

Axel is a normal kid, with a rough life. Until he wakes up one day hearing a voice in his head claiming to be him but older. Follow our hero(s) on their harrowing path to the future. This is a slight spin on the usual reincarnation novels that I enjoy, I hope you enjoy leave a nice review please I don't own the cover, if you do and want me to take it down I will do so.

Balthizar_Blake · Fantasía
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10 Chs


* Congratulations for being the first to discover The Hidden Grove! *

* As a reward you gain double exp, and loot drops! In addition for the next 10 hours only you, and your party may enter! *

' Nice '

' Alright let's logout, and rest for an hour or two before jumping in here, we need to keep your real body healthy, and fit as well. '

Logging out Axel found himself back in the poop, opening it up, and getting out he did some light stretching.

' Alright, hey wait a second, my body feels different. '

Checking in the mirror he found his body had in fact changed in a ery faint way. His reflection still looked like himself, but he was a little taller at least, and while he had a decent amount of muscle after all his training, and well eating he had even more now. His looks also received a decent upgrade, all his acne was gone, his skin was smooth, and had a healthy tan. His hair was glossy, and holding its form better. Not on;ly that, his eyes that were once green seemed to have a bluish tint, and a reddish tint at the same time, a strange color bordering on brown. His hair is a noticeable shade lighter than before.

' Well damn, I wasn't expecting this. '

' Your first dive should not have affected you this strongly. This must be due to the fel god, and how powerful her influence really is. '

' What do you mean? Why am I changing? '

' I briefly mentioned it before but the avatar we created, and then was changed by Sylvia is an exact reflection of your soul, meaning changes on the inside will affect the outside. So slowly you would look more, and more like your in gae self. Hence why we didn't change our looks too much. We just made you taller, stronger, and more handsome. '

' Oh yeah, you did mention that. WAIT!! '

' We have horns in the game, and other changes will be happening too according to her note! Will we have horns and stuff in real life as well?? '

' I don't know how long it will take but I'm sure we will. '

' I don't know if that's cool, or terrifying old man. '

' A little bit of both seems to be the most accurate response in my book. '

' I agree '

Finished with admiring himself in the mirror, Axel began all his stretches, working out any soreness, or stiffness he had gained from sitting still for five hours. The machine may have done some minor movements for him, but really moving was much better.

Finished with that, Axel began to eat a healthy meal consisting of chicken, broccoli, and rice. Seasoned to perfection, and stir fried for best texture. After eating Axel laid back down in the pod, strapped himself in and dived right back into the world of Alecstracia.

Opening his eyes, Axel found himself in an earthen cave, the smell of moss, and still water invaded his nostrils as he took in his surroundings. Moving forward he summoned his weapon, and what little of his armor he could have equipped. Journeying through the mossy cave had been relatively safe up to this point, but a warning from the older Axel forced Axel to focus.

' Be careful, the kobolds that inhabit this cave love traps. The scaly lizard fucks will hop on any oporotunity to kill, and eat you. '

On cue, Axel noticed a thin sting right ahead of his foot, Looking up a sharrpend tree log was hardly attached, just waiting to swing down, and fuck up anyboody dumb enough to trigger the trap. Steeping back, and to the side, Axel cut the wire sith his sword. The log swung down with haste, and an imaginable intent to murder. As axel had been smart he didnt get hit. However he could hear noise incoming. Steady soft growls, and clicks could be heard, as Axel prepared himself for his first real combat in this world. Sword at the ready he prepared for the first one to step through the opening, and swung. The blade mercialisly cleaved the first, and second scaly bastard in two, leaving just three who promptly screamed in alarm before rushing their enemy.

A razor shard maw of teeth closed in around Axel's wrist, however a black flame soon filled the little fuckers mouth burning the monster away with painful yelps. The last two elected to use their makeshift clubs to blugen Axel to death, however their expectations failed them as they saw their body fall over, and their heads continue to sail through the air unabated.

* Ding *

* Congratulations for reaching Level two! *

' This is too easy dude! '

' Well, we are in essence a cheat character at this moment, quit worrying about that and loot them, burn the bodies while you're at it for extra stats! '

A few burns later, and Axel collected a decent pile of small copper coins, which he pocketed in his inventory before checking his gains.

A deadpan look stretched his features, as aside from leveling up, and gaining some stats, and a new ability he had not gained anything from burning the kobolds.

' What a waste! '

' They were probably too weak to gain anything, kid, let's see what our level gave us.

Name: Axel ( Dragon Slayer )

Race: Fledgling ( ???)

Class: Champion of the Fel God ( ???)

Level: 2 4/20

HP: 168 ( 7xcon)

MP: 80 ( 5xwis)

Str: 20 (+5) ( Was 15 ( +2 ) )

Dex: 18 (+4) ( Was 10 ( +0 ) )

Con: 24 (+7) ( Was 20 ( +5 ) )

Int: 14 (+2) ( Was 10 ( +0 ) )

Wis: 16 (+3) ( Was 10 ( +0 ) )

Chr: 34 (+12) ( Was 24 ( +8 ) )

Luck: 18 (+4) ( Was 10 ( +0 ) )

Unused Stat Points: 4

Attack: Base 1 + 5 (STR) + 12 (soul weapon) = 18

Defense: Base 1 + 7 (CON) + 10 (soul weapon) +2 ( Race ) (+ 26 soul armor when active) = 20 (C= 18) (M=46) C= current M= Max

Appraisal: Borderline cheater, could be a kpop model, and you serve an evil god???


Soul Sword: (passive/active ) Your weapon is an extension of your very soul. As such it can never be stolen, and can be called fourth at your whim. Can also be recalled at your whim. As you are soul bound with this weapon you may take up no other, however your soul is one that demands power, and hunger. As such your weapon is able to absorb other weapons into itself to become more powerful. As your soul grows stronger so does your weapon.

Sword Stats: Attack + 12 defense + 10

Soul Flame: Flames as black as night are yours to command. Presently upon touch you may light anything ablaze with the rampaging black flames to consume all.

If an opponent is felled by this ability you gain a portion of their strength as long as there isn't a massive gap between your strengths in your favor.

Damage: Base 1 + 12 (Chr) = 13

Living Armor: Damaging your foes absorbs their very essence causing armor reflective of your soul. Armor lasts until destroyed. Due to your soul constructing armor you may not equip armor, however you can absorb armor to make your armor more powerful.

Armor stats: Base 1 +5 armor for each part of the set completed. ( Head, Chest, Gauntlets, Waist, Grieves )

Berserk: Enter a pure state of rage, ending the lives of all foes before you.

Effect: +4 STR + 4 CON - 10 defense + 10 attack. Able to maintain rage for x minutes at a time ( X = STR mod. )

Awareness: Slight warning of danger, enhanced by a high wis modifier.

Racial abilities:

Charm: Chr check against an individual for them to see you in the best light possible.

Flame resistance: You take 50% less damage from all sources of fire

Scales: Defense +2

Equipment: Commoners clothes, Onyx ring ( + 5 Chr ), Note

' Alright nice! Let's keep going! '

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