
Preface: Owls come to the Silver Kingdom

Hi my name is Anna Silverheart, I got a story to tell you is going to be sad but also going to be exciting for me and my twin sister Nicole Silverheart. But before I begin let me explain something that me and my sister never knew about ourselfs until we got our magic and go to a school for people who have magic.

Oh-K, I need to force now and explain somethings. Lets start with how me and my sister look like, trust me on this everyone confuses me with my sister, we might be twins but come on we do not even have the same hair color and we aren't even the same height.

So my sister looks like our mother Nicole as long blonde-silver hair and she has fair white skin, her eye color is blue like the sky, she is 5'6 inch tall and no matter whatever you decide to put her in like clothes, and high shoes, she makes it look easy to walk in and she looks like a catwalker for a fashion show. Plus on one side she was a popular girl in a normal school until her magic came to her at age 13 years old and on the other side lots of guys wanted to be with her because she was so miss popular girl in the whole middle school, until our 14th birthday.

I on the other hand look like our father, I have long pink-silver hair and tan skin, my eye color is silver my dad said, "Anna you are so lucky to have silver eyes just like your great-great grandmother Tina, so don't worry what other people say about them, you are you no matter what color they are and you can't change that fact." Anyways my height is 5'7 inch tall and I am more like a tom-boy and girly-girl is because I love sports but i also love clothes but that's because i love to make clothes myself when I grow up and I have gotten my magic at age 6 years old. So I am not that surprise when my sister finally got hers, but I would be completely lying if not for the fire, and no I don't have guys all over me like my sister does.

So now i am going to tell you what happens on August 30th, We were in school and in the gym we were doing laps. When Laz was messing around with a different girl and my sister saw everything, man i wanted to in enjoy that moment and tell him he was so not going to have my twin sister back no more. But I didn't have the change to do that because i heard a scream coming from them and it was not my sister who was screaming it was more of Laz then anyone, when i got closer it looked like my sister had light a fire on her hand and slapped him with it. His face looked like it was burned really bad, i do feel sorry for him but I wanted to more then burn him because he cheated on my sister with another girl and not be hide her back neither, it was more in front of everyone in the gym class.

That's when the Gym teacher came runing to use and she looked at us and back at Laz, she pointed to the principle office and took him to the nurse office. After 30 minutes she came into the principle office and said, "Why in hell Anna did you do that for?" I was thinking going to say oh because i think he need it because he cheated on my sister Nicole. But my sister stood up and said, "It was not my sister who burned him it was me and it was by accident i didn't know i could burn his face like that by slapping him."

The principle was shock to see my sister actually said that; But me on the other hand I was thinking going to say oh don't feel sorry for him it was not your fault that he cheated on you and i would have done worse then you sister. Then the principle said, "I am going to ex-spell both of you and i am going to make sure you don't come back this time, now go to your lockers and clean everything out, leave the school at once."

I gotten up and said, "Why you ex-spelling both us, I know for fact that I don't want to be in this school and but you ex-spelling my sister because she slapped Laz with her hand and plus it seems to me that you guys think she actually burned someone with her hand when she didn't have anything in her hand but her hand. But me i freeze the whole school by slapping someone yesterday and yet didn't say anything. Fine since you want both of us out of this school then we leave and never come back."

I took my sister hand and pulled her to her locker and said, "Sister Nicole look we will be in a better school one of these years and plus you find a better boyfriend then Lax. I will protect you no matter what happens." When I opened my sister locker I found a letter say, " Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to Nicole Silverheart. " I thought I was going to crazy and i took my sister stuff and went to my locker and i found the same letter but this time it said, " Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to Anna Silverheart." I heard of this school but it was from our mother and father they used to go to that school when they were young with a person name harry potter. I don't know who the person name harry potter but my father does work with him and my mother works with his wife and they have a son going to the same school.

My sister Nicole was still sad and she didn't notice the letters until when we gotten to the bus stop and she said, "what are those sissy Anna." I smiled and said, we need to go home now and i will show you there with mother and father, but after we explain what happened today at school.

I took hold of my twin sister Nicole hand to make sure she follows or she might go back to her ex-boyfriend Lax Dudley Dursley and say sorry for what she did by accident with her magic. When we got home me, my sister Nicole stop completely in front of the door and felt like someone was in pain, anger and confused about someone; I reach my hand to the front door, opened it, and said, "Mother, father we are home from school and we need to talk about something, show you something that was in our lockers."

Father walks to the kitchen door way and he looked very angry, said, "Nicole did you burn your classmate in the face at school today and Anna you are so in trouble for not telling us what happened to you in school yesterday by freezing the whole school."

Mother came from downstairs wearing her work clothes and said, "Dear you know they probably have their magic now since they are in that age group to get them." She looks at us and said, "Girls you need to tell us what happens to you so we can make sure no one will hurt you. Now what is that you want to show us that was in your school locker?"

I pulled both letter's out of my book bag and showed mother, hand her the letter's. I swear that i saw something shine bright at the moment she to took them and she looks at dad, said, "Dear it looks like they were accepted in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry like us." She then pulled out her cellphone and said, "Hermione guess what my daughters gotten a letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry today, I am wondering if i can take them shopping today and i know you need me."