
Alice down in demonland: Hells TeenIinstitution for the Damned

Shadows. Everyone had 'em, as a matter of fact, those who didn't have Shadows were strange. Alice has them. Red eyed, angry, murderous creatures that had controlled his life for the most part. Now throw a kid with anger issues, a bucket load of sass, possible addiction problems, a murder record, a rainy past, and a thirst for control into the world's most dangerous juvenile center for 'special' criminals like Alice, you either receive a recipe for success or destruction. ••• "You Alice Idohosa shall serve punishment for releasing camp red prisoner and screwing up your first mission by working or rather serving School authority by using the Soul-string bond to tame Draco, seventh legitimate son of Lucifer." My eyes widened and I sought to speak but Sheila was fast to continue. She turned to a smirking Ryland. "And the rest of you, don't get cocky thinking there's no punishment for you." Ryland's smirk died, and their platinum eyebrows screwed up into a frown, matching the expression on their sinfully beautiful face. "So we screwed up, one-must-wonder here was the one that let Satan's spawn out, and it was equally his fault, the mission was screwed." Ryland responded, gesturing at me with their thumb. I rolled my eyes, Draco who was too close for comfort growled. Ryland threw a deceivingly beautiful smirk that displayed their vicious canines towards Draco, and jolted an eyebrow teasingly. "But you all share the Soul-string bond that leads back to Alice Idohosa, and you may all not be educated in how Soul bonds work but when your soulmate hurts you hurt, when your soulmate cries you cry, when your soulmate is punished you are all punished."

Go_Bln · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter two: Umbrella 80's (part II)

My body shook as Kzee's eyes widened and his body slumped on the ground as he suddenly became lifeless. More bullet noises racked all over the bush bar as Tade's shots fired and those of Tade's gang spies in the area.

My control was slipping through my fingers– literally. The colored thingys around my hands were seeping down to the ground already creating the shadows that lurked around me. I clenched my jaw and balled my fist harder trying to rediscover control. If I couldn't retract the colors around my hands they'd cause a massacre that would spread throughout this town.

I'd seen it happen before. It would happen again if I couldn't control myself.

I all of a sudden jolted when sirens blared. I still felt my control as well as the hot, intense power within me deep through my body. I could see my body releasing the shadowy colors that would soon turn this town red.

My veins popped all over my body and I raised my gun towards one of the policemen that got out of the official Hilux with a gun of his own pointed in my direction.

Tears gathered in my eyes. Everything had blown out of proportion. This wasn't in and out. The whole thing had gone further than I expected.

"Get away from me!" I yelled with a hoarse voice, my gun pointed at them, and purple eyes gleaming with tears.

They gained closer, ignoring my warning so I attempted to pull the trigger when I suddenly heard more bangs and then the sudden feeling of metal inserting deep inside me.

My grip on the gun loosened and it fell to the ground. My eyes dropped down on my stomach and chest that had blood dripping down from it. Everything felt like an alarm was ringing in my ears. I couldn't feel anything more than the pain of the bullets, and I could barely see when I slumped on the ground, with my hands pressured on my chest where it hurt the most.

I tried taking in a large breath as it almost felt like air was cut off from my lungs. My breathing became fast and long, while my heart was pounding faster than I could control.

I could see them. The shadows had generated, and I couldn't reel them back in as I was half lifeless at the moment. They were large, tall and blood hungry. Their red eyes glared at everything and everyone when they went for the kill towards the policemen.

Rounds of bullets were shot at the shadows but they only went through. They tore through humans. Blood rained and flooded the streets. I couldn't stop them as they roared loudly, turning back at me with a sinister smirk and running to the streets, looking for more victims.

I couldn't even see at the moment since whatever vision I had was clouded by tears. Everyone was going to die because of me and I couldn't stop it.

I felt myself slipping away when everything became silent, everyone around me was dead and the shadows left to hunt for more victims when my eyes fluttered open at a sound.

