
True feelings

Then On February 14th, it is Valentine's Day, every girl is giving chocolates to Ikuto, Daiki and Kaoru. Ikuto had the most of them and they took them home, in their apartment, "I wonder how is Alice is doing right now?" Ikuto said in a calm but worried way. "She's might be reading books like she always does." Daiki said to him. "Yeah, she might be but don't worry about it we have like six more days left to go back home." Kaoru said to Ikuto. He sighed. "I know that but I wonder why she wanted us to go back here?" Ikuto said wondering. "Yeah, I also wonder that too." Kaoru said. Meanwhile, In Wonderland, Alice is all in dirt on her clothes and face. "You are doing great, Lady Amu." Cheshire the cat said to her. Alice looks very different now; she is more in control and organizes with her emotions too. She looks more cute and adorable, she is not a depress girl like before. Her hair is most of the time in a bon or a ponytail and braise. She still wears dresses but her grandmother is making her to wear regular clothes like a normal teen would. She looks just like Queen Alice but a nicer version and evil version too. She is a lady but also a little tomboy too.

On February 20th, the boys came back and Anthea is four months pregnant. Anthea's belly is showing and once the boys came back and saw that and got shock. "Lady Anthea!" They said loudly and she looks at them. "Hey boys welcome back. How was everything over there?" She said as she smiled. "It was great but you are pregnant." Daiki said to her. "Yes I am. I'm four months." She laughed softly. "Hey Lady Anthea, do you know where is Lady Alice?" Ikuto asked her. She looks at him, "Oh yeah, she is…" All of sudden, Alice appear sliding on top of the handle of the stairs. She is wearing a yellow with black tight dress with Chinese sandals. Her hair is in a bon and is wearing a princess heir crown. "Princess Alice!" A woman is shouting at her. The boys saw Alice and got shock and especially Ikuto. Alice looks ahead and looked calm. "Hey boys! You came back." She sounded a little happy as she flew towards them and stood up in front of them. "How…how did you do that?" Kaoru said shocked. "I don't know what you are talking about. So tell me, how was in the human world?" She asked them. "Princess Alice, you must not do that again." The woman shouted at her mad. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it is not lady-like. Jeez with this woman, I can't get her off me like you guys." Alice said to the woman and the boys. It shocked the boys even more with her attitude and she looks at them calm and relaxes. "What's wrong?" She asked them. "Nothing at all…" Kaoru said as Daiki spoke,

"You look different now. More bright and…attractive" Daiki told her and Alice brushed and they saw that and Ikuto got jealous. "Hey! She is off limits. She's mine." Alice turns very red and everyone saw it. "I'm not yours." Ikuto looks at her and smiles. "Don't get red, my princess Amu." He laughs. Then all of sudden, two girls saw the boys. "Hey boys!" they ran to them. "Welcome back. How was it?" a girl with short and black hair said as she smiled. "It went well." Kaoru said it as he flirted with them. Alice looked at them seriously as Anthea saw it and walked away smiling. Then a girl next with the black short hair girl went up to Ikuto and started to flirt with him and Alice got jealous. Aggrr! That girl, I want to kill her so badly. Alice thoughts and she didn't know that she was sawing her expression and the boys and the black short girl saw it too. "Ikuto, want to come with me today?" She asked him and Ikuto was going to answer when Alice spoke first. "Sorry he is unable right now. The boys are busy right now. Boys go and unpack your stuff then meet me in the garden." Alice told them. They got shock and stood there. "Now!" She shouted. She walked away. Ikuto walked fast towards Alice. The boys looked at each other and then ran after them. The girl got very mad. In the hallways, Alice is walking fast while Ikuto went after.

"Alice! Wait up." Ikuto shouted. "Let's do what she says, Ikuto." Kaoru said as he laughed. Ikuto sighed and stops. "Fine, let's go." He told them and they walked away while Alice started to walk slowly and turns her head around and saw Ikuto talking with Kaoru and Daiki. "I'm serious; I don't understand her at all. She's like a different person, she's serious and doesn't talk and the next thing she nice and sweet then she is all mean and bossy. What is wrong with her?" He sounds mad. Alice looked sad and a little mad as she looked ahead and walked away. In the garden, Alice is there looking at the plants and flowers. There was a lot of brash and different kind of plants and flowers.

It is huge and wide. She sighed softly and hard at same time. All of sudden, she heard Daiki, Koaru and Ikuto talking and getting closer. Alice looked serious and once they came in the garden, she turns around and saw them. "What do you want from us, Alice? I hope you are not wasting our time." Ikuto told her seriously. Alice looks at him. "If you wish to go and have fun with them then go, I guess my command is not very important than your "precious time" is." Alice told him in a serious way. All of sudden, Ikuto got very angry. "What is your problem? We just came back from the human world and you treat us like this?! What's wrong with you, stupid?!" Ikuto shouted angrily. Alice got mad at him. "If you are going to shout at me then leave!!" She shouted back mad. "I should have gone with Eureka and Karin than you!" Alice looked shocked and hurt as Ikuto walked away madly. "Ikuto!" the boys said at him but he didn't listen to them at all and looks at Alice. She quickly looked Serious and calm. "Go have fun…" She paused and they look at her. "Ahem…I need to go." Alice said in a calm way and walked away quickly. Once she got inside of the palace, she saw Ikuto with the girls as they giggled and laugh with each other. Alice continued walking away as she did; she started to ignore their conversation and then got mad.

She started to run away towards her bedroom and she closes the door with a lock. She ran to her bed and for the first time in her life, she started to cry and didn't come out from her bedroom. She was in her room for the day. In the nighttime, once she heard nobody awake, she came out from her bedroom and went out of her room and she heard the rain falling down quickly. She sniffs. "Rain…" She got up from her bed and she started to walk outside from her bedroom as she walked she heard noises. "Stop it; I don't want anybody to know about this." It was a teen girl voice she sounded like she making pleasing voices. "Nobody will know unless you tell them." It was Ikuto and that shocked at lot that she ran towards the garden and she started to cry and cry. She was getting herself soaking wet and she hid herself in the brushes. She stood there all night long. She was shacking a lot and she was killing the plants with her hands. She got dirt on her clothes and body.

At 5 in the morning, she woke up and she got up. She started to walk like was weak and dizzy. She was panting hard and her eyes were very low. Once she got to her bedroom, she change her clothes to a warm pajama dress then went to sleep. Throughout the day, everyone was wondering what happen to Alice so Ikuto went to her bedroom and saw water and her clothes on the floor. "What is this?" as soon as he walked to her bed. He was Alice sweating a lot and whispers some words under her breath. Ikuto touch her forehead and looked at her with worried and scared. He ran towards his Uncle and explains to him what happen. Later in the day, Alice was still in bed sleeping by the time she open her eyes slowly, she saw Ikuto. "Iku…to…" She was still panting hard and had a very weak voice. He looked her quickly. "Alice! How are you feeling?" He asked her worried and scared. "…Iku…to…I…I…" She paused. She was half awake and half asleep. Then she tried to get up. "Don't get up! You still have a high fever." Ikuto stops her from getting up but Alice is stubborn, she still stood up but she was going to fall when Ikuto grabs her. "This is why you need to be leaning down." He explains to her. Alice looked at him and remembers about what she heard. "Don't…touch me…you nasty." She told him as she tried to get him off from her but he holds her tight. "What?!" he said a little mad. "You…that girl…hate her…" she said as she started to cry. That shocked him very badly. She kept on crying and crying.