
Alice down in demonland: Hells TeenIinstitution for the Damned

Shadows. Everyone had 'em, as a matter of fact, those who didn't have Shadows were strange. Alice has them. Red eyed, angry, murderous creatures that had controlled his life for the most part. Now throw a kid with anger issues, a bucket load of sass, possible addiction problems, a murder record, a rainy past, and a thirst for control into the world's most dangerous juvenile center for 'special' criminals like Alice, you either receive a recipe for success or destruction. ••• "You Alice Idohosa shall serve punishment for releasing camp red prisoner and screwing up your first mission by working or rather serving School authority by using the Soul-string bond to tame Draco, seventh legitimate son of Lucifer." My eyes widened and I sought to speak but Sheila was fast to continue. She turned to a smirking Ryland. "And the rest of you, don't get cocky thinking there's no punishment for you." Ryland's smirk died, and their platinum eyebrows screwed up into a frown, matching the expression on their sinfully beautiful face. "So we screwed up, one-must-wonder here was the one that let Satan's spawn out, and it was equally his fault, the mission was screwed." Ryland responded, gesturing at me with their thumb. I rolled my eyes, Draco who was too close for comfort growled. Ryland threw a deceivingly beautiful smirk that displayed their vicious canines towards Draco, and jolted an eyebrow teasingly. "But you all share the Soul-string bond that leads back to Alice Idohosa, and you may all not be educated in how Soul bonds work but when your soulmate hurts you hurt, when your soulmate cries you cry, when your soulmate is punished you are all punished."

Go_Bln · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter five: The convict

*Note: I'm not Korean so the following may not make sense, promise this is the last time in this book will I input a language I don't know, lol, languages will be written in italic from now on*

The boy had dark skin, not as dark as mine though, his was more of brown than actual dark, and it almost seemed to have this honeyed olive on it, giving off an attractive hue. He looked just as short as the guy holding my neck but only he was less defined than the other, this guy had more of a seemingly scrawny shape.

He had raven black hair that I first thought were dreads at first glance but then I realized they were actually neatly made thick braids that breached down to his ribs, and covered his round face.

He also had almond shaped eyes like the Asian looking small brute behind me, the only difference was this guy had silver–red eyes. Ripped leather black pants with only a silky robe–like jacket he had on. Why wasn't he wearing any shirt? His entire brown chest was consumed with red ink of a flame illustration up to his collarbone, from there was a simple swirl of red and black spider tattoo on the side of his neck then a red ink of three small spheres in triangular formation on his forehead.

My eyes shifted from the boy to the way older female in a silk silver blouse behind a desk. She had all grey hair pulled up into a bun, dark skin almost like mine, round glasses, and silver eyes identical to the boy on the couch.

"Nikki, again, you can't report arguments, my office is not for whiny little bitches, the next time you come here the guards will kick you out, and drag you into the hole," The woman replied quietly while pressing away on her aged white computer.

This Nikki that was on the couch rolled his eyes and stood up with his hands crossed around his chest, taking the "entitled, sniveling brat pose" I'd become accustomed to from Tade.

Nikki huffed and said in a language I'd heard from television only, "dangsin-eun nae jonjaee gamsahaji anhseubnida."

She still wasn't looking at this– Nikki. "naneun jeongmallo," she replied in the same language.

Nikki whipped his head to the side and responded in english. "Try not to suddenly croak behind the computer, Sheila," he sneered the 'Sheila', before he began walking away.

A pause when he stood next to the boy holding my neck. "Jin," Nikki grated in a quiet voice.

Jin, so that was the name of my captor. Apparently Jin was his name. He scrunched his nose up at Nikki. "Poopsie," Jin replied with a smirk.

Nikki's eyes widened, and disgust etched on his face. "Fuck you," he replied and grumbled away.

My eyes trailed back, watching the boy stump his way out like a rich little brat, I had a feeling I wasn't making untrue assumptions about the boy's status.

I scoffed quietly. Fucking rich kids.

I was pulled away from my staring and thoughts when Jin began pulling me again, this time onto the couch then walked towards the silver–eyed lady's desk.

Jin pulled out a seat and leaned close to the lady. "Sheila, looking sharp today, your 100th Botox pulled through I see." Jin commented with an evil smirk.

Sheila, the lady behind the desk, gave him a blank stare. "Honey I've had 30 students walk in here in the space of 2 hours, I thrive off demeaning compliments." Sheila replied in an almost robotic manner.

Jin leaned back on his seat, and rolled his eyes. "Look, I found bambi lurking around on school property, so I brought him over." Jin said, looking in my direction.

