
Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin

After Harry's victory over Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry is stabbed in the back by the man he thought was the kindest and wisest man in the world. Puppeteering by Dumbledore, deceiving a friend, exploiting love. After death, Harry finds a beautiful rebirth. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Goodbye Headmaster Dumbledore

Guys, it's been a month since I first posted a chapter. It's been a productive month (Don't forget my other stories), it couldn't have happened without you guys. Thank you all ❤️

I think for now I'll have chapters once a week, but more subscriptions more chapters. Join in:


Have a great read.


- 'Filius Flitwick has been appointed the new Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,' Alex read the newspaper article, a week later. For the past seven days, every newspaper from The Prophet to The Priggler had washed over Dumbledore. The country was torn by the news of Dumbledore's resignation.

The Daily Prophet expectedly stood out from the rest of the papers, making the most unbelievable and sometimes ridiculous assumptions about Dumbledore. To Peverell's delight, there was no Rita Skeeter among the Prophet's reporters, otherwise, he was sure that Darius would have burned down the newspaper's editorial office long ago, executed all its employees in public and the most brutal manner, and the scandalous journalist herself would have suffered a fate worse than death. However, despite such thoughts, the guy had nothing against them, because with this newspaper he did not have the happiest memories, and Skeeter hated and despised. 

- The dangerous and wanted criminal Fenrir the Strong has not been found yet, - Alex read the next article, and then grinned, remembering about the werewolf, who was in the casemates under a dose of silver. According to Bellatrix, the next full moon would be in the middle of May, this news both saddened and pleased Alex. He was glad that he wouldn't have to keep this dog in his house for long, his little brother would be able to get his experiment done sooner. At the same time, Peverell was saddened that he wouldn't be able to watch his little brother's potion testing. Of course, he could look through Darius' memories, but that wasn't the same, as watching it himself was much more enjoyable. 

-Albus Dumbledore has been removed as Headmaster of Hogwarts," Alex didn't even bother to look at the article, because all this week, the front pages of all the newspapers were full of those words.

- Nothing else," Peverell crumpled the paper and burned it.

- Is something wrong? - came a familiar voice with a note of concern. Looking at the owner of the voice, Alex saw Narcissa approaching him.

- No, nothing happened, - the guy shook his head, looking at his spouse with an appraising look.

- What?" the girl raised her eyebrow, noticing the guy's gaze, and he silently shook his head in response.

- It's the same thing in the papers again, nothing new, except Professor Flitwick's appointment as Headmaster," the boy explained his behavior.

- Really? - The Slytherin girl asked pleasantly surprised. She, like practically the whole school, loved the old professor. Despite being a goblin, he was positive and kind. He always helped and never refused anything, and unlike McGonagall, he helped regardless of his affiliation with any faculty. He didn't judge a student on faculty affiliation, but on his skills and knowledge, which is why he was so well-liked. 

- Yes, it's in today's paper, haven't you read it? - The Slytherin asked in surprise. 

- I haven't even picked up a newspaper for the last four days," the girl replied. Alex could only hum in response. His wife was Black and that said it all.

- I didn't know my fiancée was so critical," Peverell snickered.

- 'Actually, I'm your wife,' Narcissa replied, her face impenetrable.

- You'll be here after the wedding," Alex remarked.

- In fact, we are considered spouses from the moment the marriage contract is signed, and the wedding is just an official announcement of our relationship," the girl enlightened the surprised guy.

- Hm, I didn't know about that," the third year muttered after a minute. The freshman wanted to ask something else, but she was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

Looking towards the exit, the couple saw Darius, dressed in black loose trousers and the same color warm jumper. 

- Is something wrong? - The boy turned to the man.

- I found the diary," Darius said, sitting down on a chair.

- Where?" Alex immediately picked himself up. Narcissa, seeing that a serious conversation was about to take place, hurried away.

- Lestrange Manor," Peverell could only snicker at that. It was expected that Riddle would entrust the Horcrux to one of his trusted supporters, and if in his time it had been Malfoy, this time it was Lestrange. That was both good and bad news.

- We're not going to get him out of there, are we? - The boy asked rhetorically.

- Yes, we can't get into the manor without being seen, because the family magic will warn them at once, so what are we going to do? - Peverell Senior asked aloud.

- There are two options. The first is to kill the Lestrange, just like the necromancers. Quick, efficient, and critical. The second is to make them give up the Horcrux themselves," Alex said thoughtfully.

