
Chapter 9

<p>Things have been moving well for the past week. I won't deny the fact that it has been stressful but it is better than staying idle. <br/>Far better than staying at home waiting for my suspension to be over.<br/><br/>Today is Monday, the first day of the week, the second week since I resumed work as the company's chef. <br/><br/>I spent the weekend at Cordis. We had fun, that I won't deny. It was a wonderful weekend irrespective of the fact that I was too dull to participate in all the games and dance competition. It was still fun.<br/><br/>"You're ready to go yet?" Cordis asked. <br/>"Yeah, I feel like doing my makeup today" she shrugged and left the room. <br/><br/>I took that as the opportunity to do a little touch of make-up.<br/> I applied my primer, powder foundation then the powder pan cake, followed by the highlighter, eye liner, mascara, eye shadow, eye pencil, and lip gloss. I chose lip gloss over lip stick for some reasons best known to me.<br/><br/> I checked my reflection in the mirror and was satisfied with what I saw. I smiled at my reflection and left the room. 'I mustn't keep Cordis waiting'. <br/><br/>"Wow girl, you are glowing" she complimented me.<br/> "Thanks ". <br/>"You look like someone going for her glamour award night". <br/>I blushed deep since Cordis knows how to charm me with words.<br/><br/> "come on, let's go, dad is waiting in the car". <br/>We rushed out to the garage, met our dad and entered the car. We said our good mornings in the car. Being Cordis dad, he complimented my look.<br/> I don't always have full make-up on for work, but this very day I decided to give it a try. That I do not know why. <br/><br/>"Ladies and gentlemen, we've arrived at your destination". Dad said. <br/>"Bye dad" we said in unison. He looked at us then drove off.<br/> "Come on cordy I was about to say that first" I raised the topic. <br/>"Doesn't matter, I am sure I feel my mouth move first before yours". <br/><br/>Cordis argued and that raised the argument. We were dragging who raised the 'bye dad' first and who intruded and i wasn't ready to lose or give up and neither was Cordis.<br/> We were dragging the issue when our boss's car drove in. <br/>His driver had not parked the car yet, I took that as an opportunity. I didn't wait for him to show up and ran towards the building. If there is something I learnt from his stay, it is to avoid him. <br/>That way I will avoid his trouble and uninvited stares.<br/><br/>"Miss Mercy". He called when I was at the door. I left the card reader machine and turned around. <br/><br/>"Good morning sir" I greeted. <br/>No matter how hard you want to get away from your trouble or boss, you still have to respect him. <br/>Respect is Reciprocal. He tucked his hands into his pocket as I just stood waiting for him to get to the door. <br/><br/>"Good morning to you" he replied my greetings for the first time. <br/>That was so unusual. <br/><br/>"did I hear him correctly?" Cordis asked. "I am also surprised". <br/><br/>We could have gone deep into our gossip but he chose to show up and interrupt our early morning dose.<br/><br/>He turned to Cordis and said "I want to talk to Missy alone". <br/>Did he just call me missy? I asked myself.<br/>_ <br/>"okay sir" she replied and walked in not without giving me the you have a lot to explain look. I try to avoid her questioning stares cause i am as confused as she is.<br/><br/>"Let's go to my office please" boss said. <br/>By the way, why do I still call him boss? I do not know his name.<br/>I know he already introduced himself but I was not there to witness the introduction, neither did I care to ask.<br/>I missed a whole lot, thanks to Andrew for ruining my new year's eve and my boss for making me lame from hard sex. <br/><br/>"Shall we?" he asked. <br/>"huh?" I didn't know when I said that but that was the only thing I had in mind. I was speechless. <br/><br/>"Yes sir" I replied. <br/>"Let me help you". He offered to carry my bag but I declined. He shook his head and took the bag from me, I did nothing. I mean what can I do if not let him hold the bag. <br/>It's just a bag.<br/><br/>"So, how was your weekend?" he asked. <br/><br/>'Is he trying to raise a topic or better still start a conversation?' I sighed and followed him. <br/><br/>We got to the elevator, I turned around to take the workers elevator but he held my wrist and drew me to him. <br/>He walked us to the elevator with his soft hands not leaving my wrists. I'm sure I saw other workers staring at us.<br/><br/>That was when reality hit me. <br/>'Why is boss been so nice to me'<br/><br/>'Why is he treating me so well today?'<br/><br/>'Did he wake up on the best side of the bed?'<br/><br/>'Did he wake up and suddenly decide to be good to me?'<br/><br/>But that's impossible.<br/>For all I know, it is clear to everyone in the company that the boss hates me. <br/>My presence irritates him.<br/><br/>I still don't know why.<br/><br/>Now he is been all sweet and lovey dovey?<br/>This could be a trap to lure me to bed again. <br/><br/>That's it, he is trying to bed me again.