
Arrival and Sorting

The train finally stops and we began to exit "First Years First years over here come along now" Ah Hagrid is guiding else. He waves at me and Harry. "Over here now. Four to a boat." Me, Harry, Ron, and a slightly plump teddy bear looking boy get into one of the boats. "Watch yer heads now" Does Hagrid know that he is like 9 feet tall thus about 4 feet bigger than a bunch of kids in boats?

The view of the castle was breathtaking and the weather was absolutely perfect in making it seem even more mystifying. The reflection of the castle and the stars were shown clearly on the calm waters of the lake. Soon we get to what I assume was mean to be a dock and start heading up stairs that were alongside the cliff that part of the school was on top of.

A more elderly looking woman in glasses cam out "Thank you Hagrid" she says to the man before turning towards us "The start of term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room."

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours."

"The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting." She finished before entering the doors and leaving us there to wait.

"So it's true. Harry Potter came to Hogwarts" said a platinum blonde haired boy followed by two young trolls. I glance over to Harry and I see part of his scar is uncovered. "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" I smirk slightly. Ron chuckles a bit. "Oh you think my names funny do you" he looks at Ron "No need to tell who you are. Red Hair, Freckles, hand me down robes. You must be a Weasley. I'm surprised to see you could even afford to be here." Ok so the blonde ponce just insulted someone for not having money strike one.

"And you. I don't recognize you so you must be a mudblood!" Ron and and the plump kid gasp. I arc my brow up as Draco addresses me with that term. Strike two. He then turns to the Teddy Bear boy who rode the boats with us "Hmph Neville Longbottom. I am surprised to see you here as well since you are practically a squib" Huh so that WAS Neville. Strike three

"Draco dear, yes I am talking, I'm Alexander Black I would say it is nice to meet you cousin but frankly you have left the absolute worst impression I could possibly imagine" Draco opens his mouth to say something "Shut up. Now how about you and your two juvenile trolls back off before I show you the error of your ways"

"How dare you! Do you know who my father is?!"

I roll my eyes "I don't give a damn if your father is the Minister of Magic. Now Back. Off." I put a bit more force into the last few words

"Crabbe, Goyle" Draco says backing up slightly as his two two step closer.

Welp looks like ass kickings are due but that can come later, no need to risk McGonagall coming back to see me beating these two down. So instead I cast a little wandless magic that caused the two to stumble and fall as I side step out the way.

I approach Malfoy wrapping my arm around his neck to draw him closer then I whisper into his ear "Listen here Malfoy. No shut up just listen. You bring up your father a lot but let me tell you this. I can make you suffer in ways you can't even begin to comprehend. Now I don't really care what you do so long as you do it away from me and Harry. So you go about your own business being a little crybaby daddies boy and leave me and my brother alone. I dare you to tell daddy dearest but if I ever" I grab his hand and press my thumb down in a certain space making him whimper in pain "Hear you messed with my brother or have someone else mess with him then they will never find your body. I'm not scared of you or your daddy Malfoy. So watch your step" I then release him taking a step back I smile, as if I didn't just threaten his pathetic life.

Malfoy now looks paler than even before and I can hear Ron say "Mate your brother is scary" to Harry as I go back to them

"Well I don't much care for arrogant gits." I said to the red head.

Before we can talk more McGonagall comes back "Follow me" and we did. As we enter the doors we look around to see four different tables. I hear Ron telling some other first year that he was told that to sort them they would wrestle a troll. How gullible do you have to be to believe that. No matter how awesome that would be! Hermoine is telling some other person how she read that the ceiling is enchanted and read it in Hogwarts: A History.

"Harry. No matter what house we get into I want you to know you can come to me for anything."

"I know that Alex."

"Good also I would like you to try and befriend that Teddy Bear kid"

"Who? Oh you mean Neville. Why?"

"He reminds me of you. He seems to be really down on himself and lacking confidence, though I don't know why. He could probably use a good friend to pick him up when he is down."

"Alright I'll try and befriend Neville" I chuckle and I pat him on the shoulder

Well it's not everyday you see a old dirty hat being put on a stool and then have the thing sing to you. I can't remember the lyrics because I honestly found them horrid enough to block them from my memory immediately. Even if others in the room clapped to the song.

"When I call your name come up to get sorted" McGonagall, who was now standing by the hat,said to use before reading from a scroll "Abbot, Hannah" A timid looking girl approaches the stoll and places the hat on her head "HUFFLEPUFF" The hat shouted causing one table to cheer loudly while the others either clapped or joined in as she went to the Hufflepuffs. "Black, Alexander"

Looks like I am up. I can hear some murmuring from the older students and I feel the eyes of the crowd upon me as I approach the hat. I take out my wand "Scourgify" I say casting the cleaning spell onto the hat causing it to look a lot less dark and now looks like tanned leather. Only then did I put the hat on my head

"Ah thank you for that Lad, no one has cleaned me in a long time." The hats voice rolls in my head. Luckily my occlumency is great so I have hidden everything about my last life and the system deeply so the hat can't find it. "Let's see Loyalty to family and friends. Excitement in the face of challenges. A deep thirst for knowledge. Oh my what high ambitions you have~ Now where to put you"

"If I may choose I would like to go to Slytherin. I need to get them in line or else they will try to bother me and Harry throughout our time here. That and I think King of Slytherin would be a very nice title for when I control that house~"

The hat chuckles a bit "Yea that house does need to be put back on track instead of being all about blood purity. Just try not to get caught~ SLYTHERIN!" The hat announces and the colors on my robe change to silver and green as I approach the Slytherins with a smile that was much to sweet and a glint in my eyes promising trouble for all those who get in my way.

Alex finally showing his darker side!

ShadowRose13creators' thoughts