
chapter 4: serpent's eye

Next day


I seen, jughead, Archie, Betty, and Veronica, along with Caroline except for Damon. Oh great, " Diem bonam, omnes." The only one that replied was Veronica, " hi Rachel." Archie asked, " you understood her?" She nodded, " yeah she said good morning everyone in Latin." I smiled, " I didn't know you knew how to speak Latin." She nodded, " yeah."

I said, " Veronica can you speak another language?" She shook her head, " only one, English." I snickered, " nice." She then asked, " what about you can you speak another language?" I nodded, " yeah, three of them. French, Latin and Greek."

Damon entered the kitchen, " good morning everyone. Ladies." I rolled my eyes, " okay, this morning I woke up early, and got a call from Toni. She said there in with the plan."

I said, " I wanna thank you guys so much, one for letting us stay here, and two helping us with this mess." They said, " your welcome. But how are a bunch of humans supposed to help much though." I said, " no offense on that part don't look to me."

Damon said, " you sure you're willing to give up a human life?" Jughead said, " if it helps fight with you guys then yeah." I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, " good morning my little raven." I smiled, " morning babe."

Archie asked, " so?" Damon said, " if it's what you want then fine. Caroline." She looked to Damon, " okay." I then said, " okay what about I don't know vampires can't walk in the sun?" Caroline said, " I'll ask Bonnie for help." I said, " thank you Caroline."

I'm gonna skip over this.

Next day

Wednesday,March 26

It's been a few days now, and I'm getting stared at like a rack of ribs. Things went well. And I think they are out for my blood. Kind of freaking me out. But I'll be okay as long as they don't kill me in my sleep. And probably after this flies over, one of them I know will probably flip the switch. Might be Archie.

And also they do have daylight rings, which helps a lot thanks to Bonnie. Which she is staying with us for a few days. For now. We are trying to make a plan. Most of us are training like no other. And we will need all the strength we can get. We don't know what we're fighting against.

Back home

Tuesday,April 20

Okay, we have a problem. Caroline is- she didn't flip off any emotions, but well I was right I knew one of them would flip the switch, and it's Archie. Go figure. But there's one thing we know, the witch ancestors don't know about my species thank god. So this will help.

So on our side is Veronica, Betty, the serpents, Eric, cami, Bonnie, Damon, Stefan, Archie, Marcel and his vampires. So yeah. Oh along with davina. We have found a way to bring her back.

And Kol omg, his reaction was so flipping adorable. But we have no idea when they will attack. Not Kol or davina, no Lucien and the ancestors. Because from what Marcel is saying that there is a ton of witches. So we might be screwed over.

Moving on, I got a few new tattoos which I love them. I have been training like a mad man. But it's worth it. But I think I might do something I never thought of. Becoming my true form. Yeah, I never have done that before like ever in my life. So yeah. That's fun.

Eric and I are okay, Tiana met a guy, and they are already you know buddy buddy. And omg, haley has slightly tamed Klaus. Yeah, no he's still the short temper original hybrid. But things are a tiny bit different.

I then got a text from cami, " we have found a way for this to be sooner. Well they have. Rebkah took hope out of town to be away from this chaos." I said, " okay that's good. But when as in when is it soon?" She said, " two weeks." I felt my heart drop. "We will be ready." I'm slightly glad that Eric and I live in a big home. " you gonna be okay this week?" I replied, " yeah. You?" She said, " I'm gonna be honest. I am terrified." I said, " me too."

I then seen Eric, " hey Eric." He looked to me, " yes they can stay here." I said, " okay? Are you sure you can't read minds or something?" He said, " no, I just know you well. And your freaking adorable."

I blushed, " thank you. But cami texted, she said it's in two weeks or so, maybe sooner." He nodded, " we will be ready."

Next week

Monday,April 23

Okay, so we are gonna be on edge for a while. But meaning half the town is a ghost town right now. No really, it's super weird. But it is holiday for a few people. And I'm worried about this. I'm not sure what it will be alright. I'm worried and panicking.

I then heard jughead, " we got a problem." I asked, " what is it?" He said, " they took your sister." I felt my eyes go wide, " do you know where?" He shook his head no. " I will find my sister. Get everyone ready. This is happening today. We are attacking."

