

Behind Belial was a giant red monster knight wielding a huge spiked mace.

"I am going to rule all the worlds whether you want it or not. it's gonna happen because I am going to take it away from you."Belial said to them in an authoritative tone.

He was completely pale with a slender figure with dark hair,complete dark eye balls and dark lips.

Despite that he was the handsomest of them all.

With a snap of his figure all the creatures disappeared.

"Seems you are finally willing to fight fair." Ajax said aloud.

"You are not worth my time, Ajax." Belial replied.

Ajax's eyebrows narrowed at Belial's response. He wasn't happy about Belial's comment. He was about to charge in when Micheal stopped him.

"Ajax stop! He's too crafty to be taken lightly." Michael(the one wearing Jade of Knight) warned.

"Don't worry I have a plan, Micheal." He replied.

"How? He now has Hades as minion. That means he now rule two worlds. We can't let him have the rest." Klaus explained the situation at hand.

"Have faith, Klaus. We are going to stop him. Now here is the plan: Micheal and I are going after Belial. You stay up here and cover us. We don't know what he has planned."

Ajax said with a smile towards Klaus.

Klaus nodded to signal.

Klaus looked at Micheal and said:

"Are you up for this?"

"I was born ready." Micheal replied.

They both steered their pets towards Belial who was on the bridge.

Belial looked at them unconcerned as they descended with immense speed.

Suddenly, Klaus increased his pace.

"No! Klaus, wait!" Micheal tried to warn him but it was too late.

"This is to even the odds." Klaus whispered to himself.

Klaus launched himself at the giant red monster behind Belial before his dragon landed on the bridge .

Launching himself, Ajax fell on top of the red monster knight.

instinctively, the red monster knight knocked Ajax with the mace sending him to the left side of the bridge.

With super human pace, the red monster knight caught up to Ajax before he even touched the ground and smacked him once again.

Ajax's back crashed into the far side of the bridge with full impact.

Blood oouzed down his mouth.

The red monsters knight (Hades) continued with the attack.

He went after Ajax not know what awaited him.

He rushed forward for another stroke.

It seemed Ajax was done for until...

He electrocuted Hades with lightening.

Grabbing Hades' armor, he threw him off the bridge. Just that, Hades wasn't willing to go alone.

He held unto Ajax's hand and dragged him along.

They both fell off the bridge.

Belial smiled and spoke these words:

"Pathetic fool! It's time for the great showdown."

He continued by saying:

"Resonate Dark sword of Destruction."

A dark heavy sword appeared and was targeted towards Azazel who was breathlessly trying to attack Belial.

In the end, the dark sword ran through Azazel even to it's back before it was able to attack. Azazel gave out a loud cry as it bled profusely.

Despite all this, the fighting spirit of this incredible beast wouldn't allow it to give up.

With it's dying breath, it tried to set Belial on fire but it was pressed down by another dark sword that appeared above it's head under Belial's command.

Azazel's head was split into two halves.

Michael full of anger tried to reply back with dozens of arrows shot to take down Belial.

Klaus did his best and covered him from the weapons Belial summoned.

He then shot an arrow outside of the bridge.

At first I didn't understand why he intentionally missed.

After sometime...

he stretched his hand with all his might as if trying to teleport it back.

The arrow appeared with Ajax holding unto it.

"So this was your plan after all, you really are amazing." Micheal complemented Ajax.

Ajax however, stood on Micheal's bird taking in deep breaths.

His eyes kept glancing around his surroundings. Seems he was lost in thought.

His eyes suddenly caught sight of Azazel covered in blood.

"No! It can't be!" He screamed so loudly that it echoed everywhere.

He fell on his knees and began to weep.

"No. You can't leave me like this, my dear friend.No Azazel! You just can't die like this."

He broke down and mourned his beloved pet.

He stared towards Belial with blood eyes.

Slowly he got back on his feet with a clenched fist.

His eyes were calling out for revenge.

"Don't worry, I'll avenge you, Azazel." He yelled towards Belial with tiger eyes.

"The real fight starts now." He screamed.

"Come on then." Belial replied.

Belial signalled him to attack him with his index finger.

Ajax smiled at Belial's gesture.

"Michael, Klaus; make sure to cover me. I'll deal with this son of a bitch myself." Ajax ordered.

He leapt from mid air and landed on the bridge with a thud.

The two opponents glared at each other for a long time. None of them was willing to launch the first attack.

Ajax held unto his golden shield and pointed his broad sword towards Belial.

"I'm gonna make you regret what you've done. Mark my words!"

Belial pursed his mouth in a self satisfied smirk.