- I don't see how it can be done," the man shook his head. - It wouldn't be a problem to kill them, but it would cause a great uproar, and besides, the Lestrange family is pureblood and there's little desire to lose them. It would be a risk, including for us," Darius finished thinking aloud.

- What do you mean? - The white-haired man immediately picked himself up, for all these years that Alex had been the head of the family, he had realized that with title, fame and wealth came responsibility for the whole family, and if before he had been the only member of the family, now there was Severus, his younger brother, in addition to him. Also beside him are Bellatrix and Narcissa. Therefore, as the oldest among them, he is responsible for them.

- Don't be foolish, my lord, the Ministry or the minions of this half-blood are not idiots if they can connect the sudden activity of almost all neutral families, the revival of an ancient family, and the destruction of an ancient family," the young lord could only nod thoughtfully.

- What should we do in such a case? - Alex asked a question, more to himself than to anyone else.

- I suggest waiting, you have already achieved great success, and getting rid of Riddle himself is not a problem, at least for me. After resurrecting, he has to use one Horcrux, which is the last one. He can't find the others, not even in spirit form. He'll use the journal for the ritual, and then we'll kill him again after we've destroyed the ones we have," the man finished.

- But that would take years; in my time, he turned up eleven years after his supposed 'death' in Godric's Hollow," Peverell said, genuinely indignant.

- First of all, it's the only option we have so far, and secondly, no one knows how circumstances will turn out this time. Maybe he'll be resurrected sooner, or maybe we can find a way to get his damn book, so be patient and don't jump to conclusions," Darius shook his head.

- Then we'll have to wait," the boy said with obvious distaste in his voice.

- Not wait, but wait," the man corrected him.

- All right," the boy grimaced.

- Don't cringe, look at this waiting as another step in your training to become a full lord," the keeper said, crossing his arms over his chest.

- What do you mean? - The incomprehension and curiosity were visible to the naked eye.

- It's very simple. What are they like, Lords and heads of clans? They are strong, experienced, patient, do everything for the good of the clan and the family, do not go on feelings, and so on. You are certainly strong now, magically and physically, and in time you will become even stronger. In your past life, you took part in the war, were killed, and learned the pain of loss and betrayal, so you have experience, and since your training began, you gradually stopped behaving irascibly and rashly. You have noticed that you have changed, and now you have a cold calculation in the first place. You've also stopped rushing to anyone's aid, or forgiving someone when they come up and say "I'm sorry", you've become tougher, even cruel, not tolerating deceit and betrayal," the shocked boy could only nod. 

- Is it because of you? - Alex barely audibly wheezed.

- What? - he didn't understand the question.

- Changes, - Lord Peverell explained.

- No," Darius shrugged. - They began to manifest themselves as soon as you put on the heading and became a member of the clan. The Peverells don't tolerate traitors, even hate them, it's in our blood, and anyone who goes against it goes to hell. The history of our family goes back to the depths of centuries, and during this time we have more than once and more than twice, experienced almost destruction, simply because someone thought too much of himself, someone wanted too much, someone was promised untold riches and he went to the point of betrayal. And the result was always terrible and bloody. That's why this hatred of betrayal was born. All members of the clan from infancy are taught to honour the precepts of those who paid for the peace of their descendants with their lives, these precepts you will also teach your descendants, teach them to be faithful to the clan and increase its power. In the extreme case, you and all your descendants will go straight to Hell and your souls will not see rest till the end of centuries, - finished the ardent and terrible speech of Peverell senior, looking at Alex with unblinking gaze. After that, there was an oppressive silence in the room for the next half hour. The man stood in front of the table and stared at the seated boy, but he didn't notice it, sitting in deep thought.

- I see," Alex's calm voice cut through the silence. - It's clear to me," Peverell looked up at the man.

Darius nodded contentedly as he met the young lord's gaze, his dark blue eyes full of steely determination. Now the guardian of the family was certain, Harry Potter, the Boy Who Survived was no more, there was only Alexandros Peverell, the head of the great family of Death Speaks. 


Then came the grey of everyday life. Alex and his family went to receptions at the Black and Malfoy manors. At the end of the holidays, the Peverells returned to Hogwarts, after which the rest of the year was a boring routine. Nothing much happened. The Peverells still studied as well, while attending to the affairs of the family. Went to Hogsmeade a few times. He sent Rabastan Lestrange and Arthur Weasley into the caring hands of Madam Pomfrey, for which he was summoned to speak to the Headmaster, who would remain Dumbledore for the rest of the year. 

