not have made such a request if it had been impossible.

'It's as ridiculous as Jangyu Island's ten-second dance,' says one.

You can't walk away simply because you can't accomplish it right now. It is never too late to give up when you have done everything you can.

"Let's figure something out."

Do Tongdal rose up after doing his business. Yeon Ja-yeon wished to spend more time with him, but he had no motive to pursue him.

"Maybe then."

Do Tong-dal, who was on his way out the door, inquired, as if he had just recalled.

"By the way, why don't you inquire how much money I need to borrow?"


"oh... How are you?"

* * *

I went to the hangju brewery that creates sagiju hoping to run across it.

Because there is no touch with the conduction moon, there is no information about the proprietor of the Hangzhou Distillery in his former life memories.

'Should I threaten like a black society?' I wondered, but that wasn't Do Tong Dal's style.

'It would be best if we traded places: where is the owner of the brewery's most itchy spot?'

With that in mind, he alerted the worker of his visit, and despite revealing his name as the Jeokho Society's head, he may have been assaulted at the door.

After a while, though, a worker reappeared and led Do Tong-dal to the office behind the brewery.

'Obviously, no businessperson wants a strained connection with the black community.'

After some time at the office, an elderly guy entered, having observed an elderly man with grey hair and a little physique.

"I am the proprietor of this establishment, Hwang Pyeon-seung."

"The moon is full."

Do Tong-dal, who was meeting Hwang Pyeon-seung, said.

"You don't recall me."



Do Tong-dal stared blankly at Hwang Pyeon-seung, knowing that he would have few chances to connect with the old man in this life.

'I know an old man...'

"oh! The drinking cart's grandfather! "

It was unmistakably the old man driving the booze cart in Cheonsangru. He barely gave him a fleeting glance, but he remembered Dotong Dal, who had exceptional eyesight.

"It's late, but you're not deaf."

"Are you running late? What you recall is fantastic. You weren't wounded at the time, were you? "

"You're the one whose brain blew up."

"It's not like that, but the grandfather who was carrying the alcohol almost got harmed, so the grandfather who was carrying the alcohol... uh? The booze you were carrying wasn't even sagiju, so why were you bringing alcohol there?"

'You wouldn't be in need enough to have to take a side job,' Do Tong-dal stated.

I can't sell it because there is no wine worth two hermits in a bottle, so I'll sweep the money with a pitchfork.

"I was intrigued about the type of establishment Giru had been looking for for over a year to sell fake booze."

"Did you disguise yourself as a worker in order to spy on me?"

"Rather than snooping, how about doing a preliminary inquiry of business partners?"

"It's known as espionage."

"Why did you beg the house's owner to spare me from getting punished?"

"I also regret it; if I had simply asked for a loan in the first place, I would not have gotten this far."

"Is it terrible that you came to seek a favour of me?"

"How do you know I came to ask for a favour?"

"If not, I'll just return."



I was sad because I felt like something had been lost.

"You haven't yet responded to my query; why did you cover me?"

I was unable to respond since I recalled my past self.




"What are you on about? I was duped and deceived."

It's humiliating. Cute guy.

"I have never cheated."

"yes. You have to be."

Pyeonseung Hwang, unlike an elderly man, looked Dotongdal in the eyes.

"How old do I appear?


"one... around seventy?"

"Your social life is terrible; if you look 70, you should shave off around 10 years to be 60."

"Have you ever seen a mobster with an active social life?"

"Because you don't look like your average knave."

"Yellow crap, black shit, shit is shit," he says.

"Aren't you too truthful?"

"A knave must be truthful."

"Do you imply you believe in honesty?"

Do Tong-dal motioned with his hand.

"Does a hoodlum need something so grandiose? Be mean to the nasty, harsh to the cruel, cowardly to the cowardly, and treat everyone the same as X."

Hwang Pyeon-seung gave a nod.

"It is a wonderful belief, and I share it. If I add one thing, it is that I will never forget, whether they are friends or foes."

"So, why are we making small talk?"

"There's nothing like small conversation to bring people together; when do you need scam stocks?"



"Didn't the proprietor of Cheon Sang-ru say that? Inquire about the delivery date for fake merchandise."

Do Tong-dal, who had just blinked, inquired, surprised.

"Did you know that the Hangzhou Distillery is owned by an old guy from Yeonruju?"

"Of certainly," she says. I even agreed to bring sagiju to Cheonsangru."

I expected it to be a challenging chore, but all I had to do was place a spoon on the table prepared by Yeon Ja-yeon and Hwang Pyeon-seung.

"Ha-! There are swindlers everywhere, everywhere."

* * *

Jeon Hee-jin was like the elder sister of gisaengs, and she naturally became such after years of not disregarding tough gisaengs.

"You stated there was no damage, but the Baekdong branch may attack you; the Gwanghwa-ro Maritime Office can't safeguard us fully."

"Right now, I am concerned and may experience harm, but consider this one thing."

Do Tong Dal placed both fisted fists on the table.

"Wangchil is on the right, and Gwanghaebong is on the left; who would you like to manage in the future?"

A person's reputation is not formed overnight, nor is it built quickly.

Wang Chil's twenty-year reputation on this level is likely his most valuable asset.

Those who are the polar opposite of Wangchil, a nice guy who can be trusted, abound in black society, and one of them is Gwanghaebong.

If you ask the weak whose canopy they would go under, they will select one hundred kings and seven out of a hundred.

"Can Wangchil oppa be able to defeat Gwanghaebong?"

"a month." Kick Wangchil's crotch if Gwanghaebong doesn't fly inside."

"Yes, but why must it be Wang Chil's brother and not the Dojangjang?"

The moon muttered something.

"Because mine performs better and has more applications."

"Kick Kick!" says one.

With a lovely smile, Jeon Hee-jin stated.

"I, too, cannot guarantee that all gisaengs will be relocated to the Gwanghwa-ro Maritime Office."

"We're off to a fantastic start since we're honest with one other."

"Was he completely truthful?"

"Do you mean I lied?"

"It's difficult to comprehend that I outperform Wangchil's brother... … ."

The full moon was scorching.

"It's normal for me to be younger than that elderly man!"

Heejin Jeon made a shaky motion with her head.

"Disregarding authority. You're still a newbie."

"pooh... Are you a newbie?"

'How long have I been alive?'