
Alice down in demonland: Hells TeenIinstitution for the Damned

Shadows. Everyone had 'em, as a matter of fact, those who didn't have Shadows were strange. Alice has them. Red eyed, angry, murderous creatures that had controlled his life for the most part. Now throw a kid with anger issues, a bucket load of sass, possible addiction problems, a murder record, a rainy past, and a thirst for control into the world's most dangerous juvenile center for 'special' criminals like Alice, you either receive a recipe for success or destruction. ••• "You Alice Idohosa shall serve punishment for releasing camp red prisoner and screwing up your first mission by working or rather serving School authority by using the Soul-string bond to tame Draco, seventh legitimate son of Lucifer." My eyes widened and I sought to speak but Sheila was fast to continue. She turned to a smirking Ryland. "And the rest of you, don't get cocky thinking there's no punishment for you." Ryland's smirk died, and their platinum eyebrows screwed up into a frown, matching the expression on their sinfully beautiful face. "So we screwed up, one-must-wonder here was the one that let Satan's spawn out, and it was equally his fault, the mission was screwed." Ryland responded, gesturing at me with their thumb. I rolled my eyes, Draco who was too close for comfort growled. Ryland threw a deceivingly beautiful smirk that displayed their vicious canines towards Draco, and jolted an eyebrow teasingly. "But you all share the Soul-string bond that leads back to Alice Idohosa, and you may all not be educated in how Soul bonds work but when your soulmate hurts you hurt, when your soulmate cries you cry, when your soulmate is punished you are all punished."

Go_Bln · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Night in the institution

I got up from the bed headed for the door when I heard, "you don't want to be out at this time at night roomie." Nikki turned his phone on, not sparing me another word or glance.

I didn't reply or want a reply when I opened the door and headed for the hallway. I was in the new clothes I found on the bed I was in after taking a shower.

The hallway lights were dimly lit, and everywhere was silent. The massive size of this school, or prison or whatever it was, was astonishing. I don't think my school was as big as this, and the design as well was strange with thick yellow bricks as the walls.

I reached out to touch the walls only to find it actually very smooth, almost as if it had some type of cement plaster on it. I shook my head quickly, recollecting myself. I had to find an exit. I still remembered the way I got to this place with Jin.

I had to take a turn down the path splitting the hallway. All the rooms or rather classes – now that I thought about it – were empty. I began to jog down the hall when I found the path that led to the area that had a fountain and divided the entire building.

I jogged down into the path, and then found myself back outside the room I just came out from. What the fuck…? I opened the door to make sure and found Nikki on the bed with his phone. I shook my head and closed the door. What just happened?

I jogged down the same path I came from, busting into the route I took before and ended up just outside the room I came from. No, no, no, this can't be happening! What the fuck is happening!

I raced down the hallway, taking a different route. I smiled when I saw the fountain getting closer, and then somehow found myself outside the room I came out from.

Fuck no! What fucking trick is this? Did they have some kind of maze system? Why can't I find my way out of here?! I can remember explicitly where Jin brought me from but I can't seem to get out of this hallway. My hands glowed and my breathing heaved, the whole thing was messing with my head and pissing me the fuck off.

My neck veins popped, my body stiffened, my hands balled, and I was sure my eyes were already glowing. My control had begun slipping. My eyes descended down to find my shadows slipping down. I blinked, and sighed. Not today, shadows. I blew out a breath, and tried to find calm.

My body had loosened and my mind calmed when I heard it. A gentle sound almost airy but quite appealing to the ears.

I didn't bother trying to stay still when my legs carried me to where the sound was coming from. I easily found it after walking surprisingly not too far from the room I came out of.

There was a small, rectangular glass on the door. I leaned closer and peeped through the glass. There was a boy there. Tall, olive skin, had long curly blue hair, and was playing on a piano with different musical instruments around him.

I spotted a full alcohol bottle on the top of the piano. A bottle that he took and downed into half a bottle in the blink of an eye. That is an oddly neat talent I thought as he continued playing on the piano.

I leaned away and let the stranger continue playing, then another sound caught my ears. Only this one sounded distinct. Tap, tap, the sounds came one after the other in a timed manner. It sounded like knocking in a controlled and timed manner. Odd. My eyes shifted back to the guy in the room, he was still there, playing. He seemed to have not heard the noise, probably my heightened hearing that caught it.

Tap, tap. I heard again, and with that all of a sudden it felt as if the hallway had zoomed in on me. I blinked, feeling the world tilt to the side in my head, and an itchy feeling in my head.

Something smelled good. So good my mouth watered. Tap, tap, the timed knocking came again. I sniffed the delicious smell that had my mouth watering and the hair on my skin raised.

Everything suddenly started to seem closer to me. It felt like I was walking, was I walking? I liked where I was walking to, it smelt obscenely delicious. I tilted my neck to the side as a fresh wind blew past my body in a coaxing manner. I sucked in a breath, my eyes felt like they were glowing but my hands weren't.

Tap, tap. I was in another hall after climbing up some stairs. The walls here were different here, there weren't yellow bricks but red leathers. Leather? Strange, I thought when my hands reached out to feel the soft thick leather. A chilling nerve–striking feeling tingles in my body as I head closer.

There seemed to be a door in front of the hall. Tap, tap. Again there was the timed knocking. Tap, tap, I leaned closer to the door. Tap, tap, I placed my ear on the door. I could feel it, something living had placed their ear at the other side of this door. Tap, tap, my heart raced faster as my hand touched the door, I felt them touch the door as well. Tap, tap, I began sliding down on the door, feeling them follow. My eyes were headed to the empty keyhole. Tap, tap, I—

"Mr. Idohosa." I shrieked and jumped at the sudden sound, calming down only when I saw it was Sheila in a silk silver blouse, black pants and black heels.

Seriously, heels this late at night? "Mr. Idohosa, might I ask what you're doing here late at night?" Sheila asked, assertively.

"What?" I asked, feeling as if the tilt in my mind had balanced.

Sheila raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. "Mr. Idohosa, I am sure you saw the sign 'keep away' before walking into this section didn't you?" Asked Sheila, approaching me.

I shook my head. "No, I–I didn't," I quickly denied. God knows I was only here because…. Because…. Because...–

"Step away." Sheila ordered, and I quickly adhered.

I now stood in front of her and her against the door. "Please go back to sleep and refrain from coming back to this section again." Sheila said and I nodded rapidly and started to carry myself away.

Tap, tap, my eyes widened at the sound, and I whipped my head back. Sheila was still standing against the door but I could see the keyhole.

Tap, tap. I stared intently at the door, noticing a strange darkness beyond the keyhole. I frowned, then it happened– the darkness blinked.