"Despite being one of the strongest Lords, you are still weak. You can never match my strength. Even if you train a thousand years, it still won't be good enough. Do you know why? Do you know the reason behind this great strength of mine?"

Belial mocked Ajax.

"Shut the hell up! Am supposed to care?" Ajax replied.

"That's very interesting... because if I were you, my legs will be shaking by just facing such a powerful opponent as myself. However, I'm still ready to show you my secret because it still doesn't change a thing. YOU ARE STILL WEAK AND PATHETIC!"

"Shut the hell up!" Ajax barked.

"Come and shut me up if you can!" Belial challenged.

Ajax's legs couldn't wait any longer.

Ajax dashed towards Belial with his sword.

However Believe had other plans.

He summoned a dark heavy sword beneath Ajax's feet.

Even though, Ajax couldn't react in time, he was able to defend himself with his shield.

In that split seconds, Ajax did a Moonsault and made his shield grow super large to cover himself in order to block the heavy sword.

Making his posture ready for a forward flip despite blocking in mid air.

He was able to land on the bridge and with one swing of his shield, Belial was nearly knocked off the bridge.

Belial was sent back a few meters with that heavy attack. Yet the attack didn't have any effect on him.

"That wasn't half bad, Ajax. Yet it wasn't good enough!"

Belial praised Ajax with a applaud.

With his dark sword clenched in his hands, Belial battled with Ajax.

It was a fierce fight which haf Ajax in the corner.

Yet...he still carried on.

Most of Belial's strong attacks were blocked and reflected back to him by Ajax's shield.

I admired Ajax so much by how he fought even though he couldn't win.

Ajax was all worn out and bleeding.

Belial managed to land some of his attacks on him in the end.

There was a huge wound on Ajax's chest and his ribs was stabbed.

It seemed this was the end.

"You see? I already told you that you are weak. Do you know why you still can't cut me with your sword? It's simple...you always allow your emotions to get the best of you. Your emotions make you weak."

When Ajax heard this, his eyebrows narrowed and with a clenched jaw, he screamed:


No sooner did these words came out...

Ajax's body started to shaking vigorously and vapor travelled out of his body like crazy into the air.

Belial was escatic. He couldn't wait to see what Ajax was going to do next.

"Bring it on." Belial said with a laugh.

Flashes of lightening spurred out from his skin.

Ajax's body was surrounded by lightening. His sword and shield was also resonating with lightening.

It seemed he was going to win.

He dashed towards Belial in a flash.

Before Belial could evade or block, his left cheeks was already bleeding.

Such tremendous speed!

In just a few seconds, Ajax was able to get the cut.

"A while back you claimed I could never land a cut on you. LET'S PUT THAT TO THE TEST!"

Belial dropped to his knees after Ajax finished his speech.

At first I didn't understand what was going on.

But when blood started coming out of Belial's body was when I understood.

Ajax launched several attacks after he finished his statement.

And in those narrow seconds, Belial was defenseless. He couldn't block or evade. He was just an open target.

"Get up and fight!" Ajax barked.

Belial couldn't even stand. Ajax was the victor in the end.

Belial slowly got up using his sword to help him stand.

"What's the matter champ? Too weak to fight?" Ajax mocked Belial.

Belial was completely exhausted and weak.

He was bleeding profusely.

At least that was what I thought.

"Hahahaha...how funny." Belial laughed.

"You still think you can win despite the state you are in? Well then...let me deliver the final cut!"

Ajax postured himself ready to attack.

All odds were against Belial. There was nothing he could do to stop Ajax's attack.

However...when it seemed Ajax was the victor, Belial proved once again how strong he really was.

He opened his palms and with a loud laugh, he summoned a giant dark smoke.

"What a pity! You seriously think something like that will stop me?" Ajax said with an overconfident look.

The dark smoke grew larger and larger and was targeted towards Ajax.

Ajax stood firm. He didn't even flinch.

When the dark smoke got closer, he tried blocking with his shield but it was all in vain since it wasn't aimed to strike him.

That was when I understood Belial's plan.

Ajax found himself trapped in the dark smoke. Suddenly the lightening around his body died out.

Ajax looked around his upper and lower body only to find his lightening gone.

"WHAT IS THIS?" He screamed towards Belial.

"IT'S A CAGE! WHAT ELSE DID YOU EXPECT?" Belial replied with a laugh.

Belial's body started regenerating. All his wounds disappeared.

That was when I understood that Belial was the master of tricks. He fooled Ajax making him think he was finally the victor. But the one carrying the truimph card was him(Belial) all along.

Ajax tried running out but he couldn't. Not even his sword could cut through. He was simply trapped like a cage animal.

That was when...

He realized the grave danger he was in.

He fell on his knees shortly after gasping for air.

