
Chapter 48: The fist is very hard, but the wand is not soft either

Snape left the crying Malfoy and walked towards the first-year dormitory. Goyle and Crabbe had just finished changing when Snape went out to confront them.

After getting the affirmative answer, Snape went to Chu Yang's room with surprise and doubt.

The three Malfoys followed closely behind Snape.

Snape pushed the door open forcefully, then looked up and saw that there was no damage anywhere.

Chu Yang, who had just come out of the bathroom, saw Snape with a cold face, and Malfoy who was aggrieved behind him.

Chu Yang smiled and said, "Dear Professor Snape, do you want anything early in the morning?"

Snape took a deep breath and did not ask the question about the bookmark, but asked: "Mr. Malfoy is your roommate, but he slept in the common room last night. Why don't you explain this?" "

Chu Yang quickly glanced at the three Malfoys, and then asked in surprise: "Malfoy actually slept in the common room last night?"

There was an expression of regret on his face and an apology in his tone, "I went to bed early last night. Malfoy and the others woke me up when they came back. I complained a few times. He might be because of this." That's why I went to the common room to sleep."

Chu Yang looked at Malfoy with a smile, "I'm sorry, Malfoy."

Malfoy's scalp is numb!

"However, I remember that I invited you to stay and rest later, didn't you?" Chu Yang stared at Malfoy and the other three sincerely.

Goyle and Crabbe nodded subconsciously. Chu Yang didn't lie. He did ask Malfoy to stay last night, but he was too scared and ran away.

Snape, who finally heard the whole story clearly, looked at Malfoy coldly, "Mr. Malfoy, I hate lies very much. I will tell your father the truth about your behavior today."

Malfoy immediately let out a scream!

The most advanced lie in the world is to put the truth out of order and then tell it with added fuel and jealousy.

Chu Yang smiled happily, but in the eyes of Goyle and Crabbe, his smile was like a devil.

"Go to class quickly!"

Snape roared, causing the three Malfoys to leave the dormitory in panic.

Before leaving, Snape took a deep look at Chu Yang.

He knew that the matter was not as simple as Chu Yang said, but since the other party didn't reveal any tricks, he didn't need to pursue it any further.

As for Malfoy, Snape's anger at him was entirely due to his stupidity.

If arrogance and strength are not equal, then he is just an arrogant idiot.

Chu Yang, who knew Snape's temperament, knew that this was a turning point after seeing the other person's reaction.

When Chu Yang got up this morning, the first thing he did was to erase the traces of last night.

After taking off the bookmark, he used the repair spell to restore everything.

Snape probably didn't expect that a young wizard who had just entered school could cast spells so skillfully.

After the Malfoy trio and Snape left the dormitory, Chu Yang slowly packed his things and went out. As soon as he reached the common room, he was blocked by several senior students.

"Boy, I heard that you upset a lot of your classmates the night before yesterday? What you learned from the Muggle world will not always be useful here." A tall senior student glared at Chu Yang condescendingly. .

Chu Yang smiled politely and said, "It doesn't matter, it just worked the night before!"

The tall senior student was filled with anger when he heard Chu Yang's answer. He didn't expect that a freshman would dare to contradict him like this.

"Harper!" A slender boy with long curly hair next to him stretched out his hand to stop the upperclassman who was about to get angry. "We are wizards, not gangsters fighting on the streets in the Muggle world. We have our own way of dealing with it."

The burly boy named Harper took a few steps back while holding back his anger, and said in a deep voice: "You're right, Marcus."

While speaking, the long curly-haired boy named Marcus took out his wand from his robe and pointed it at Chu Yang, "Do you know how many points our college has lost because of you? This is the beginning of the semester!"

Seeing him take out his wand, the polite smile on Chu Yang's face disappeared, and he said with a serious expression: "First of all, I have gained back the points Slytherin lost. Secondly, are you sure you want to do this? You have to bear everything. The courage of consequences?"

"Courage?" Marcus smiled playfully and joked: "Courage is not Gryffindor's patent. Slytherin never lacks courage."

When the two were confronting each other, another senior student came from the spiral staircase. He had a strong aura and walked up to the two of them with his head held high and said: "Marcus, don't do too much, otherwise the school will It's hard for me to explain, this is my last year in school, and I don't want to leave a stain."

"No problem, prefect, I'll use a simple petrification spell to keep him in the lounge all day." Marcus replied respectfully.

After the man glanced at Chu Yang coldly, he left the lounge without looking back.

Is fixing a non-pureblood wizard a big deal in Slytherin?

of course not!

This group of senior students wanted to deal with Chu Yang last night, but because Chu Yang temporarily changed his dormitory, they never found Chu Yang.

Who would have thought that Chu Yang, who was born in an orphanage, could live in a room for two?

Students kept passing by Chu Yang, and everyone looked very indifferent.

No one here cares about his fate...

"Slytherin is still a good place. I really like it more and more." The corners of Chu Yang's mouth raised, but his eyes were sending out dangerous signals.

"I want you to understand that fists have no effect on wizards!" Marcus waved his wand and chanted a spell in his mouth at the same time. His spell casting speed was very fast, almost completing the spell casting action in two seconds.

The tip of Marcus's wand shimmered.

He waved hard, and the activated magic spell shot towards Chu Yang like lightning.

Chu Yang turned sideways to avoid the curse, and also twisted his waist. While doing warm-up movements, he laughed and said: "I am very skilled in the curse. I usually use this trick on people, right? But your speed is too slow. Even my neighbor All the grandmothers at home are more agile than you."

"Is this how wizards deal with it? It's not as tough as a Muggle's fist."

Chu Yang's words were not very lethal, but they were extremely insulting. The students watching the excitement laughed one after another. Marcus's face turned red visibly. He raised his head and prepared to cast a more powerful spell.

It was all nonsense up to the point, and Marcus, who was furious, just wanted to kill Chu Yang.


Marcus is casting an explosion spell (Thunderbolt Explosion)!

It's a pity that Chu Yang, who has the Haki power of seeing and hearing, had already taken out his wand and released the spell before Marcus could shout.



A flash of light shot out from the top of Chu Yang's wand, accurately hitting Marcus's wand and sending it flying.

The laughter in the common room suddenly stopped, and everyone looked at the first-year student who made big news in shock.

Obviously the current scene is not what they want to see.