The sound of whistling. A whimsical melody, followed by loud patterned tapping on the ground. I managed a frown on my face and tried to keep my eyes open at the dark figure approaching me.

It started to become clearer when the figure stepped closer into the light, revealing their pale white frame.

A white person? Here? Now? They were dressed in a white long sleeve with a grey suit vest, a grey coat to go and a gold colored pocket watch hooked on his chest. For some reason my eyes flickered down to their legs, spotting the stainless black shoes they had on that tapped away on the ground as they came forward dancing and whistling.

Their hair was this ridiculous chest length black hair that they braided. As they came forward and the lighting illuminated their subtlety squared face I realized with their defined facial features they were a he.

His entire body was wet from the rain but he simply danced around with the red umbrella in his hand. His absurd pale blue eyes rolled around the environment, and his blueish slightly pink lips curved into a whistling position.

I'd never seen anything like him in my entire life. He looked... beautiful.

"A–are you a–n angel?" I asked, thunder clapped and lightning struck, highlighting his beautiful features.

He blinked. His scanty dark eyelashes wet from the rain flickered up and down. His face was perfectly defined and his hair so full it almost breached his forehead.

He cocked his head to the side with a smile hinting on his face. "No, I'm known as the magic man but you, my dear chap, can refer to me as Mr. Top Hat." He replied, an unfamiliar accent breaching thickly in his voice.

I would have laughed if I could but all I could do was lightly scowl at his words, and clutch my chest harder.

"S–s–" I stopped to take in a breath when the pain spasmed further in me, and the air suddenly became thick. "Seriously? Y–you don't even have a hat," I responded in a mere whisper.

He twirled his umbrella around, walking closer towards me with a rather mischievous grin on his face. "I thought it would go well with my outfit, but the magic man is just fine Alice." 'The magic man' replied.

My scowling worsened. "How do you–"

"How do you know my name? Not why am I here? Why aren't you helping me? Why didn't my psychotic murderous shadows kill you? I told you I'm the magic man Alice, and you, my dear guardian, have broken the rules," The magic man said, withholding his grin, but I could see the intent in his eyes. He had bad plans for me.

My eyelids dropped further and my breathing slowed as did the beating of my heart. "What rules?" I whispered.

He groaned softly, leaning on his surprisingly strong umbrella. "The rules of the guardians Alice, and when you break the rules it's my duty as judge, jury, and executioner to punish you–"

" –Wait, what? Executioner? I'm dying–"

The magic man rolled his eyes and tugged his pocket watch to his face with a conflicted expression on his face. "Well Alice Idohosa, in one minute you will be sentenced to a lifetime in Hells Teen institution for the damned." He said calmly.

I blinked, and managed to laugh ever so softly. "What are you talking about? Hell–"

"You seem like a good kid, Alice–" he cut me off followed by me cutting him off as well.

"Who are you–"

"Too bad you ended up in the wrong crowd –" he said, thoughtful, relaxing on his umbrella and boring his eyes into me.

"I don't understand what you are saying–" I rasped, feeling life slip away from me and my last strength wither.

"Do not despair though, I'll give you something valuable, something that can help you down there," he gestured at the ground by tapping his umbrella on it.

"Down where?" My question was like the wind.

He let out a laugh. "Hell Alice, down in hell. Murderous guardians don't make heaven duh." He even made a duh face to me. "But don't worry I'm going to gift you something special for your survival there."

I blinked, feeling myself sink into his pale blue eyes as I asked. "Wah?" I managed, feeling drowsy and ready to let go.

"Time," he whispered and suddenly tapped his umbrella on my chest.

Thunder clapped, and lightning struck so brightly that it lit up the whole world as if the sun had come up. I screamed out as I felt a strong part of me being ripped out forcefully from my body.

Lightning and thunder made their presence known, and the magic man simply stared at me with an excited expression. The ground tore open and I felt myself falling down and down.

My eyes squeezed shut and everything felt loud and heightened as I continued to fall.

"Down, down the rabbit hole he goes." The magic man echoed before everything instantly went dark.