Sheila turned to me with a scrutinizing stare. "dangsin-eun nae samusil-e ingan-eul delyeo wass-eoyo?" Sheila said in an asking tone.

She kept staring so I raised my hand and waved. "Hi." She frowned at my gesture.

Jin shook his head. "Not quite, he's a guardian, albeit a rather weak one," Jin said, I scowled.

Guardian? Another repeat of that word.

Sheila' eyebrows rose, almost breaching her hairline.

"What's a guardian? And why is that being referred to me again?" I asked with a dry nervous laugh as Sheila began typing on her computer.

Sheila glanced up at me. "A guardian is an immortal earth witch with the task of– Name?" Sheila cut the former sentence off to ask my name.

Earth witch? These weirdos think I'm some type of witch? 'The magic man' did whatever he did to me and somehow sent me to this damned place because he thought I was a witch? An earth witch? What the fuck even is an earth witch??

"Name kid," Sheila announced and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Alice Idohosa." I responded sharply. Sheila continued tapping and Jin raised an eyebrow knowingly.

I gave him a face. "Don't look at me like that, boys who cry. Your name sounds like an 'alcohol' type." I wasn't sure if 'boys who cry' was the name of the band this guy looked familiar from but he seriously looked like those singing pretty boys.

"Oh, surprise, he has sass, I'm convinced he belongs here," Sheila suddenly muttered dryly. "Ah, a hit on Alice Idohosa– says here that you're responsible for mass murder, and thereby broke the rules that bind a earth witch resulting to you being sentenced a lifetime in here." Sheila added.

"Lucky you, you get a short sentence." Jin butted in, I ignored that.

"What do you mean by a lifetime sentence, I'm not getting what you're trying to insinuate," I started with a nervous chuckle.

Sheila blinked coldly at me. "You killed a lot of people, kid, now think of this place as a jail for "special" teenagers." Sheila answered, doing air quotes in the special.

I stared down at her getting up. "You mean freaks." I corrected her. Freak was the correct word for anything like me, I mean for God sakes look at Jin, the guy had fucking pointy ears.

Sheila' lips twitched. "Look at that, it's irritating me already." Sheila' silver eyes sparked, and I could feel myself unconsciously edge back and swallow.

"Sorry." I couldn't help but mutter.

"Well, you certainly know how to shut up than the rest of the "freaks" here." Sheila said, looking back at her screen.

Jin snorted with his elbow on Sheila' table and his jaw on his palm, his head tilted to the side. "Trust me Sheila, I've known him for an hour and shutting up is just him being a fake ass bitch–" he yelped lowly when Sheila smacked his hand away from her table.

"Alice Idohosa, you have been requested to be placed in the Wrath dorm." Sheila was reading from the screen.

"By whom?" I couldn't help but ask.

Sheila gave what I was beginning to think was her usual blank stare. "I think you have an idea Alice," she replied and in my mind I could feel my head say the magic man.

Jin, who I'd forgotten was here chipped in. "Why would he be placed there? That place is for legendary beasts."

Sheila didn't answer him, simply pulling out the paper that came out of the printer and handed it to Jin. "Take him to his room, let him get settled please," Sheila replied.

Jin sighed and wasted no time to capture my arm with his smaller hand and began to pull me out.

"I–I've still got questions—" Jin didn't let me complete my sentence when he began pulling me away.

Jin had a scowl on his face as he pulled me.

"Would you stop holding me so tightly?" I asked Jin who continued pulling me.

I rolled my eyes. "Jin, can you just loosen your hold? Jin? Jin? Jinny? Wait, is your full name Jinny?" I found myself messing around in my words as he paid me no mind.

Jin stopped, turned around and pulled me closer. He breathed through his nose before turning away from me and knocking on a particular door with– Daddy_Nikki_Sempai plastered on it.

I raised an eyebrow at Jin. Jin paid me no mind when he stopped knocking and barged into the room. He really did like barging into rooms.

We were greeted with the sounds of hardcore moaning, and a familiar face sitting on a chair with his pants on his knees and his hands moving up and down on his dick.

"What the fuck!!" I shrieked, but Jin seemed the least bit affected by what the boy on the chair was doing.

The boy stood up abruptly, pulled his pants up and turned his laptop screening porn off.

"Jin, what the fuck are you doing in my room dude?" He asked through pants.

Jin for the umpteenth time rolled his eyes. "Jerking off again Nikki? Not surprised, anyways you've got a new roommate try not to fuck him or murder him." Jin said, Nikki and I opened our mouths to speak.

Jin raised a hand. "Both of you, stay away from me, and don't talk to me." Jin gestured at the two of us as he spoke before walking away.

Nikki and I turned back to each other. Nikki stared at me for a while before walking into the bathroom without a word.