
First Time

One group of goblins is already gone. Now, all we have to do is defeat their reinforcement. But how many are they?... Takeuchi thought.

Takeuchi feels nauseous as he remembers how the group of goblins was wiped out.

That's right. We live in such a world now. I have to get used to it... Takeuchi thought.

Silence surrounded them. After the horn sounded, there was no more movement.

Should I take another look?... Takeuchi thought.

"Takeuchi, are you okay?" Asaka asked. She looked at Takeuchi's face, obviously worried about him. "Your face was pale, like a ghost."

"Yeah, I am fine."

To be honest, Takeuchi isn't used to seeing blood, and when he sees death, he always shudders. He was afraid when he faced the wolf-like monsters, especially when they approached his classmates.

Seeing the corpse of his classmate was his biggest nightmare. It was different when someone he didn't know died, and he saw it.