No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get out of the smoke.

"You know what they say: Pride comes before a fall!" Belial mocked Ajax.

Ajax was slowly losing his strength and was slowly passed out.

When Micheal and Klaus tried interfering, he trapped them in the dark smoke as well.

"I already told you that you can never defeat me. Your emotions got the best of you once again and now look at you struggling for breath. HOW PATHETIC!"

Belial started walking around gloated in his victory.

"I already told you...I am going to rule all the worlds and there's nothing you can do to stop me." Belial spoke with tremendous confidence.

The images slowly began to fade like a figment of imagination.

"The Light bridge remembers its sorrow once more. What you witnessed happened over thousands of years ago. It was what decided the fate of mankind and the ruler of all worlds." A voice spoke behind me.

When I turned around, there was a short guy in a white heavy armor staring at me. He seemed elvish judging from his pointed ears.

He had a blonde hair with a goatee.

He starred at me with alluring eyes before continuing:

"That was entertaining right? My name is Eren, a message of the Creator. I'm here to take you to him. He's waiting for you."

"Me? Who's the Creator and why does he demand my presence?" I asked.

"Just carry on and walk with me. Your questions bore me to death."

He took off before I even replied. I had no choice but to follow.

We walked for miles on end. It was almost like an endless journey.

"Can I ask you something?" I broke the eternal silence between us.

He carried on ignoring my request. After a short while, he spoke:

"I guess you are wondering who the Creator is and why he wants to see you. Am I right?"

"Yes." I replied instantly.

"Well, how do I even put it? He's essentially the maker. The maker as in maker of all beings like you and me."

"Ok...but why does he want to see me."

"I can't really tell. Maybe it's because you broke the rules."

"What rules?"

"If you don't know what I am referring to then you are idiot."

Annoyed at his response, I chose to ask nothing more.

We resumed walking without saying a word.

After a while he broke the silence and asked:

"So, tell me something?" He said deeply.


"Why did you choose to end your life?"

I gritted my teeth at his question.

All the memories in an instant came flashing back. I have been trying so hard to forget. The memories of Suzuki and Amaya. Memories of my dad, mom and all loved ones.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" He asked.

"It's none of your business." I replied coldly.

"It's because of them isn't it. Amaya and Suzuki, am I right?"

My eyes instantly pooped out.

"How did you know?"

"It's none of your business." He replied coldly just like I did a while back.

I was forced to let go of my ego and pleaded:

"No please tell me."

"I thought I told you, it's none of your business."

"Alright I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I didn't want to talk about it." I said with my head hung low.

I thought that move was going to have an effect on him, but it didn't. He didn't even budge.

I walked with him in shame.

Glancing back, he saw me still desperate to know how he knew of Amaya of Suzuki.

"You are still wondering how I knew of Amaya and Suzuki, isn't that so?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied hastily.

"It's because I can read minds."

I was ecstatic. How is that even possible?

"Serious or joking?" I asked.

"On our first encounter I read everything about your mind including dark secrets. You are deeply trapped in your past that you can't seem to let go off it."

I was struck to heart by his words.

"Until you can let go off your past, you are never going to be free. And if you continue to let your past consume you then you will forever be stuck in your own prison despite having the keys."

I became speechless at his words.

My eyes welled up. I desperately needed an answer. I needed a solution.

"How? No matter how hard I try I can't fight it. I always end up at square one."

"Interesting... but that's just because you are not fighting the right way. Your problem, is you fight to run away instead of fighting to face your problems."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Stop running from your past and face it. Here's the secret: if you keep running from your past, it will also keep running after you. Whereas if you face it, it will also run away."

That was when I realized the hidden truth, I had blinded myself from realizing.

"So, how do I face it? " I asked.

He immediately froze when I questioned.

"Are you really sure you want to face it?" He turned towards me and gave a cold laugh.

"I guess so."

"Good. It's a smart choice. However, you will be needing my help for this."

I didn't understand what he was getting at.

"I am going to help you, but it carries immense risk."

"What kind of risk?"

He glanced at me for a long time which forced me to swallow. My heart started to pound even faster.

I stared at his lips impatient for the answer to come out.

"You can lose your soul."

"Wait...can I die even though I'm already dead?"

"Yes! What were you expecting? Eternal sleep?"

"Something like that."

"Then you thought wrong. Sometimes I wonder what goes through the head of you humans. You are given everything but because you never appreciate, you end up losing everything."

He walked up to me and placed two of his fingers on my forehead.

"I think it's time to face your past. Remember that... the past is a beast that needs to be conquered. And, like any other beast it can also devour."

His sight suddenly turned blurry, and I blacked out. That's all I remember.