I grabbed my jacket, and ran to my car. Backing out of the driveway, I had to blare music ir I was gonna scream at the top of my lungs and shatter a mirror.

On the road

I then got a call, I put it on speaker, " what?!" I heard Lucien's voice, " raven so good to hear your voice again." I snapped, " listen here you psycho tell me where my sister is now!" He laughed, " remember where the old well is-" I snapped, " so help me Lucien if you touch her or try and break her, I will find you and rip your f**king heart out!" He laughed, " we will see about that darling." He hung up. I slammed on the breaks, and turned the car around. I then called Elijah- I am mad as hell right now

Conversation: raven and Elijah

E: Rachel, good to hear from-

R: meet at the old well across town. Lucien took my sister.

E: what?

R: yes, meet there, the others are on their way.

E: are you alright?

R: no. Elijah I'm mad as hell right now. So I am not gonna talk long- I'm about to scream and shatter a f**kin mirror.

E: I will let my siblings know.

R: see you all there.

I hung up. And floored the gas.

Across town

I got out of my car, and seen cami, I grabbed out my pistol, thankfully it has wooden bullets wrapped with vervain and wolfsbane. Courtesy of my bestie Tiana. I knew this would be a trap, " stay where you are Camille." She said, " I don't plan on moving anytime soon." Smart a**. She yelled, " look out." I ducked and seen a bullet fly by, " are you trying to kill me you moronic idiot!" He laughed, " that's the plan isn't it?"

I shot a bullet and it missed, " nice try." He was in my face, " it's gonna be so fun to kill you." I growled as he choked my neck, " go to hell." He threw me to a branch, " pathetic, that's what you are Rachel." I laughed, " at least I have a damn brain." I felt my ribs crash, " is she always this mouthy?" I looked over to see kai Parker.

"Oh great now there's two psychopaths." They just laughed, mocking me. I know not yet. " why the f**k are you even doing this?" Lucien said, " because Nicklaus killed me, and in return I'm going to break his sire line. And kill him." I asked sarcastically, " but aren't you apart of his sire line Lucien? So wouldn't you die as well?"

Kai tired to use magic on me, i laughed, seeing in the corner of my eye, my friends, I slowly got up getting a regenerated lungs. " you don't give up do you?" Kai started to walk to me, I just laughed, " oh Kai, you should of gave up while you had the chance." I had my nails become a pretty ombré stiletto nails, I scratched him across the face. " look who's the pathetic one now."

He fell to the ground. I said, " now which one of you wants to cause mayhem?" And that's when my true form showed. I have never seen it before.

I squealed when I seen my true form, " damn I love this offutt." And that's when I seen the witch ancestor. Lucien attacked first and the rest of us did as well. He tried to hit me, I grabbed his hand, " gotcha." He tried again, " what are you?" I laughed, " your worst nightmare."

He head butted me, " d**khead." He then choked me, " what are you?" I growled, " the last of my kind- a hybrid raven." He said, " they went extinct." I said, " not me." I threw him off of me, " hey raven."

I seen Veronica. " hey Veronica." I punched Lucien in the gut, " cute offutt." I smiled, " thank you this is my true form. I didn't expect it to be so flipping cute." She smiled. "Hang on." She snapped his neck. " thanks."

Moments later

I heard a cry out, " no." I seen my boyfriend on the ground, I ran over to him, and pushed anyone out of the way. " hey look to me, keep your eyes open." He started to fade, I had tears streaming down, " please don't go. I want you here." He coughed out, " your kneeling on my hand."

I moved crying, " did I tell you how beautiful you are?" I smacked him in the chest still crying my eyes out, " dammit Eric!" He smirked getting up, " you scared me. I thought you were dead." He gave me a hug, " I love you." I didn't say anything. He looked to me, " I love you." I said, " yeah I love you to." He smiled hugging me, " I hate being f**king short." He laughed along with the others.

I then heard, " isn't this just bitter sweet." I grabbed my pistol, " take one more step and I put a f**king bullet between your eyes." He laughed, " what are you gonna do Rachel? Kill me?"

I said, " yeah. I am." I shot two bullets, one in his head, one in his heart. " and that's why you don't mess with a crazy person." I then looked over, " sorry I killed your friend." Klaus said, " he should of stayed dead before. But I doubt the ancestors are going to try anything else"