
All Creation: I Have A Fictional Gacha System

"Cain El Serpento "VCTR Eterna" The Seventh White Glow Le Art Immortal "Helios" Almighty" (Cain for short) is your average reincarnator. He got truck-kun into a different world. What wasn't so average was the World of Gods he got reincarnated in. In this world , trillions of gods create planets and compete with each other. As soon as you reach the rightful age of 16, you get to awaken your godly name and awaken your planet! Cain thought he was the protagonist of the world, until he awaken his planet! Luckily he also awaken his cheat! Gaia Gacha System! It can materialized all kinds of things from anime, games, books, or movies! Sadly, there's no top-up system! He needs to keep devouring worlds to gain World Origin Points to roll! Cain will devour every world! And create them new! AN: This is my take on the chinese genre of All Gods/Creation/Era Of Gods. hope you like it

cybolg · Cómic
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4 Chs


[Stop host! You're making a grave mistake! You can't reroll at all with this System!]

"Let's Gooooooooo!"

Looking at the price of the nasuverse rateup gacha. Cain only have ten pulls available, unlike the forty pulls of the beginner gacha. It doesn't matter though, Cain is getting his petty revenge against the system one way or another! Cain quickly press the 10 pull button.

[Stupid! So Stupid! Host is a stupid idiot!]

Cain was greeted by a nostalgic sight of the FGO rolling screen. Cain wiped a single tear from his eye. The first pull showed itself, with two balls of light spinning around a ball. Is it a craft essence?

Suddenly a green card with a tree showed itself. Green? I don't remember fgo cards having green backs...

[Odic Force(World Prop) Rare Grade

Description:Also know as Qi. It is a form of Life energy. All living beings of Nasuverse have Od

Effect: Make any living beings of your world capable of using Odic Force]

It's not bad... the only problem is that I don't have any living on my barren planet! see what's next. Cain closed the description prompt. It was another craft essence? but blue back?

[Magical Leylines(World Prop) Rare Grade

Description: Also known as the "Breath Of The Planet and Nature". It produces mana around the world. Mana is the catalyst of all magecraft.

Effect: Generates Magical Leylines in your world.]

It's good. Same as before, the problem is that I don't have the ability to create life in my world! Give me a unit at least! Next! Damn another craft essence? this time with weapons? is it a weapon?

[Fragarach(Noble Phantasm) Rare Grade

Description: The Sword Of Retrograde, The Retaliator, That Which Comes Later Cuts First.

Ability: When the Opponent uses their ultimate Ability, release a needle thin blast that strikes the enemies heart absolutely]

This! Amazing, a life saving weapon! I have a weapon now! Not even a while I already have a weapon. Then another CE draw

[Magical Resources(Resource Prop) Rare Grade

Description: Magical Resources such as Saint Quartz, Gemstones Magical Plants and Metals.

Effect: Randomly Spawn Magical resource points around the planet.]

Is it useful? No, at least not right now. Please give some units. Damn, so much CEs, why don't you give me a heroic spirit, I don't mind if it's two star!

[Entire Werehouse Full Of Black Keys(Building Prop)1*

Description: Werehouse Full of Black Kets, It never runs out of Black Keys. All kinds of Black Keys.

Effect:Spawn Unlimited Black Keys Resource points.]

Did I perhaps...made a mistake? Please give me something better RNG gods! Suddenly another draw was rolling, but something was different, the orbs were blue but have somesort of numbers surrounding flowing out of them, like digitals...wait, don't tell me!? a lot of balls and data flow with a planet background, could it be!? thee system the said.

[Impossible! How!?]

[Moon Cell(Construct Prop) Godly Grade

Description: Moon Cell, The Holy Grail Of The Moon, Eye Of God, It has many names, within it is a super computer capable of accessing the 8th dimension, known as the Moon Cell Automaton. It is capable of recording the past, present and future of an entire world and the multiverse.


Defense Mechanism Attack Programs: Summon Digital Creatures known as Attack Programs.

Digital Holy Grail: Summon one or more Heroic Spiritrons

Spiritron Networks: Allows user to travel to any celestial bodies that has been recorded and create a fabricated world.

SE.RA.PH: A world within the Moon Cell

Reality Marbles: When summoning a Heroic Spiritron, the specific reality marble will be created

Imaginary Number Space:(locked) Requires Regalia Heir]

Holy Hot Damn Let's Goooooooooo! I was expecting BB or somesort of digitized heroic spirit, but I got the Moon Cell! Amazing! a game changer. I don't think it can get better than this. Next!

"See that system! It's all fine now, so stop crying"

[You just got lucky host! I don't think you'll get this lucky again in the next year, your misfortune is practically guaranteed now!]

"Hehe will see! Next"

[What!? How could it be "Him"]

A black card spun into my view, it was a caster card!? Beast!? Solomon!? Goetia!? Wha!?

[Wizard Marshall Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg(I'm Amazing) True Magician "I'm Amazing" Grade

Description: "Interesting! Usually this goes the otherway around, I'm usually the one throwing people into otherworlds, Not me being thrown into one, don't you think so Lord Creator? Hohoho"


True Magician: That's right, this Old Bones is pretty capable, what do you think?

Magecraft(EX): "I'm very good at magecraft*wink wink*"

Jewel Magecraft(EX):"This old man is pretty good at it. Oh? You're thinking I created it? How could I forget!"

