
Chapter 14

Dawn felt her mouth opened wide from the situation that just unfolded before her eyes. Stephan had ripped the letter in tiny pieces and dropped it on the table, leaning back on the couch. Dawn stared at Damien who was still staring at Stephan, she wondered what he was thinking? Why had he upset Stephan to the point where he had to rip the letter?

“You both can leave my office,” Stephan added.

“You must be out of your mind,” Damien yelled, he had enough of this nonsense. He reached out to grab Stephan by the collar hurriedly, but wasn’t as quick and calculative as Stephan, who pulled him down to his level on the couch, gave him a kick on his groin with his knee, and nodded his nose hard with his forehead. Everything happened so quick that Dawn was still in shock and Damien found himself lying on the floor with a bleeding nose.

“Damien,” Dawn called out reaching out to him on the floor as he groaned in pain holding his groin and nose at the same time, while Stephan adjusted his suit still sited on the couch. He knew Damien would do something stupid, he had been watching his body movement for quite some while. It was nothing new to him, normally he would have pulled the gun strapped behind him and shot his head off, but he choose to go easy on him. How dare a little fly want to attack him? And for what? For Dawn? He smirked at the thought of how foolish he was.

Even Jerome, his brother wasn’t as foolish as him to want to attack him physically, instead he always sent his little minions to do his work. He was angry at Dawn for bringing the bastard to his office, lawyer my ass.

“Our next meeting will be next week, I expect that you will bring another lawyer.” He heard a groan from Damien who was busy cleaning his nose with the handkerchief that Dawn had handed him, Dawn assisted him to get up slowly.

Damien had devised a plan to beat the hell out of Stephan, and intimidate him to sign the letter by force, but the idiot had torn it without even glancing through it, the impact from the head hitting his nose was so hard that his nose hurt him so bad as well as his groin.

He placed his hand to his groin still in pain but the worried look from Dawn reassured him that she still cared about him in a way.

“Are you okay?” She muttered to Damien, she could see he was in so much pain not from his nose but his groin, she assisted him to sit on the couch. She didn’t have a groin but if someone should hit her in her coochie, she was sure to be in so much pain and this Stephan had just done it without remorse in his eyes. 

Although Damien had launched at him, but still yet he could have just head-butted him, he didn’t need to harm him more.

“You could have killed him,” Dawn yelled angrily staring at Stephan, who seemed to be less concerned about their presence.

“Oh please, I was gentle, but if you want me to kill him I can, do you want me to?” Stephan asked, finally bringing out the gun strapped at his back in his hand shocking Damien but not Dawn, she had seen Matteo with a gun before so she wasn’t surprised that Stephan had one with him.

The two brothers claimed to own a fashion brand but Dawn suspected there was more to the story, because they were always well guarded and armed at all times.

“We will take our leave,” She concluded, she didn’t trust this two men being in one room, Damien was still recovering but from his silent growling, she could tell he did still stupidly launch at Stephan, and Stephan wouldn’t miss the opportunity to shoot him this time.

She wondered what was up with them, it felt like they knew each other before.

“Very well, carry your little puppy home,” Stephan demanded standing up from the couch still holding his gun and going to his table, he had a lot on his table. He didn’t have time for this nitwit, and it was too early to start killing somebody even thou he wanted to so bad.

He didn’t just want to because of Dawn, but to get back at Jerome Grey. 

“I am not…”

“It’s okay, we will talk about it when we get home.” She muttered cautioning Damien, who just nodded. She helped him up as they walked towards the elevator slowly. She could feel Stephan’s eyes staring at both of them.

“And for the record, you are my woman till this contract is terminated.” She heard Stephan say as the elevator door closed in their face.



 Olivia laughed her lungs out as Damien explained to her that he was willing to listen to her plans after Stephan had nearly removed his balls, and still had the audacity to call Dawn his woman, Olivia was angry hearing that but the more she imagined Stephan kicking Damien in the groin, the more she found herself laughing.

Dawn drove him to a restaurant close by, she had gotten an ice pack for him and he went into the men toilet to sort out himself. He had never hit in the groin before, it was a very painful experience for him.

“Where are you guys now?”

“In some restaurant close by.”

“Alright, just send me the address… also keep her engaged for some minute I will handle the rest.”

“Alright,” When Damien had been discussing with Olivia yesterday about her plans to help him, their discussion had been cut short when he got an important message from his brother, to report straight home. He didn’t know what Olivia plan was but whatever it was he was sure it was good.

He didn’t have plans to agree to it, but after how Stephan had embarrassed him, he needed to set things straight. Dawn was his woman not Stephan’s, he was a man just like him and from the look in his eyes, Damien could tell that he was not planning to let Dawn go anytime soon.

