
All Bow Before The Magical Villain

ON HIATUS If transmigration fails, try rebirth. In a magical world where power spoke before all else he would be the most powerful of them all and with their bones he would build his throne. Dex Atticus had transmigrated from earth to a magical continent. He lived right, saved millions and became the justified magic emperor. He had been the hero, or that was how he saw himself after all, it was what transmigrators did in the books. But he was betrayed by those he saved and killed by those who wanted his power. And just when he thought that death had come calling, he returned to start over again. And this time, he had a hunting system as a cheat. All magical inheritances would be his, all the glory would be his, all the wealth in the world he would claim and the most outstanding women, he would take. All his enemies would fall on his sword and every creature on the continent would bow before him, the new reigning supreme villain emperor. He would not be the hero they rejected, he would be the villain they loved. When they asked why he was cruel to the good guys, Dex would simply say, "I am allergic to heroes." Cover picture is not mine, it belongs to Lariella. Art on Pinterest.

1cutecat · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
28 Chs

A city whose eyes are always open.

Even as the flying roc transported them through the skies, at the fastest pace, Dex continued to cultivate his magic persistently. At no single point would he stop, unless it was necessary. 

He had come up with a cultivating schedule, in the mornings he would practice his breathing technique, during the day, combat magic and teleportation or other skills related to his space element and in the evenings, astral magic. 

It was a rigorous schedule, and one that he intended to keep to. 

"Even now, he is training." His mother said and sighed. 

She had been wondering for a while if she and her husband, non magic folk, were a burden on Dex. It would be much easier for him to disappear on his own but he had to protect them. 

"He is a mage, what did you expect?" her husband answered. 

"I thought we would talk to him, we had many questions after all. Aren't you curious about where all this gold came from?" she whispered her answer. 

Mages could block out the noise of others but just in case their talk distracted Dex, she chose to whisper. 

His father shrugged and answered, "He spent many days in the Black forest and that place is a grave yard for many but a land of opportunity for others. Maybe he picked up what those who had died left behind. Or perhaps it belongs to those dead members of the Adama guild." 

Dex peeped through one eye and saw his mother huff her cheeks, very unsatisfied with that answer. 

"And the space ring." she added. 

"He is a space mage." his father dead panned.

His mother snorted and turned her eyes to Demi who was sleeping with her legs folded up to her chest. Whatever she was dreaming of must have been good because she smiled, giggled and smacked her lips every once in a while. 

"This one is hopeless." his mother said, with a sigh. 

His father chuckled and replied, "She will learn with good training. Mitril is a big city, it will force her to adjust as compared to that small town we have lived in all our lives. At least I did not send her to my brother without knowing if he wanted to help us or sell her."

"Mmm, thank the divine gods for Dex's return." his mother folded her hands and bowed to the air.

It was silent for about ten seconds, and Dex closed his eyes again, determined to focus but once again, his mother spoke up. 

He was about to cast a spell that blocked out noise when she said something that caused his ears to perk up. 

"Mitril is a great city, perhaps we can take advantage of this opportunity to approach the Eliba clan. Your great grandfather and theirs made a pact to marry their children or grandchildren or great grandchildren to each other. 

One child from the Atticus family must marry one child from the Elba family. Dex is old enough to have an engagement set for him. He is also a mage, and a student at Ragor academy, even though we are not wealthy a promise that was sealed in magic holds true to the end of time."

Dex opened his eyes, and looked at his parents sharply, an arranged marriage, forget it. This news moreover was news to him, never before had he heard about it in his previous life. 

As for the Eliba clan, he understood them more than his parents did. They had two arch mages, a divination mage, children in top five sects and academies.

There was no way a clan like that would welcome them with open arms. If his parents made a claim about an engagement, they would kill them off quickly. 

"We are here." he said. 

He opened a small gap in the carriage and handed over one gold coin. 

Mitril was a large city, and to protect it's occupants, an array surrounded the city. 

All those who were entering it with magical beasts had to pay a tax. Those who kept these beasts in their home had to visit a taming guild and get certification for the beasts, proving that they were not dangerous to humans. 

Additionally, they had to build proper housing for the beasts and ensure that they did not venture out randomly without human accompaniment. 

Dex received a stamped token and they were allowed to go through. They had finally reached the city whose eyes were always open.

Their mother tapped Demi and opened the windows of the carriage. 

"Look Demi, we are in the city of Mitril." she said in wonder. 

The city was perched atop a grand mountain which was shrouded in white clouds. It overlooked misty valleys, deep ravines and cascading waterfalls. 

It was an elegant practical city with pagodas that stretched toward the heavens. 

Even ordinary houses were built with stone, beautiful colored stones that added beauty to the city. Others built with spiritual wood, which doubled the mana in their homes. 

In terms of beauty, Mitril could only be outcompeted with the capital city of the kingdom, the city of Hamelin. 

"Look, Demi, its shining everywhere." their mother squealed. 

The small town they lived in was not as beautiful or shiny. Dark shadowy corners ruled Ether in the night. 

Here, the city was bright as if it was the day. If it was not for the dark sky above, she would have thought that it truly was sort of day. 

"Mother look, a statue of a guardian mage of Mitril." Demi squealed. 

Every big city had its own guardian mages, those whose power was the strongest and unequaled. Guardian mages worked for the emperor and he assigned them to different cities. 

If the city was ever in danger beyond what ordinary mages could handle, guardian mages rose from wherever they were and defended it to the death. 

Nobody knew what guardian mages looked like, one could walk by them in the street and never know. 

Even the guardian mages did not know each other's identities. 

Mitril had four such statues, meaning that it had four guardian mages, one for each of the most common elements, fire, water, air and earth. 

Rare elements like space, lightning, darkness were never seen among guardian mages. 

In the midst of his family's excitement and child like wonder, the roc touched down and set a regular pace as it had been trained to do in human cities. 

Further squeals came from Dex's mother and sister as they passed by fragrant tea houses, stone bridges, bustling markets, beautiful pavilions. 

Basically everything that was here, Ether did not have. 

Demi turned to Dex with glowing eyes and she asked him with so much unbridled hope in her eyes. 

"Brother, are we really going to live in Mitril from now on?" 

Dex ruffled her hair with a smile and replied, "Of course, your brother is going to buy a beautiful house for you to live in and I will hire a dozen servants to take care of you.

But, if you play around with your magic cultivation, all those beautiful things will go away." 

Demi pouted and folded her arms.

"Hmph." she answered.

"Don't threaten your sister." their mother said with a laugh. 

Dex rolled his eyes, what threat had he made. He needed to deal with their accommodation immediately. 

"Father, I am going to find a runner to find us a house. This is a tea house, you can all in and get some tea or stay in the carriage until I return." 

As long as they did not get involved in any scuffles, they could settle down tonight and he would return to Ether tomorrow to handle Adama guild business.