<br/><br/> Maybe Olivia doesn't satisfy him or he is trying his luck with me again.<br/><br/>The silence was eating me up, eating deeper into my bones and blood. <br/>It has dug deeper into my marrows when i decided to let it all out.<br/><br/>"I am sorry sir, I didn't mean to disobey you" I paused to take a good look at him.<br/><br/>"I know I should have waited for a call before returning to work" he looks cold and angry <br/><br/>"Forgive me this once sir and I promise I will never disobey you. Please forgive me sir". <br/>By the time I was through, my cheeks were soaked in tears. <br/><br/>He came to me and he wiped my tears away. <br/>No one has ever done that for me, not even my sweet parents.<br/><br/>"Relax my dear, everything will be alright". He kissed my forehead. <br/><br/>The elevator binged open, we walked out into his office hand in hand. <br/><br/>His office is the only office in the top floor, so no one will see us, except his friends that's If they're around.<br/> When we walked into his office, he guided me to a seat <br/><br/>"Come on, sit down" he said and I sat down respectfully. <br/>He pressed a button and the blinds unfold. <br/><br/>He took off his jacket, hung it in a rack then sat down opposite me. <br/><br/>He dialed a number on his telephone and placed the phone closer to his ears. <br/><br/>"Cancel my appointment for the day. I have something important to take care of". He said to whoever he called on phone. <br/>I believe it is his PA. <br/>He placed the phone back on the table and turned to face me. <br/><br/>I shifted in my seat, I felt so uneasy that I could wet my pants.<br/><br/>"You said something about working in the canteen?" he asked. <br/>Does it mean he didn't hear all I've been saying?<br/><br/>"Yes sir". He looked at me and said "When? Who made you work in the canteen?" he asked rubbing his temple.<br/><br/>I bent my head as his stares were getting to me. It reminds me of our first night and that turns me on. <br/><br/>"Answer me" he said in a calming voice. I bit my lips in fear. <br/>Is he going to terminate my appointment or make Kate leave?<br/><br/>"Who asked you to work in the canteen?" he asked again. <br/>"No one sir, I decided to work there for the money". <br/><br/>"Money? You need money?" I shook my head.<br/> "What I mean is I took the decision myself"I answered <br/> "To earn money right?" he asked. <br/><br/>"Yes sir, everybody needs money to provide for their needs. I also need <br/>money". <br/>He studied my face for a moment then looked away. <br/><br/>"What do you need money for?" he asked. I laughed a bit. <br/><br/>"What kind of useless question is that? Who doesn't need money? If I do not have money, how will I foot my bills and take care of myself? If I do not have money, how will I take care of my medical bills and surgeries? To be honest, I need money more than any living creature. Been beautiful is money itself, so please shove that question down your ass". I blabbed nonchalantly. <br/><br/> The look on master's face when I said those things was unimaginable. <br/><br/>What was I thinking? <br/><br/>That I could talk to master like I want and go scot free? <br/><br/>I didn't mean to say all that. <br/><br/>I don't even know where it came from.<br/><br/>"Down my ass?" he asked raising a brow.<br/><br/>"No sir, I mean you can shove it down my ass. My ass sir" I defended in fear. <br/><br/>He stood from his seat loosened his tie and took off his shirt, leaving only his bare chest.<br/><br/>"What are you doing sir?" he smiled and said <br/>"Nothing much, just want to see what your ass looks like". I was shocked, I lost my sense of breathing. <br/>Icouldn't do anything, yet I love what I am seeing.<br/> <br/>Writer's point of view<br/><br/>Dorris was beyond shocked. <br/>She could have thought of a thousand words her boss could have said but never imagined he will be so straight and blurt out nonsense. <br/>She calls it nonsense but that nonsense turns her on. <br/><br/>When she looked at her boss again, he was almost naked. <br/>He had done away with his shirt and trouser. <br/>He was just clad in his pants undergarment. <br/>Dorris swallowed the lump of lust forming in her throat. <br/><br/>She bent her head to prevent her from rushing to him and kiss life out of him. She bent her head as memories of what happened in Dubai came fresh in her memory. <br/><br/>Now is it going to happen again in his office?<br/><br/>She shuddered when she felt his hands on her shoulders. <br/>'He has the softest hands in the world' She thought. <br/><br/>He cupped her chins in his hands and slowly lifted her face. <br/>She was shy or should I say scared. <br/>She was still carried away with the touches and affection when he bent low to her face and kissed her. <br/><br/>She smiled in between the kiss and locked her hands around his neck. That was exactly what she needed.