If Dawn loved him back it would be enough to get rid of Stephan, she was still a free woman and with the whole thing, she might get confused about her decision.   

He ended the call and quickly sent Olivia there address, he headed out of the toilet and waved Dawn who was sitting in a corner.

“How do you feel?”

“Much better, for a moment I thought you hated me.”

“Hating you doesn’t mean I want you dead.”

“That’s good to know,” Damien smiled, he took his seat next to Dawn.

“We should be leaving then.”

“Aren’t you starving?”

“No, I am fine.”

“So what? You just going to throw me away like some rag, now that I am not useful to you.”

“I am just being realistic, plus you took things too far by getting on his nerve.”

“He was being a dickhead, what were you expecting me to do just pretend to be happy with the situation, he didn’t have any intentions to sign that letter.”

“So, you thought whopping his ass would have helped,” Dawn asked but didn’t get any answer from Damien. “If you wanted to whop his ass, you could have told me up front, we could have gone with a baseball bat or something.”

“What?” Damien was perplexed by her statement as he and Dawn chuckled lightly. “Are you joking?”

“I don’t know.” It would have been fun threatening Stephan, Dawn thought. Just using a baseball bat or maybe his own gun, she thought about it and even developed a scenario in her head but she knew it wasn’t possible. 

“It’s good to see you smile a bit, haven’t seen you smile since I came back.”

“Well with everything going on, it’s like I don’t have a life of my own anymore.”

“Everything is going to be alright now that I am here,”

“Because we are having a conversation doesn’t mean I need your help Damien, I can handle myself.”

“Everyone get the fuck down right now,” A man voice screamed as ten men in all red and a black mask over there head walked into the restaurant, the man fired continuously towards the ceiling as people panicked lying down on the floor, screaming and shouting as Damien and Dawn compiled as well.

“If I hear your fucking voice or see you fucking…”




The man didn’t finish sentence before he shot one of the waiter three times in the head.

“Scapegoat number one, who wants to disobey me again.”

Dawn couldn’t believe what the bloody hell was going on, she had seen guns but the sight of the waiters head shattered on the ground turned her stomach and she nearly vomited, she felt Damien hands on hers as they laid face down on the floor.

Sounds of people sobbing could be heard as they tried to suppress their fears.

“Grab the bitch.” She heard the man shouting, as she felt someone grab her by the back of her head, Damien stood up instantly trying to drag her from the man.

“Let me go”

“Let her go.” Damien shouted about to punch the man in the face as a baseball bat hit him behind the head twice, making him unconscious.

Dawn struggled to get away from his grasp but the more she struggled the more men were on her trying to pin her down, and get her into their van outside, she noticed they didn’t take any money in the restaurant.

They came for her, it was very obvious. Did Stephan send them, the van door closed as they threw her on the floor, there was only one bench on the van and two men, she figured the others entered another van or car.

“We should just bloody sedate her.” One of them said sitting down alongside the other.

“Let me the fuck out right this minute,” Dawn shouted standing to her feet, she could see the rifles with them but she figured maybe they were Stephan’s men and they would at least listen to her. The other man reached out for her hair and this time with a heavy slap to her face, Olivia had once slapped her but this slap was from a man and it was much worst, she found herself on the floor touching her face immediately.

“I don’t think she needs a sedative,” the man said squatting down to her level on the ground.

“Scar just give her one, okay, am not in the mood for your sicko games.” The other spoke removing his mask and Dawn realized she was a young lady not a man but had been wearing some voice stuff that tuned her voice to sound like a man, the other took his mask off as well, and Dawn realized why they called him scar. He had like a burnt mark on his cheek.

He keep staring at her, while the other lady brought out water from her bag pack to drink.

“Please, let me go I am not who you are…”



She got another slap again, this time on both cheek, with his front and back hand. Dawn couldn’t hold herself back anymore she had never been roughed handled like this before, she felt her eyes become teary and the taste of blood inside of her mouth and on her tongue, for a second she felt dizzy from the impact, before she could recover, she felt Scar pull her hair back and slapped her twice on both cheeks again, more harder than before that it echoed in the van.

The slap echoed so loud, that Dawn ears started to ring from the effect, she felt tears falling from her eyes but she no sound of sobbing came from her mouth, she had to stay strong. This weren’t Stephan’s men, was Stephan really mad at her that he would try to hurt her like this. 

“Not so tough now, are we?” Scar asked with a smile, he stood up satisfied with the signs of his finger prints on her face.

Dawn decided to keep quiet, she realized if she talked she would only get beaten by this lunatic and her face were already red and swollen from the slap. She tried to shift back away from him but before she could, she felt Scar boot on her face really hard as she fell unconscious.