
Alien Girl Natasha 6

As soon as Maya moved, she instantly noticed that something about her had drastically changed. She couldn't point her finger at it yet, but she felt strangely light and wonky. As if she had gained pounds of fat within one night which now wobbled from her bones, but when she checked, her belly was as scrawny and taut as always. When she sat on the edge of the bed, the freaky, flabby sensation intensified. She had the impression to have turned into wobbling jello.

"Priya she said and shook her girlfriend awake. "Priya , wake up."

The redhead's eyelids opened so slowly that Maya already imagined them to creak. "You're awake,"  Priya said. "Good. What kind of drug have you taken last night?"

"Don't know." Maya feared the worst again. "I still feel wobbly. As if I had no bones. I can't remember anything. Did you pick me up?"

Priya nodded. "I had just charmed the pants off that rich banker when your call came in. He even payed in advance. I had to give it all back when you called and said that you're not feeling well and that I should come pick you up in front of the club. Around 12 a.m. You seemed drugged and unresponsive, so I drove us home."

Maya exhaled relieved. "At 12 a.m. I was still conscious. Thank god. Someone must have put something in my drink."

"Ok, from now on, that club is taboo. Maybe someone wanted to take revenge on you for stealing every blinking thing in their homes."

Maya frowned. "I fucking hate people." For a moment, an odd fantasy occupied her thoughts. She daydreamed about grabbing the person responsible for drugging her, lifting him up with superhuman strength and expanding her mouth so wide that she was able to swallow him whole. Usually she merely pictured beating people who wronged her up with a baseball bat. Banishing the fantasy, Maya tried to stand. Her legs were shaky and felt as if made of hard rubber. She still wore the saucy outfit from the night before. She expected the latex skirt to have left a deep imprint into her skin and was surprise that wasn't the case. Their apartment featured merely one big room including a bed, a living area and a small kitchen. Both couldn't afford a more spacious dwelling, despite being top notch at their jobs. The two lovebirds had met two years ago while filming a lesbian porno, which marked the incident after which they identified as bisexual. Thus they had made love even before they actually knew each other. It didn't take long until they had pooled their money and moved in together. There was nothing that held them to their respective families. Both had been kicked out due to their obsession with sex and their chosen profession. Except for each other, Maya and Priya cherished very little. Since they met it had been them against the world, even if that meant occasionally crossing some moral boundaries....