
Alien vs. Predator: The Last King

From the planet of Aliens, the king of Aliens will go and tries to find away to open their homeland and tries to destroy planet earth. At that time, a predator will stop them. The predator needs to see who was the last king at the homeland of Aliens. Some people's try to save them but a best scientist will kill them. Who will win?

Dhanaraj123 · Militar
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Arrival of The King of Aliens

Steven went to the room which was beside a big Aliens statue. Steven went in and there was a different key which was like a spring. He searched for a lock and he found it on the floor. He put the key inside the lock. The floor opens and a big brick coffin came out. When he did it, a massive sound came from out. He didn't open the coffin. He went out and saw wombats going on. Then a big spaceship arrives. When he saw that he was surprised. The King of Aliens arrived. He asked his freind where is Predator. They said it went to the dark room.