
Alex Mercer's Quantum Chronicle

A young prodigy named Alex Mercer discovers an ancient artifact that grants him unprecedented control over quantum energies. Unbeknownst to Alex, this newfound power is the key to unlocking the secrets of the multiverse. N. B- Cover art not mine.

Mitchelle_Stephan · Ciencia y ficción
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5 Chs


Alex's alarm clock blared, jolting him awake from a deep slumber. He groggily sat up in bed, his eyes still heavy with sleep. 

Glancing at the clock, his heart skipped a beat as he realized he was already running late for work. 

With a surge of adrenaline, he jumped out of bed and hurriedly got dressed, barely taking the time to brush his teeth or grab a quick breakfast.

As he rushed out of his apartment, Alex couldn't help but feel the weight of the day's responsibilities pressing down on him.

He knew he had to make it to the office as quickly as possible. The thought of being late and facing the wrath of his boss sent shivers down his spine.

When he finally arrived at the office, he noticed a sombre atmosphere hanging in the air. 

His usually cheerful colleagues were wearing long faces, their usual banter replaced by hushed whispers.

Confused, Alex approached Raj, his closest friend at work, and asked, 

"What's going on? Why is everyone so gloomy?"

Raj sighed, his expression filled with concern. "The boss is furious. He says an important artefact has gone missing. One by one he is calling us in for questioning. "

Alex's eyes widened in shock mixed with guilt as his mind quickly flashed back to the tome. 

"That's - not - cool, has anyone said anything? Did anyone see anything?" He asked nervously. 

"Nothing concrete yet. The security cameras malfunctioned during the night, and there were no witnesses. It's like the thief vanished into thin air." Raj replied. 

"This is- unbelievable, how is he doing the questioning by himself? How would he ever get the truth?" Alex whispered. 

"He is using some sort of lie detector," Raj replied. 

Alex's heart raced even faster now. Knowing there wasn't a way he could bypass that and then, it came like a lightning bolt. 

The boss's voice echoed through the office, uttering Alex's name. The sound sent shivers down his spine, causing his nerves to intensify.

With trembling hands, Alex opened the door, stepping into the dimly lit room. 

The office was spacious, with large windows allowing natural light to flood the room. The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork, giving the office an elegant and professional atmosphere.

Mr. Suarez was seated behind a grand mahogany desk, exuding an air of authority. He was a tall man with a commanding presence. 

His outfit was impeccable, as expected of a successful businessman. He wore a tailored charcoal gray suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and trim physique. 

The suit was paired with a crisp white shirt and a perfectly knotted navy blue silk tie.

His hair was neatly styled, with a touch of salt and pepper at the temples, adding a distinguished charm to his appearance. 

Although slightly receding, his hair was groomed flawlessly, conveying a sense of confidence. 

Mr. Suarez's face was angular and defined, with a strong jawline and piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold a depth of knowledge and experience.

A lie detector, ominously humming in the background, caught his attention. It was a chilling reminder of the seriousness of the situation.

As Alex approached the desk, the boss reached out and turned off the lie detector. 

It was a disconcerting move, a subtle display of confidence. The room fell silent, the air thick with anticipation.

The boss leaned backward, his piercing eyes locked onto Alex's. 

The weight of his accusing stare made Alex feel like a deer caught in headlights. 

He cleared his throat, trying to steady his nerves, but his voice came out shaky as he responded, 

"Sir, I assure you, I had nothing to do with the missing artefact."

The boss's expression remained unreadable, his silence stretching on. 

Alex's heart raced, his mind searching for the right words to defend himself. He knew he had to remain calm, composed, and assertive.

Summoning all his courage, Alex continued, 

"I've been a loyal and dedicated employee for years. I would never jeopardize my career by stealing the artefact. I swear, I'm innocent."

A flicker of doubt passed across the boss's face, his stern demeanor momentarily faltering. 

Sensing a small victory, Alex pushed forward, his voice growing stronger. 

"If there's anything I can do to assist in finding the culprit, please let me know. I'm willing to cooperate fully and help bring justice to this situation."

"I have been waiting for you." Mr Suarez said, . 

"Waiting for me? I don't follow. " Alex said. 

Mr Suarez powered down the Lie detector. Alex watched him confidently. 

"Mr… Merce..?" Suarez began. 

"Mercer" Alex corrected. 

"Right, Whatever. I know how hard you work for…recognition, I have noticed, don't think I don't." Suarez said. 

"You have?" Alex sounded surprised. 

"Do not be sarcastic with me. You are a desperate young man. 

Suarez said. 

"The detector has been on. I only pretended to have turned it off." Suarez said. "I needed you to be comfortable enough to lie to me." He added. 

Guilt and confusion, Alex didn't know when he rose from his seat. 

"Either the detector is faulty or you finally just want to put me behind bars because you can't come to terms with the fact that I am better than you.  

So many years I have worked for you and the world believes my achievements are yours. I have kept my silence and yet- no acknowledgement. 

Alex took a deep breath, summoning his courage. 

"I refuse to be treated this way, Mr. Suarez. I am innocent, and I will not be coerced into confessing to a crime I didn't commit. 

If you have evidence against me, present it. Otherwise, I demand to be treated fairly."

Mr. Suarez's  face turned red with anger, his voice filled with frustration. 

"You're making a grave mistake, Alex. I have the power to ruin your career. Think about what you're doing."

Without hesitation, Alex stood up from his chair, his voice firm. 

"I have thought about it, Mr. Suarez. I won't allow myself to be manipulated any longer. I am resigning from my position, effective immediately."

With those final words, Alex stood up, headed for the door.  

"How convenient." Me Suarez said. 

Raj's curiosity piqued as he observed Alex hastily exiting the office. Sensing something amiss, he inquired, "What happened, Alex?"

Barely able to contain his emotions, Alex responded with a sense of urgency, "House on the beach."

Raj's brows furrowed in confusion. 

"What? " he whispered, struggling to comprehend the significance of Alex's statement.

With a growing unease, Alex headed for the elevator. His anxiety consumed him. 

As he stepped into the elevator, his eyes began to wander, losing focus. 

Desperate to steady himself, he instinctively clutched onto the walls of the elevator, seeking support.

Overwhelmed, he found it difficult to catch his breath, he struggled to figure out why? the weight of the situation bearing down on him or his new found abilities about to take over. 

The gravity of the unknown loomed large, leaving him in a state of disarray.

The unexpected turn of events left him grappling with a multitude of emotions, each vying for attention. 

The need to maintain composure was paramount, but the inner turmoil threatened to unravel him. 

With an acute sense of breathlessness, he found himself engulfed by an overpowering sensation, as a surge of invigorating energy coursed through his being, permeating from his mind to his very core. 

It compelled him to prostrate himself as the elevator steadily descended.

Despite his utmost efforts, he struggled to contain the sheer magnitude of this energy, as it felt akin to an electric current. In due course, the elevator came to a halt, and he became cognizant of his surroundings.

Once the doors of the elevator opened up, he observed a small group of approximately four individuals patiently awaiting entry. 

Their peculiar gazes did not perturb him, as he maintained his composure and proceeded towards the exit. 

As he navigated through the crowd, inadvertently making contact with people and objects, a noticeable release of thermal energy from his body left a trail of scorched remnants. 

The onlookers were captivated by this extraordinary display. However, just as he reached the brink of combustion, he experienced an unexpected force pulling him away into another reality.