The party was still going strong, and they were joined by a dozen more purebloods, including the Abbotts, the Boneses, and the Crouches. The latter, after a little deliberation, still agreed and now they had the full might of the Aurorate on their side. Orion and Malfoy Senior had then dragged themselves to Hogsmeade for the weekend and along with Alex, Malfoy Junior, the Black sisters, and Mark Greengrass had thrown a small party.


Alex and the rest of the faculty, the valiant followers of Salazar Slytherin were in the Great Hall and stared in amazement at the main doors where the parents and other relatives of the students were entering. The faculty had decided to see Headmaster Dumbledore off and bid a solemn farewell to the man who had been Headmaster of Hogwarts for so long. On the occasion of such an event, the school was incredibly lively, as his former students also came to say goodbye to Headmaster Dumbledore.

The Great Hall was almost doubled in size for the occasion, and in addition to the four faculty tables, there were many single chairs and individual tables. 

Looking around, Peverell saw a tall and stately red-haired man dressed in a black robe with the gold Pruett coat of arms, and also on the middle finger of his left hand gleamed an ancestral ring. Two red-haired boys, who were probably his sons, also stood beside him.

- Pruett," it sounded from somewhere to his right. Looking in the direction of the sound, the boy looked in surprise at Darius Peverel and Antonin Dolohov who had approached. - And his two sons, the elder Fabian, and the younger Gideon Pruett, there is also a brother Ignatius Pruett- finished the man. 

- Darius, what are you doing here? - the question came from an equally surprised Bellatrix.

- We came to check on you," Dolohov answered instead of Darius.

- But only former students can come here," Andromeda, who had joined them, said in surprise.

- We don't care," Antonin replied with a grin halfway down his face.

- You bet we do," Malfoy sniggered from across the table.

- Who else is here? - Alex asked, coming to his senses.

- All the Blacks and Malfoys," Darius replied, looking towards the doors of the Great Hall where the named ones had just entered. 

- Even Mum's here," Lucius remarked shocked, watching as the named ones headed in their direction.

- 'And Uncle Alfard and Aunt Lucretia,' came Narcissa's confused voice.

- "What is known about these two Blacks, and why didn't you mention them before meeting the Blacks," Alex asked Darius over the mental link.

- "Lucretia Black, wife of Ignatius Pruett, and we don't get along with the Pruetts. with Alfard it's even easier, he's not on good terms with his family, and all the Blacks almost universally refer to him as a Muggleborn, he hasn't shown his face in this country for the last four years, rumor has it he's been in Australia," the man replied, not stopping to answer the Black sisters' questions in the meantime.

- "And what is known of them?" the lad repeated his question.

- "Not much, other than bloodlines and some magical skills," the man mentally shrugged his shoulders.

- "Tell me," Alex demanded, taking a sip of the tea that the housekeepers had delivered at his request.

- "Lucretia Black, or rather Pruett, wife of Ignatius Pruett, daughter of Arcturus and Melania Black, older sister of Orion Black, also a third cousin of Walburga Black. The second, Alfard Black, son of Pollux, and Irma Black, brother-in-law and third cousin of Orion Black, also a sibling of Cygnus Black," Peverell Senior finished speaking.

- "I see," Alex replied, and cut the connection, then turned his attention to the people approaching.

Saying goodbye to Dumbledore had been a very long goodbye. In addition, the former Headmaster rolled his last farewell speech, and Alex could hardly keep himself from a hand-face gesture, as he had never heard such propaganda of the Light and the common good. By the end of his half-hour speech, Slughorn's snakes and Flitwick's eagles were openly yawning, and many, including his dear women, simply fell asleep, resting their heads on their husband's shoulders. Alex himself had nothing against it, but only Antoninus' and Lucius' snide glances annoyed him "just a little". 

Only Pomona Stebel's badgers, who had become Dean of Hufflepuff last year, and McGonagall's lions sat quietly, evenly, and listened to the old wizard's words with a huff.

Dumbledore's farewell wasn't over until two hours later, after which the older Blacks spoke to the new Headmaster, congratulated him on his new position, and sent all the younger ones away with them. Filius, after a short deliberation, agreed.