
Alice down in demonland: Hells TeenIinstitution for the Damned

Shadows. Everyone had 'em, as a matter of fact, those who didn't have Shadows were strange. Alice has them. Red eyed, angry, murderous creatures that had controlled his life for the most part. Now throw a kid with anger issues, a bucket load of sass, possible addiction problems, a murder record, a rainy past, and a thirst for control into the world's most dangerous juvenile center for 'special' criminals like Alice, you either receive a recipe for success or destruction. ••• "You Alice Idohosa shall serve punishment for releasing camp red prisoner and screwing up your first mission by working or rather serving School authority by using the Soul-string bond to tame Draco, seventh legitimate son of Lucifer." My eyes widened and I sought to speak but Sheila was fast to continue. She turned to a smirking Ryland. "And the rest of you, don't get cocky thinking there's no punishment for you." Ryland's smirk died, and their platinum eyebrows screwed up into a frown, matching the expression on their sinfully beautiful face. "So we screwed up, one-must-wonder here was the one that let Satan's spawn out, and it was equally his fault, the mission was screwed." Ryland responded, gesturing at me with their thumb. I rolled my eyes, Draco who was too close for comfort growled. Ryland threw a deceivingly beautiful smirk that displayed their vicious canines towards Draco, and jolted an eyebrow teasingly. "But you all share the Soul-string bond that leads back to Alice Idohosa, and you may all not be educated in how Soul bonds work but when your soulmate hurts you hurt, when your soulmate cries you cry, when your soulmate is punished you are all punished."

Go_Bln · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter four: Flying men (part II)

His mildly curly platinum blonde hair at one side and bright green bangs on the other fell, after being blown by the wind, on his milky white face as he finally made it down on the tree branch.

Almost my height, he looked like he would barely reach my shoulder, and dressed in baggy clothing. He was wearing a baggy sweater with white polka dots around the circular neck, and from the left sleeve of the sweater to the mid–point of the sweater was the exact color of his hair. Same for his pocketed cargo pants.

His almond dark–green eyes unshielded by his thick long eyelashes did a once over on me before they descended on the pen in my hand. From his carved platinum eyebrows, cheekbones painted with an olivey kind of subtle glitter and lemon colored small plump lips to his knife–shaped long ears had me backing away. Especially his knife–shaped long ears that had a lacy thin skin weaved into a cross weavework, unnatural and scary.

He had a long shiny earring on one ear lobe and a barbell earring on the top of his pointed nose.

Angel? Memories of what happened the last time I called someone an Angel had me swallowing. This guy actually looked more like those asian guys on TV than an angel. The bastard that obviously did something to me was the angel, no, devil suited 'the magic man' more.

"Who are you?" The white guy asked, stepping forward, his eyes glancing from the pen in my hand to my face.

I shifted from one foot to the other and tried maintaining a straight face. "Who am I? Who are you and why should I answer your question?" I fired back trying to mask the shakiness in my voice.

He threw his head to the side, allowing me a glimpse of the spider ink on the side of his neck. "One you're on private property, stranger, two that's not yours," he said, referring to the pen in my hand.

I backed away further since he began walking towards me. "Th–this little thing? It's yours?" I curse myself for stammering in my head.

He let out an exasperated sigh before saying, "give it back, and maybe I'll let you walk away with one leg," lies. I could see it in his eyes, the word lie was basically blaring in his eyes, not that I was down for leaving wherever this was with any body parts missing.

"Joke's on you buddy, I don't even know where 'here' is." I responded, masking the fear and confusion probably shining through the mask.

His lips parted, leaving out parts of his teeth. Something concluded in his dark–green eyes that left me swallowing thickly.

"You're human….." He said, trailing off when he flew before me, grabbed my neck with his smaller hands tightly and pushed me against the bark of a thick branch.

"What's a human doing in hell?" He breathed against my face and my eyes widened.

"Well Alice Idohosa, in one minute you will be sentenced to a lifetime in Hells Teen institution for the damned." He said calmly.

My jaw locked, and my lips tightened. My hands glowed purple and blue when I muscled him off of me with a powerful shove. "Get off of me!" I yelled as I pushed him away from me.

He managed to balance himself on the ground easily, and looked back at me with a ticked off look. "Not human, then you're a new inmate," the ticked off look died and a sly smirk appeared on his face.

"Well then, I should be welcoming you to Hells Teen institution for the damned. You're coming with me," he added like an order.

I scoffed looking wary, my veins popping from how stiff my body was. "I'm not going anywhere with you Snake in the monkey's shadow," I replied with a mocking tone.

He gave me a droll stare.


"Okay, I get it! You're really strong, please don't break my neck!" I yelled in panic from the smaller hand holding on to the back of my neck with an unbelievable strength, and pulling me to a massive building with a billboard close enough which said— Hells Teen institution for the damned.

I was dragged into the concrete, massive building with the stranger's hand on the back of my neck. His grip was mother fucking strong, I couldn't even think of beginning to pull away. How the fuck did someone smaller than me be so strong?

My eyes wandered around from the large brown pillars of the building, to the fountain in the middle of the divided center of the building. The oddly red sun shone down on the fountain since that part of the building had no roofing.

Some doors were placed here and there, I couldn't help but try to raise my eyes to look around. I could make out some faces from the glass center of the door. They stared curiously at my direction and I stared right back.

One face looked at me from the front of the others looking at me. I stared right back at his weird viper eyes with my purple eyes and blessed him with the middle finger and a shit eating grin. He looked exasperated, eyeing me as I walked away or rather pushed away.

"Stop doing that." The small brute bent my neck further to the ground and I winced.

I gaped. "What, receive peeping tom with a shining personality?" My sass was received with a tighter hold on my neck.

"The glowing eyes, unless you want one of them to pounce on you and beat the living holy shit out of you," he replied, pushing past a big door with ease.

How strong was this fool? "Whoops, I'm not sure we're allowed to use that word, seeing as we're in "hell" and all that," I sassed again.

"Usually inmates are brought kicking and screaming, guardian, continue with the sass and I'll throw you out the window." He grated, and I glanced at the glass window with red designs that told strange stories.

Guardian, there was that word again.

"I–well, inmates–" I shut up when he stopped in front of a door.

He stayed silent, staring at the door contemplatively. "Are you gonna–?" I was cut off again with him suddenly barging into the room.

"And then the cocksucker thought she had the right to fucking block me on Hq platform. I swear I'll get Honey and get him to tell the bitch what the fuck I said!" Said no, yelled the boy seated on the black couch in what seemed like an office.