<br/><br/>She might not be a slut but ever since the day he touched her, she have been yearning for his touch again. <br/>Now that she is right in his hands, she can't think of any other thing but to melt in his embrace. <br/><br/>He placed his left hand on her waist and guided her up. He deepened the kiss as his hands roam around her body. <br/><br/>They forgot about the world, she forgot about the stress from work, she forgot about Olivia and her crews. <br/><br/>She forgot about the consequences of her action and poured her heart out in the little romance.<br/><br/>Soon, he is tearing her clothes away to have free access to her body. <br/>It makes him happy any time he remembers that he is the first man that ever touched her in a way no man ever has. <br/>He smiled as he pulled her pants off. He rubbed his hands on her breasts and carried her up. <br/><br/>"where are we going?" she asked. <br/><br/>"The room. You didn't think I will take you right on the desk did you?" he replied yet with another question. <br/><br/>She looked away and decided to stay calm in other not to ruin the moment with her series of question. <br/><br/>When they got to a room, he gently laid her on the bed and came unto her. <br/><br/>She didn't know there is a room in his office. <br/>Never would she have guessed it right if asked, but here she is lying on a soft big bed in a room she never knew existed.<br/><br/>He trailed kisses all over her body, from her forehead and stopped in between her thighs. <br/><br/>"You will be the death of me honey" he said in between kisses. <br/><br/>She heard it but pretended she didn't. She didn't want to ruin the moment. <br/>Not when she's on her way to cloud nine. <br/><br/>"Hmmm". She moaned and rubbed her hands on his head. <br/><br/>She didn't know when he penetrated her. "Ouch!" she screamed in pains. <br/><br/>He stopped moving and looked down at the beautiful woman lying under him. <br/><br/>Never had he dreamed about dating such a lady. They might not be dating yet but he won't fail to make her his own. <br/><br/>A woman with class, beauty and brains. <br/><br/>When he first saw her on the airplane, he thought that she might be some crazy being or someone possessed.<br/><br/> But when he saw her peep into his face, he squeezed his face and pretended to be asleep. <br/>The moment he felt her breath on his face, he almost grabbed her.<br/><br/>He had a hard time pretended to be asleep but lost it when she searched his briefcase and damaged his reports. <br/><br/>He had to go through the trouble of rewriting his reports and projects.<br/><br/>He didn't introduce himself but when he saw her in the club taking shots after shots, he knew something was wrong. <br/><br/>He waited with his friends, but his attention was on her, he would have walked up to her and striked a conversation but his friends.<br/><br/>What will they think of him?<br/><br/>What will they say about it?<br/><br/>What will they tell his parents?<br/><br/>What will the whole world think?<br/><br/>That the Almighty Chris Musk is chasing a low life?<br/><br/>His parents will kill him for being selfish and the last thing he wanted was to be branded as foolish and inconsiderate.<br/><br/>For all that, he was willing to let the girl go, though against his own wish. <br/><br/>He sat with his friends enjoying the music and looking at the ladies in the club until she appeared before him again. <br/><br/>This time romantically. <br/>When he saw her seducing him, he thought it was a trap, rather a bet but, he willingly fell into the trap when she circled her hands around his neck and gave him her best kiss. <br/><br/>He held on to her and kissed her back, taking in her scent and facial expression, he planned to make memories.<br/><br/>Things got heated up so he took her to his hotel opposite the club house. <br/><br/>The little walk from the club to the hotel felt like a thousand years to him, he didn't want to break the kiss but he have to. <br/>He can't be seen kissing a woman in the corners in a club, not as if he cares anyways.<br/><br/>They went back to their hot steamy romance the moment they stepped feet into his suite. <br/><br/>She didn't know the room number or the room colour. All she knew was the immaculate white bed sheet she stained with her chastity, the blood of her innocence. <br/><br/>He was taken aback when he found out that she was a virgin. <br/>A woman without trace of immoral sin. <br/><br/>He felt lucky and proud that he was her first man, he created a memory which can never be erased or forgotten as long as she lives and she, was satisfied that she gave her body to the cute stranger she had met earlier. <br/><br/>"God, oohhhhh" Dorris screamed as she felt her own orgasms hit her hard. She was shaking and trembling under her boss again.<br/><br/>Her orgasm triggered his and he let out tons and tons of sperm in to her. <br/><br/>He grabbed her tight as if she is gonna run away, as he fell on her. <br/><br/>She got up to leave but he drew her to him, <br/><br/>"Don't go yet" he said. <br/><br/>"Sir?" she turned around to look at him. <br/><br/>"Please stay, i want you to stay" he pleaded with her. <br/><br/>She smiled and relaxed back in his arms. He placed her head on his chest and covered themselves with the duvet. <br/><br/>This is the best day ever, he thought. He kissed her forehead as they cuddled together.</p>