
Alexander Tennyson(Discontinued, May Reboot)

A 16 year old high school student goes on a summer road trip with his 2 cousins and Grandfather.

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13 Chs

Chapter 1: Road Trip

' Here we are, the last day of school. I wish it would end already.'

I notice the teacher tapping his foot impatiently right along with me.

' Ha, looks like Mr. Otlin can't wait for it to end either.'

The clock ticks down from 3:23 to 3:24 and then finally the bell rings and school releases for the summer.

I grab my bag and run outside of my classroom and to the school doors, I was completely ignoring all of the teachers telling me not to run in the halls. As I near the school doors I see my cousin Benjamin Tennyson. I slow down to a stop and make my way up to him.

Ben: " Hey Alex, ready for our road trip with Grandpa Max?"

" Do you even have to ask? A chance to see Mount Rushmore and the Washington Monument."

Ben: " Now you sound like Gwen, she's already coming with us on the trip, I don't want to deal with two of her."

" Still wearing that green jacket she made for you though."

Ben: " Hey, it's a good jacket."

Ben and I walk out the main doors and immediately spot the Rustbucket, we make our way inside of the old run down RV, I sit down in the passenger seat next to Grandpa Max. Ben takes a seat in the back with our cousin Gwendolyne Tennyson.

Grandpa Max: " Are you kids ready for a fun trip across the US?"

I smile and look over into the mirror, my dark hair falls onto my face and I push it away as to not block my glasses. Fix the neck of my favorite green turtleneck and correct the collar of my father's leather jacket.

" Let's get going Grandpa, I can't wait to see the Washington Monument."

Grandpa Max fixes the buttons on his Hawaiian shirt and then puts the Rustbucket into drive and pulls out, heading towards the Yosemite National Park.

Max: " California here we come!"