
Alexander Black's Magical Journey

In this new world I, Alexander Black, have discovered Magic and with my Sign in System I will learn it all! None of the franchises you see here belong to me! Wish they did but sadly they don't.

ShadowRose13 · Cómic
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29 Chs

{Authors Q & A}

So I know you were looking forward to a new chapter and not a Q & A with the author sadly there were too many things I needed to explain or answer for me to put into comments.

First off Alexander will act very um erratically. He can be mature or immature at the flip of a hat that is the Chaotic part. The Neutral part is that while he will try to do good he has no issues getting his hands dirty for his friends, family, or if it helps him reach a goal. So yes he could be good or evil so I just put it as neutral.

Next off is the Harem. Yes there is a Harem! If you don't like Harem stories well I am sorry but this is one. I am trying to find good partners for Alexander that will be ok with both his good and dark sides. At the same time Harem is not the focus of the story! It's mainly a 'wish fulfillment' where Alex just does what he wants as he goes on adventures.

Hermione will NOT be in the Harem as I picture my Hermione as being too attached to muggle laws and morality. She would never condone what Alexander can and will do so not a good pairing.

Daphne is 50/50 at this point and only because people keep wanting her in the Harem and yea I can have her fit in easily.

Luna is in the Harem because she is my favorite and I can easily connect her with Alexanders chaotic-ness.

Fleur is 80/20 I want her in the Harem but I wouldn't all to worked up if she isn't.

Tonks is also a 50/50. I am debating on if I could write it in a believable way that she would be with Alex even with the things he will do.

I have not decided any pairings as of yet for Percy Jackson or DxD (Though I am leaning Heavily towards Yasaka and Serafell) so I am open for suggestions but at most it will only be 3 from PJO.

As for his current world BNHA I am leaning towards Mirko, Toga, and Mei right now but I am undecided. Also he will most likely NOT be paired with any girls from the Hero course unless I can make it a little believable.

I will also admit I have never read or watched DxD and everything I know about it is just the things I find in all the fanfiction I have read. Mainly never watched or read it because I for one don't like the Super Pervert. Yea he has good sides and all but come on people! He powers up by thinking about boobs! That is so freakin lame!

Can you imagine some guy in BNHA who gets massive power only when aroused? Yea that guy would never be a Hero and even other villains would avoid that dude. I also don't care for Mineta.

Now I have NO problem with perverted characters but there is a line between being perverted and being perverse .

Sorry for that rant. Now where was I going with this… Oh yea.

I appreciate that people are pointing out the holes in my plot but I am really running out of Duct Tape and Chewing Gum XD. Just a joke. Yea I make mistakes and I have a tendency to rush things, I have bad ADHD and am impatient. But I am going to try my best to improve! So many people are telling me how much they like this story and it really motivates me! I am sorry I lost interest in writing all my other stories though…

Now user TheEvilDragon23 pointed out I didn't use my Background Customization to just give Izuku a quirk. So here is my answer the BC can be used to choose HIS lifes background in a new world and let's him make anybody he brings to other worlds 'fit'. So he can make it so Inko is richer than she was in canon and even manipulate his ancestry to a degree but I'm sure you all noticed I didn't actually give Alex a quirk.

Yea I won't use the BC to give him powers or abilities like an X-Gene or a sharingan unless he gets them from the sign in. Now Izuku is his brother but him having a quirk or not doesn't actually effect Alex being in the world.

Alex would need money for his equipment, yes he gets money from the system but it isn't explainable as to where he got it so there would be questions about where he gets money and materials. So I made Inko have a good job and inheritance. I made her have an English Grandfather so I would have an excuse to keep his name as Alexander. It's basically making a cause for an effect but the effect only works for Alex.

Which is basically just a complicated way to say I didn't want too. Now I do love reading fanfics where Izuku has all kinds of interesting quirks but I also want to try to keep the worlds as close to canon as I can up to the point Alex enters.

Another thing is like this if I were to send Alex to say Danmachi I couldn't make it so he was already part of a familia because when he gets there he won't have a falna on his back. I can make it so he shows up right WHEN he is supposed to get his Falna though by setting his background to joining a familia. Does this make sense?

Now I know no one has asked this, yet, but I am also debating on making Lemon chapters. I believe I could easily write a very good one. If I do make one or more I will be sure to put a R18 tag in the title so anyone not interested in it can skip it! Not sure if I have the audience rating right for lemons though.

I am also going to make a certain sign * or title for when he leaves a long term world. I know there are some multiverse fanfics I read where I didn't know anything about a world the MC went to and was left super confused so I skipped it.

Let's see what else… Oh yes the farm. The farm can not make infinite philosophers stones as a philosophers stone is not 'natural' it's a created object just like the farm can't create ponds full of potions. The farm works on things naturally found in nature. It can make Iron mines but not Steel ones. The clone dinosaurs were allowed in because 1 Dinosaurs are awesome! 2 There WERE real dinosaurs in the world. 3 all their DNA was from natural animals.

If two clones mate and have offspring is the offspring also a clone?

What are your opinions of Furry Waifus? Not like Yasaka or Mirko but more like Loona from Helluva Boss or Kystal from Star Fox. Does Imp Midna count? Anyway it's something I can put in here but it's also something I don't HAVE to put in here like Fleur in the Harem. Well in reality I can do whatever I want since it is my story but at the same time I love reading the comments so please share your opinion just don't be hateful about it kay? No need to bash a fandom just a no or funny meme will suffice if you don't like em.

Do animatronics like Roxanne Wolf or Androids like, I think her name was 2B?, from Nier Automata count? Not sure if "furry" means having animal traits or just not being human at this point

Now I am trying not to rush this too much and am taking time to work on my chapters so I don't spin out like I did on all my other fics. This means that updates are erratic. Some days I may post three chapters and others times I won't update for a few days.

I also really want to give some characters a better life in my fanfic. Like Toga, even if she doesn't get in the Harem I want her to at least be cared for. Or like Haku, who if I do include in my fiction will be Female pretending to be a boy, or Konan from Naruto. Hell Naruto himself will definitely be getting a better life if I go to his world (Which is very likely since it is one of my favorites)

Any suggestions on worlds to travel to would be appreciated as I have many to choose from though I will only be using the ones I actually know a bit about. Games, anime, cartoons, movies most are welcome~ Just not Hentai or Saw, I hate the Saw series.

I really want to thank you all for your support! I absolutely love reading the comments especially when someone gets my references! I get so eager to read them I can't help but check my phone every couple minutes after posting a chapter! THANK YOU ALL!