
A Living Hell Before The New World

"Hmm... it seems like we got a newcomer sent by Lord Lancaster. I find this late entry intriguing. No need to pretend to be unconscious, Mr. Evelnoke." ... The man pulls out a chair and sits on it backwards. After waiting, he frowns briefly before showing a small smile. "Guess he is still experiencing it for the first time on a conscious level. Dying, that is."

As you open your eyes... you see me staring back at you. It feels as if you're looking at a mirror image of yourself.

"Honestly, I only said that 'Flipside' line because I had nothing better to do, 'narrator.' Although I am still not sure if listening to a pre-made script is the best idea... I also feel like you know something about what happened after I passed through the gateway to Flipside. That irregular flash of colors I experienced has made me woozy, ugh... Even though you are a part of me, I feel like you might work under somebody else's agenda. If you wanna clarify anything, now is the time," Segato says to me, narrowing his eyes. For even if just this brief moment, he is aware of all the presences he was not before.

[You aren't wrong, but you aren't correct, either,] I respond back, further confusing Segato. [After all, the truth of what is currently hidden should remain hidden until the timing is perfect. I guess I'll spoil a bit of it for you, since you'll find out soon. This is your third time dying, hehehehe...] With that commentary, I feel satisfied with my intervention, and walk away from the forced dream.

"Wait. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Uh... Hello? Also, where are you going? What the hell are you, really? Who are you?! Come back..."

This would be the first encounter between that which has already happened, and foreshadows that which is yet to come.

"You cryptic bastaaaaaaaard... I can read everything you are saying! ... Crap... can't maintain... consciousness..."

It is time for you to wake up, lest you wish your handler to think you're a lunatic.

"Ahem. Done talking to yourself, Mr. Evelnoke?" As Segato opened his eyes, bewildered and angry from the dream sequence.

"I think I am starting to lose my mind," he muttered under his breath.

"No, not really. Welcome to Hell-- I mean Flipside," the man cheerfully responded.

He totally said hell for a moment. Am I gonna die here a 4th time?

"The home of all of the deities' infamous miscreants."

[It is ideal for Segato to hear what this man has to say.]

Alright, alright, I'm paying attention!

After he had Segato's attention, he elaborated, "Somebody thought it'd be cool to throw all of the more troublesome anomalies into a single universe designed to contain their powers. You were probably told it is for 'the fate of the world' or something, right?"

"Nope, I actually died by being sucked out of my universe through a dimension crack in the sky," Segato nonchalantly replied back while he shrugged. After the man heard this, he silently furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm confused. Why the hell did they send you here then if you aren't considered a threat?"

"They said I could reincarnate 'as is' here. Is there a problem with what I was told, Mr..."

"Call me Sundance. I am a lesser deity in charge of overseeing the boundary between Flipside and everything else. I actually used to be a _____... well that's annoying. Various truths get censored when you don't have a high enough clearance or awareness level, and the noise replacement is absolutely obnoxious." Segato furiously nodded his head in agreement with his ears clutched. After a tiny "Hmm" was uttered as Sundance rubbed his chin, his face lit up. "It seems a bit unfair to me that you are under circumstances where you have no clearance, especially since Lord Lancaster is on your side. I'll remove this issue soon, and then give you your 'package.'"

As Sundance is typing on a virtual keyboard in mid-air, Segato notices a few things while looking around. The first would be that Sundance has short, white hair despite his youthfulness. Segato wasn't really paying attention to him in much detail at first, but once he observed Sundance more... the white hair wasn't the oddest visual. His eyeballs truly looked like deadly flames exuding an vaguely familiar warmth...

"Would you be the deity that represents the Sun?" He decided to be straightforward with his curiosity.

"Nope, or rather not the ones you are thinking of, at least. I both monitor and house the flame of life within body. I am also the one in charge of burning people to death in Hell. Usually the one in charge of new arrivals for universes is Duanoshiki, but... He said something beyond 'simply being an anomaly' appeared in a universe he helps monitor."

Segato tilted his head, then asked, "Is it okay to tell me that the situation isn't going over well? Aren't things like this supposed to be secret or something?" This caused Sundance to laugh.

"Hooligan and Lancaster are backing you, Segato. That means nobody in their right mind will even glance at you for knowing this. They are of a higher standing amongst us all than you think. I also enjoy the gossip that passes throughout our workplace. I normally have nobody to talk to, though, since I often work alone. You, my friend, are a refreshing change of pace."

I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust this guy more than Lancaster and Hooligan, even, Segato thinks to himself. Maybe I should ask him about what he was trying to mention earlier...

As if reading the hidden intentions on his seemingly expressionless face, Sundance answers, "Now that I upgraded your access level to 'contractor,' I'll go back to what I was saying. I used to be a human, just like you. A large portion of deities tend to stay native to their respective universes after 'ascending.' You can interpret it as one becoming too powerful for their universe to contain them. To properly form a base for that power, it's safer to leave and expand one's influence everywhere else. Should enough people believe in that power while intervention is done across universes... one can raise in ranking." He paused briefly as he handed Segato a briefcase, then discreetly whispered in his ear, "Now here is where you come in. I have a good feeling about you... as if you are truly an old friend I've known for eons. I think you should hide your powers until you are strong enough to win against your enemies."

"Uh... okay... wait. What are you referring to?" Segato whispered back.

"Win against everything life can throw at you. There will be a lot of obstacles on this path you've chosen. When Hooligan is vouching for you, expect the worst. He tends to do irregular movements. Lancaster, on the other hand, tends to see some greater script that only he can set in motion. If you are intended to be a part of his plans, your life will never be peaceful, no matter how much you wish for it. Now then," he raised his voice, as if he was proclaiming their presences to someone nearby. "Young Segato Evelnoke, your journey to another world begins now! Enjoy your stay in Flipside (and may you not die quickly)."

Worst. Pep talk. Ever.


Come to think of it, why do you talk normally sometimes and other times like some creepy final boss-- Before he could hear a much anticipated answer, Segato fell through a hole in the ground and screamed.

"Hmm. I probably should have told him that he'd be dropped off there in a literal manner. Then again, if he can't survive this, he isn't worthy of being chosen by you, right, Lord Lancaster?"

"It seems you also noticed something different about that child?"

"He's very much like our old friend... yet also not. How is this possible? Could it be that his narrator ability is--" Before Sundance could continue speculating out loud, Lancaster covered his mouth.

"It is uncertain if that is correct. The only certainty is that we should keep this hidden from the other deities, due to a possibility of that man being involved." Lancaster's worn-out face briefly scowls. "I am more or less surprised that Helix didn't tattle on us..." This last sentence muttered by Lancaster made Sundance's cheerfulness disappear.

"Lord Lancaster. Tell me the truth now. Segato's 'death in his universe' didn't accidentally happen, did it?" The elongated nails on Lancaster's right hand tapped his wrinkled brown forehead in irritation.

"I am also suspecting the same outcome as you. He's being targeted by somebody. The question is who did it, and how did they get around security?"