
First Day Part 2

Charms wasn't very interesting today, other than the Flitwick falling off his pile of books when he called for Harry. Seems a bit over dramatic since he knew Harry would be in his class but whatever. All we went through in Charms was precise wand movements and a vague warning about correct pronunciation.

Now it is time for lunch and I for one wanna see how people react when I sit next to their Golden Boy. So in favor of causing a bit of mischief I head straight to the Gryffindors table and sit right next to my brother before anyone else has a chance to.

"I wonder what the elves have made for Lunch well I bet it will be delicious, right Harry?" I say nonchalantly as if I didn't just disrupt the status quo by breaking a Hogwarts Stereotype.

"Well if last night and this morning are to be judged then yea it should be pretty good." Harry says

"Hey what are you doing over here!" Ron says to me, he is sitting across from Harry, I can sense more hostility from him today than yesterday. Must be that all Slytherins are bad mentality.

"Getting ready for lunch?" I ask him innocently

"Shouldn't you be sitting with the other snakes?" He narrows his eyes.

I just shrug "The rules say that all must be seated at their house table during the Feast at the beginning and Ending of the year. There aren't no rules saying we can't sit anywhere else during the rest of the year. Besides I want to check up on Harry"

I turn to look at Harry "Did you get to bed all right? Sleep well?" I ask though really I was asking him if he had any nightmares as he had plenty of those while living with me.

He nods "Yea I slept fine" that's good.

"Good now don't forget to take your potions. You still got two more weeks before you are done"

"Ugh they still taste awful"

"Yea well that means it is good medicine" I say jokingly

"Why is he taking potions?" Asked Hermione who just sat down.

"Sorry Hermione but that is Harry's business. Unless he wants to tell you then I won't. I noticed you didn't have trouble getting to Professor McGonagalls class this morning." I say to her before turning to Harry "Why were you two late?"

"Uh well" Harry makes eye contact with Ron who suddenly looked a bit sheepish "We got a bit lost before finding the right room."

"Did McGonagall not give you all maps with your schedules? Snape certainly gave us one"

"That's Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape" Give you all one guess on who said that

"No she didn't, we didn't know there was a map." Yep Snape really is great if you have him as your Head of House. Though I expect the Puffs were either given a map or given directions by their seniors or Sprout. No idea if the Claws got anything.

"Mister Black, why are you not at your own table?" The stern voice of McG said behind me so I tell her what I learned from the rules "Hm very well. Five points to Slytherin" she said before walking off. I wonder what the points were for.

Soon Neville or Teddy Bear boy sits down looking nervous as if he expects something to go wrong at any moment. "Sup Teddy!"

He looks up then looks around before looking back to myself "M-me? My name's Neville."

"Yea I know that its just you look like a Teddy Bear turned human to me." I shrug "Don't worry about it to much. You aren't the only one I will be giving a nickname too before the year is over.

He looks confused a bit but then food arrives and I start loading up my plate "Just FYI I heard that History of Magic is extremely boring that most just use it for a nap. I suggest taking a book with you to study." I say to those around me.

"What's F Y I mean?" Said Neville, I expected Ron to ask but he has his mouth crammed with food.

"It's an abbreviation of For Your Information and we can't just take other books or sleep in a class! It's Disrespectful! Plus what if we miss something?!" Hermoine going off again

"Trust me when I say that he has given the exact same lessons since before he even died they just got more boring after death. I heard you can buy the entire seven years of Binns lessons from the Claws"

"What do you mean died?!" Harry said looking at me

"Professor Binns is a ghost. From what I heard he died one day and his spirit just went to class and continued teaching. That was like 30 years ago. He also mostly talks about Goblin Rebellions."

"How do you know all this?"

I merely smile "Oh I have my ways~" I say keeping it vague though in truth Slytherin was very good at gathering information because Knowledge is Power. Plus all that is rather old and common knowledge so it was free for me to get.

History of Magic was just as I said it was gonna be so I cast my Oculus Retenta spell and started reading through a self updating book on wizard laws I found in the book store. Never hurts to know the laws and how to get around them though from what I am reading it seems there are lots of holes in place for purebloods.

During the free period I spent some time with my four Slytherin friends getting to know them a bit better. Tracy is rather bubbly and friendly once she thinks of you as a friend. She rather likes playing with Morph. From Daphne I learned her family owned one of the best Apothecaries in Diagon Alley. Blaise says he is rather good at fencing. Theo doesn't say much but he likes to read a lot.

During the next free period, after dinner, I went to think of a few things I could do. I had an idea for a prank during lunch while I was talking to Harry so I was getting a bit prepared for that. I wonder if the teachers would blame the twins? Yea they are going to blame the twins at first. I also spent a bit of time pampering Morph.

Astrology was… Yea there was not much I could say as it looked like everyone was pretty tired and we were using bronze telescopes. I'm gonna have to see if we can get better ones as these ones barely show even a fourth of what a modern telescope can show.

As I now lay in bed I can only think that my first day of Hogwarts was great until after lunch. After Lunch was more or less just self study. Luckily the Library is pretty big or else I may find myself without anything to do in a few years. I do hope that the rest of my years here at least entertain me.

Don't forget that while Alex is a reincarnate he, right now, has the mind of a child. A smart child but still a child nontheless. Sure he has adult knowledge but his new body is taking a bigger part of his personality

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