Dead Apostle Ancestor: "It gives me immortality, life is such a fickle thing... it started when I was a mortal, I live my life to the fullest! Even defeating an Ultimate One... Then I became an immortal, I thought it was over and get some good rest. but instead I get to work my ass everyday in every multiverse! Don't get me wrong it was very fun..."]

"I don't need to hear your life story right now you old troll! let me see what it does! system, what the is wrong with this bastard card? why is it animated!? Why are you preparing tea old troll!? Why do you look like like you're about to tell a millennium long story!?"

[I don't know host, his card is special.]

["So as I was saying..."]

"Stop! we can talk about your life story later! let me see your abilities now"

["Sighed... Kids this day are really impatient. Fine, it gives me immortality and a super duper ultimate secret that I can't tell you *wink wink*"

Second Magic(Keleidoscope): "I can see and go around the multiverse blah blah blah pull the magical energy from those world blah blah blah you know it already. Don't get too excited though Lord Creator, I can only see the multiverse right now, and it's a little vague, my connection to the root is blurry. and going to other multiverse takes time... You shouldn't care about those thing right now, their are more concerning matters... so let this old man out already! it's really cramped in here kid! The other two idiots aren't that important anyway! just skip it!"

Weapon: Jeweled Sword Zelretch, Keleidostick, Treasure Chest]

Cain eyes twitched. This old troll! other two idiots? what the hell is this old bastard talking about, Next!

"Oh, finally a card I recognize! and those rainbow balls, a 5*star? "

It was a golden caster SSR. Who could it be? I don't think it can top the Wizard Marshall. 'This Old Bastard' Cain though as he sees the Wizard Marshall attempt to escape the inventory by climbing out. Finally the card showed itself, it was another amazing card... but...

"Why isn't his card animated?" I asked the mini Zelretch who got out of the inventory

["It's cause I'm better."]

My eyes twitched again. This shameless old bastard, although I'm very happy I got you. I looked at the card again and smiled

[Why do you keep getting good stuff? This is statistically impossible!] The system whined

[Merlin (Heroic Unit) Grand Legendary Grade

Description: The Magus Of Flowers, Prophet of The Round Table. Vagrant Of Paradise. (Virtual Idol?) Is the mischievous magus from Arthurian Legends.


Magecraft(EX): A grand master of magecraft

Dream Invasion(EX): As a half-blood Incubus Merlin can easily invade dreams.

Flower Magecraft(EX): Merlin's forte of magecraft

The Eye Which See Through The World(EX): The ability to see everything in Present.

Conceptual Conception(EX): Magecraft used to give concepts to unborn beings.

Heroic Creation(EX): A maker of true kings.

Teleportation(EX): Can teleport himself or a group to the designated space

Mixed Blood(EX): Merlin is Half-incubus, giving him all incubus traits, including magical power and immortality

Illusion Arts(A): A master of creating Illusion and mind interferance

Garden Of Avalon(A):Merlin's Prison, The Forever Sealed Utopia. Merlin Summons the Garden Of Avalon to the real world.

Weapons: Caliburn, Excalibur, Merlin's athame, Merlin's Staff]

"Amazing! It's even better than expected." Cain elated

["I'm still better"] Mini-Zelretch complained

"Well you're a bullshit cheat!" Cain said as he flick the Old Man away.

Merlin can be considered a demigod in this word, a high rank demigod at that. But Zelretch? The concept of multiverse doesn't exist in this world, With Zelretch though...maybe he's the only one in the entire universe capable of seeing other multiverse. Next

"A Craft essence... did my luck run out finally? I don't care anymore, my luck of pulling this three is already amazing."

[Class Card:King Hassan(Transformation Card) Legendary Grand Grade

Description:I am The Hassans of Hassans. Dost Thou Hear The Bell?

Effect: Transform The User to The First Old Man In The Mountain.]

What!? Thank The RNG God. Another amazing card came out! I'm set for life. Next.

"Oh another hero!? why are the orbs bleeding? A moon card? is it a moon servant!? What the FUUUUUUUCK!!?

[I give up! The Host Luck is too insane!]

["Tsk-tsk... I can't still believe I'll meet this guy again here."]

[Brunestud Of The Crimson Moon(Ultimate Unit) Ultimate Grade

Description: Brunestude Of The Crimson, the Ultimate One of the Moon, Type-Moon, King Of The Moon, The Father of True Ancestors, Crimson Father, God Of Vampires, he have many names, all of it gives terror to his enemies.


Ultimate One(Type:Moon): Brunestud is the Ultimate of the Moon, even alone he can destroy countless world.

Rainbow Mystic Eyes(EX): The Mystic Eyes of All Mystic Eyes, Brunestud eyes have a rainbow color, it is the collection of all types of mystic eyes.

Blood Magecraft(EX): Brunestude is the king of blood manipulation.

Millennium Castle Brunestude(EX): A reality marble capable of creating True Ancestors.

Crimson Moon(EX): Anywhere the ultimate one goes, his origin follows, summon the Crimson Moon.

Moon Fall(EX):Summon a mirror of the Crimson Moon and smash it into the target.

Alt Nagel(EX):A Pillar Of Wind that stretches as far as the heavens.

Vampire Originator(EX): All Dead Apostles(Vampires) and True Ancestors are related to him somehow, it transcend concepts.

Weapon: Real Of The World.]

"D-did I just luck out?"

I-I think, I just summoned a true god...!?